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Posts posted by Fluxy

  1.  Not so much as a trailer but a teaser for a fan made 40k film. I have been semi-following it since its announcement back in 2013 so by this point I am kinda like doubting it will ever truly see the light of day. 

    Even so its still far and away the coolest 40k cinematic kicking about atm 



    Also a similar project called "Astartes" released this short video a few weeks back, smaller scope but still just as great




    So, over time we all play different games right? Sometimes we play games alone and sometimes we play games with our friends but there's often that one game that prevails through all else and you kinda become associated with it. Maybe its shit but you play it anyway cause you love it, maybe you are really good at it, maybe its just been in your life for a long time and you cant not play it. I started thinking which people could be associated with what game...Heres some I came up with

    @w33zy - Rocket League 

    @Mintlou - My summer car obviously 

    @VENGA BUS - The Witcher 3 

    @gaffeR - Heroes of Newearth or... HON

    @keiji - Victoria 2 

     @Jamie - Runescape 

    @SonyTwan - Probs Tekken or dead by daylight 

    @Jak Tower Unite ?

    @Fluxy - Total War: Warhammer

    @Eraser - Path of Exile 




  3. Defs down

    Would love to get back into some good gathers.

    However, if we could see something like

    - no randoms

    - no retards

    - no rage quits

    Three simple rules. Imo you must be a member or at least known to the community to be in. Fucking cba with that shit that started happening last fucking some arse piece is like OmG can ma frend play?!? he is only mGE?! lol. And this fucking edge lord danish kid with a narauto san profile pic joins and head shots everyone. KEK. 

    Pllllllllease. Can we have a minimum skill requirement FROM THE START. Last time it was open from the start then we people wanted a skill requirement imposed later on it was awkward cause its like...do we kick the people we got already. (and serouisly fuck off with the "yeah i know im nova but i play at DMG!!!" cause u dont) imo this should also be done off your last known MM rank since not everyone plays faceit. This was one of the main reasons the "high level" ultra secret boys club started last time invite only cause we are actually sucking dick in here and it went some way to making sure the last hub died off. (7/10 in queue in the main one when the high skill hub queue would pop then 0 in queue on the main one)

    No fucking crying or rage quiting. Simple 3 strikes your out rule. Almost everyone has shadow play or fucking odd shot or plays tv whatever the fuck now. Nominate a person to be the judge, submit clips of rage, toxic or rage quitting to them. First time - 1 hour cool down, second time 1 day cool down, third time ban from the hub. no clip, no ban. ME ORC. ME SPAM



    let me know what you think thanks 

  4. Ok so when you browse as much random fucking pointless youtube channels as I do you stumble across folk with really weird specific skills and your like...alright that's pretty sound, probs wont get you laid tho...


    but this guy. WHAT THE FUCK. this has to be the shittest superhero power ever but this guy man. this guy is fucking gifted with his perception of the world. 



    just check this utter UTTER MADNESS. MY EYES DECEIVE ME. For real check out this guys channel, he is a GOD at geo guesser. I do not even know how you perfect that as a skill but the guy is nuts at it. fuck me  

  5. 6 hours ago, Quinn said:

    it would be epic fluxy

    we could do a warhammer one

    Oh sick yeah. 


    Like me you annnnnd who else? Anything more than 4 people would be a nightmare to organise and would only have two sessions of about an hour MAX. People would be getting poked for mixes and @gaffeRS kids would be crying.


    It would be chaos bro, and not the Black Legion kind. Mayhem. 

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