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Posts posted by UnSeen

  1. When an OB thread actually gets some actual responses for a bit ?

    Just to Wist and Venga's posts, that I think present the issues of most of OB stretching further back than even when I was HA but also the way most of OB have been looking at it.

    I completely agree that there is a divide and you have to consider about uniting the community somehow and/or letting one group take the lead, but you both address the fact to solve this you have to find a server platform that fits and I'm asking you if there really is single one that fits like we used to have? It's good to realise the overall problems but no one has ever been able to actually suggest game platforms that would solve it. Furthermore, whatever suggestions are put forward in a public thread or channel often just put pressure on staff to oblige rather than make their own decision, work on it and set something up.

    There is a lack of fresh games atm (imo at least) that allow for community building that the core(s) of this community would actually keep returning to for an extended period of time. Which leaves you either to focus on a game mode that a small minority of the community will play but could bring in new people, or whether you want to focus on bringing together the current community and get it back to a more welcoming state. I personally would pick the latter first, I joined OB for the people and thriving community - any fucker can own a game server, does OB need one right now to function?

    I'm not around to judge the current situation aside from reading forum posts so I could be wrong, but this community can flick itself back on easily. OB also has a bad habit of being melodramatic. I would recommend people who have actual physical suggestions to take them directly to staff, for me that would show you are sending it because you want to contribute rather than jumping on thread bandwagons or applying unnecessary pressure (obviously if you want a wider discussion about something that's different, but you get my point).

    either way,

    memes xoxo

  2. On 06/09/2018 at 09:06, Rory said:

    Wasn't Unseen offered co owner and then declined?

    I agree with what you're saying and we are probably on the same wavelength about this stuff but it's not like Conor didn't offer Unseen that opportunity.

    Other than Unseen I can't really think of another who would have suited owner of OB but then again I don't know most of the community as well as I used to.

    Just to clarify, no I wasn't offered co-owner/owner - I just didn't care for the title since at the time of asking being 'HA' was the same thing. It'd literally be a title difference, not a job difference.

    Further to that, at the time that I think you are talking about, it literally wouldn't have mattered if me and Conor swapped owner/HA - since he was doing tech and decisions, I was doing people/events and decisions, we were working well together and so the title roles made little difference to me.

    However since being owner does mean you get the final say and later down the line there were a few decisions that I think I'd have objected to if they were brought to me (I had been inactive for a brief stint due to irl stuff, and Gunstar had also been inactive for an extensive time at this point) then perhaps a change of leadership would have had an impact - but that's all 'what ifs', and it's pointless to grumble about it at this point. 

    I'd say it's ironic that the big word at the top of the page is so often overlooked. OB is a community - and by that I mean people shouldn't be judging it based off business models for growth and people shouldn't be exclusive/semi-libertarian in behaviour when approaching a community's leadership structure, it should be supportive and inviting (on both sides).

    Then again this is OB, and half of us can't read ?

  3. 20 hours ago, IrishChamp said:

    Rory has watched the fight about 100 times so Conor hasn't a chance. 

    @Chris Lord or @UnSeen

    19 hours ago, Danny said:

    Imagining either of them throwing a punch is making me laugh.

    He literally spent a year being held at the balls by the father of a girl he had hardly held hands with, how am I even in the same category?

    These people thinking I don't keep up to date with the forums and chat complete shit smh 


    Lewis beats Oldmike ez. Lewis is king of baits, would easily send Oldmike the wrong way ?

    @Frostie vs @Kai idk how scuffed or not these smods are nowadays ?

  4. Got a variety of stuff I listen to, but mostly with chill vibe. Some more lyrical but a lot instrumental.

    Listen to quite a lot of triphop/similar stuff. Lost my old playlist but some of the stuff I have from my all music list:





    Also got my classics in likes of Crywolf, Blackmill, EDEN. Couldn't pick out set songs so just found some mixes with a bunch of their songs in:






    Most of that stuff I probably posted in What Am I Listening To Now thread. I had a playlist at some point of variety of genres which was basically stuff I took from that thread, I think largely from @SonyTwan. Not sure if I got this from Sony or just found it going off something he linked tho:


    I do enjoy house and EDM for more hyped, night out style but music that I listen to on the go-to, in the background while I'm doing other stuff I've always preferred to be more chill - a large chunk of rap couldn't be my go-to for this reason, even though I do listen to it on occasion.

  5. Figured I'd chip in and have my once in a blue moon post.

    I use both when I do still come on PC, though often I find myself using Discord as an info hub with general open chat while I use TS for more frequent voice chat and direct conversation.

    @Chris Lord You might say people get raged at for using text channel, but that doesn't stop it being a means of communicating for when they initially join and are unable/too shy to speak. On top of that, don't underestimate the ability to send links that are only relevant to the group of people in your voice chat. Either you have to make a new group, send individual PMs or put it in an open channel that doesn't really suit the link at hand as it is seen by text chat only viewers on Discord.

    TS also has features such as priority speaker that make managing events or coordinating groups of people on voice chat a lot easier.

    @Fxden I'd disagree with that though and flip it. TeamSpeak is better for OB because of not being 'larger', that isn't to demean size or intent to expand but rather that OB has always preferred it's player base to be more tight knit and together. Discord allows for rapid expansion but at the expense of providing ample opportunity to be involved without being integrated.

    On top of all that, OB is an old dog with a preference to a system it has been using for years - it won't change unless it absolutely has to and even then it will grumble xoxo

  6. Winners: Team 3 / Zelka Reborn - Kai, Eagle, Rachel, Joji, Jesse, Rhyse
    Each of you will be awarded OB Champ, the ESL OB Summer 2017 Trophy on the forums and possible other prizes (which I am not at liberty to award atm cus idk what they are lel).

    Runners Up: Team 5 / Village People - Danny, Blyss, Mitch, Nuclear, Gunstar, Vemix

    (interesting note: 'Team 3' won last time and Team 5' were runners up last time :thinking:)


    The maps for the final were: Overpass (16-14, ZR win) / Cache (16-2, VP win) / Dust2 (16-8, ZR win). Although I was busy for most of the final, for the bits I watched and the feedback I heard it was a pretty close final so wp to both teams.



    Group stage in case you didn't see my post in the other thread. 


    Extra player stats, courtesy of big Lew: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/184copnOVqWqOlxljvXBfE0dToVLkwlqn-PTXvaTyQDo


    As per, thanks to all who participated and wp to all. We saw our first OB tourney 16-0 and some other enjoyable moments, hopefully many were caught on stream and one day will pop up in a highlights video, just like that Spring tourney reel amirite :devil:

    Special thanks to @Lewis for hosting with me as per usual. Also to @Sir_Conor for setting up the server and being there to backup when I had to deal with irl memes yesterday. Thanks to @Oldmike for streaming and @Scrune for filling in for the one game. Some good casting all round from @Mintlou @Jamie @Thunder and even a bit of @Chris Lord too.

    Admittedly at some point earlier in the year I said about making this larger scale, but I think both time constraints and also the community's investment in CS meant the style we went for this weekend suited far better. Thanks again and hope you enjoyed it xoxo

  7. Some close games and some..uh..not so close games today bois n grills


    One last match in the group stage tomorrow night, even if you are out it can decide the positioning of the team you are against and maybe save some dignity - so still give it a good go.

    Reminder for tomorrow:

    Saturday 29th

    • Group Stage Round 3 (BO1) - 6.30PM / 18.30 BST
      Group A
      - Team 1 vs Team 8 - Popflash
      - Team 3 vs Team 4 - Popflash
      Group B
      - Team 2 vs Team 7 - Popflash
      - Team 5 vs Team 6 - Streamed on OB Server
    • Semi-Finals (BO1) - 8.00PM / 20.00 BST*
      Semi-Final 1
      - Winner Group A vs Runner Up Group B
      Semi-Final 2
      - Winner Group B vs Runner up Group A

    We hope to have the few settings that weren't right fixed on the stream server. If you have any constructive feedback, by all means give it - otherwise gl all for rest of the games. xoxo

  8. Last couple of notices before games tonight:

    - Due to not realising work times, Jgreg has been replaced (at least for today) by @Simi #juandeag

    - Fxden no longer is replacing Skillershark since Skillershark is here.

    If there is anyone who isn't playing who is at all interested in casting any time this weekend, let me know.

    GL to all teams xoxo

  9. @Scrune I mean, if you really want to then you can - though if it'll cause you any lag or anything I wouldn't say it's worth. We're trying to make our main stream decent and have viewers too. I understand people's point about 'oh just stream everything' but then we'd have to drag out the tournament far longer (which considering how many subs we're needing already is a megaLUL) and also we're struggling to get casters for the single stream as it is.

    As I say though, up to you - just don't think it's necessary :devil:

    @Thunder @Extinct ツ @Kai @Lewis @DannyS @Jamie @Sovman @Fluxy

    Tagging you guys as you are captains or (in Fluxy's case) the person I think will be best suited for managing this:

    I need each team to have its own steam group so your team group will show up at the top of scoreboard. Will just make it look better, particularly for team's on stream.

  10. Well, just to note - people leaving it so late on (aka today) to let us know they can't make it will kinda be stuck with the 'whatever we can get' reserves. I mean our emergency reserves are literally @Vemix and myself lel.

    Reminder to everyone that we have our first game's tonight!

    Friday 28th

    • Group Stage Round 1 (BO1) - 6.30PM / 18.30 BST
      Group A
      - Team 1 vs Team 3 - Popflash
      - Team 4 vs Team 8 - Popflash
      Group B
      - Team 2 vs Team 5 - OB Server + Streamed
      - Team 6 vs Team 7 - Popflash
    • Group Stage Round 2 (BO1) - 8.00PM / 20.00 BST*
      Group A
      - Team 1 vs Team 4 - Popflash
      - Team 3 vs Team 8 - OB Server + Streamed
      Group B
      - Team 2 vs Team 6 - Popflash
      - Team 5 vs Team 7 - Popflash

    Please ensure you are on and in your TS channel at least 10 minutes before any of your matches xoxo

  11. More subs :hmm:

    - @Fxden will replace @Skillershark on the Friday (for 1/2 games isn't confirmed yet)

    - @w33zy will replace @Eraser on the Saturday and possibly Sunday.

    I know the Weezy replacement might be questionable since there's a good chance he's better despite not playing as much CS, but I wasn't really left with many choices apart from players who are significantly lower skilled. Although I don't want to make the team op, it wouldn't be fair to make their 3rd pick that much worse and completely nerf their team before the tournament has even begun. 

    If a better suited option becomes available then we'll see what can be done.

    Once again - still looking for casters to keep oldmike company on stream :^)

  12. Further Updates:

    - @rhyse1317 will be replacing Jesse for the group stage game on the Saturday due to work hours popping up this last weekend.

    - @mitch will be replacing Absolute for at least the Friday (possibly more) due to unforeseen personal circumstances.

    Since these replacements are made before the tournament begins, we've simply tried to give the best fit possible rather than our usual standard of just someone who is clearly worse (which is used for replacements closer to the time etc). We understand opinions may vary on who is better than who, but we are just working with what is available to us.

    Still looking for casters xo

  13. Couple of small updates/notices.

    • Due to us not noticing that Veng3nce had updated his post on Sunday to put himself as a reserve, he's been replaced by Fluxy on Team 8. 
    • D2 will be staying part as the tournament pool.
      - We'll be keeping it as part of the pool since in all of our tournament formats we have worked with 8 maps, including one off duty map (previously D2, Inferno and Nuke). It suits our format and allows players to try play any of the maps that have been on active duty in the past/present.
      - I don't see how it makes it more/less unfair for one team. There will always be one team that holds more power with being able to decide the map from the final 2. Our system just means it's countered a little bit by one team being able to pick what side they start on.
      - It's not being kept for any individual's gain and it's not being removed for the same reason, we want the same options as previous tournaments and if you dislike the map then you can have your team veto it like you always would.

    but at the same time, guess it wouldn't be an OB tournament without something for the flocks to cry about despite never having this issue before :hmm:

    Had a couple of people let me know that they are willing to be reserves but still looking for people interested in being casters xoxo

  14. Hola mis amigos

    After a super serious session with the captains where they were completely respectful of all players they had to pick from and picked them as fast as possible (:hmm:), we now have the teams:




    I have left the teams with their numbered names for the screenshot due to the purpose of matching to the schedule and the eventual results table. Their other names will be updated into this post.

    Team Names
    Team 1 - 「Grass」 /「Grass」
    Team 2 - We got Tammashay / WGT
    Team 3 - Zelka Reborn / ZR
    Team 4 - Retards in Pyjamas
    Team 5 - Village People / VP
    Team 6 - AEGIS Cyberdragon Network
    Team 7 - -dogs-
    Team 8 - Wish You Were Bonje

    Friday 28th

    • Group Stage Round 1 (BO1) - 6.30PM / 18.30 BST
      Group A
      - Team 1 vs Team 3
      - Team 4 vs Team 8
      Group B
      - Team 2 vs Team 5
      - Team 6 vs Team 7
    • Group Stage Round 2 (BO1) - 8.00PM / 20.00 BST*
      Group A
      - Team 1 vs Team 4
      - Team 3 vs Team 8
      Group B
      - Team 2 vs Team 6
      - Team 5 vs Team 7

    Saturday 29th

    • Group Stage Round 3 (BO1) - 6.30PM / 18.30 BST
      Group A
      - Team 1 vs Team 8
      - Team 3 vs Team 4
      Group B
      - Team 2 vs Team 7
      - Team 5 vs Team 6
    • Semi-Finals (BO1) - 8.00PM / 20.00 BST*
      Semi-Final 1
      - Winner Group A vs Runner Up Group B
      Semi-Final 2
      - Winner Group B vs Runner up Group A

    Sunday 30th

    • Final (BO3) - 7.00PM / 19.00 BST
      - Winner SF1 vs Winner SF2

    *note that matches could begin earlier/later dependent on game time and if needing to wait on stream.


    • I will make a post later on noting which games will be streamed once everything is confirmed server/stream wise. 
    • Please ensure you are on TS and ready at least 10 minutes before any of your matches each day.
    • Failing to turn up will result in punishments.
    • We are wanting reserves, so let us know if you are up for stepping in should you be available and we need players.
    • We are looking for people willing to cast on stream - we've had a few people volunteer who are taking part, however the opportunity will only arise for them after the group stages due to simultaneous matches. If you aren't participating then please let us know if you are interested.
    • If you have a team name then please let us know. Team names should be agreed ideally by the whole team (though I have put some down that captains gave me in team picks).
    • Any questions then let us know.

    This thread is now for open discussion / tournament memes. 

  15. Information

    • Rank Requirements: There will be no set rank that you must be above before signing up for this event, however you must have at least attained a MM rank that you can provide within the sign up template. We are doing this so we can be an inclusive as possible. However please note that we will prioritise spots in the interest of making the tournament as competitive as possible, players who we consider more reliable and capable will likely be given spots first despite us not explicitly excluding anyone.
    • Commitment: As mentioned previously, please ensure you are available before signing up for this event. There will be no more than 3 games maximum per night which will be dated as soon as we confirm numbers. This is an OB event and failure to comply with event host expectations can result in punishments.
    • Reserves: We will still be wanting reserves in the case of emergency step ins being needed. If you are unsure about being able to commit completely and wish to sign up, please do so as a reserve first and update your post later on if needed. As usual, when picking reserves the player will be either equal or worse - replacements will not always be ideal and the best fit will be provided where possible so we do not expect people to pester hosts about these decisions.
    • Maps: Cache, Cobblestone, Mirage, Overpass, Nuke, Train, Dust2, Inferno
    • We will be using Popflash and a setup OB server.
    • Tournament Format: This will be confirmed once we know the number of teams available to us.
    • Prizes: OB Champ and forum award given to the winners. Larger prizes will also be up for grabs.
    • Twitch: 1 game per round will be streamed on the live OB server, all matches on pop flash will not be streamed.
    • Stats: Stats will be released shortly after tournament conclusion.

    Please sign up and find base information on the calendar page linked above.

    Further update and information will be posted in this thread, so please keep returning to it for further information including match times and teams once you've signed up on the calendar page. 

    This thread will be unlocked for general discussion after sign ups have taken place.

    Yes I'm lazy and I copied the format from the previous tournament with small changes xoxo

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