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  1. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Kartoffel in Roast the person above you..   
    Never leaves the house, also...
    Can only get girls online Worst shag of my life Lasts 13 seconds tops One inch warrior Worst eggy farts Sheep shagger Ginger Got booted out of the mod team by me 0/10 wouldn't shag again
  2. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Sir_Conor in SPOOKY FORUMS D:   

    Thanks Hugo for givimg me the idea!
  3. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Gunstar in SPOOKY FORUMS D:   
  4. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Eraser in SPOOKY FORUMS D:   
    dis is 2spook
  5. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Liutvi Mestan in SPOOKY FORUMS D:   
    sp000ky :00
  6. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Fluxy in Show your ugly face!   
    No kush master

    Kush Master

  7. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to UnSeen in LoL Outbreak Championship Results   
    After one final battle on the rift, one team laid waste to the other and claimed the crown of LoL OB Champion for their own, congratulations to...
    *** Dicks Out For Holombe - Gunstar (C) | Holo | Danny | Jesse | IrishChamp ***
    Each of their players will receive £10 RP each and OB Champ for a month!
    Some Tournament Stats: 
    ●  Individual KDA - Top 3
    - Group Stage: Danny (28 KDA) | Minicolossus (5 KDA) | Gunstar (5 KDA) 
    - Final Stage: IrishChamp (8 KDA)  | Gunstar (5 KDA) | Jesse (5 KDA)
    ●  Most Kills - Top 3
    - Group Stage: Hypnotized (43 Kills) | Minicolossus (38 Kills) | Extinct (36 Kills)
    - Final Stage: Holo (45 Kills) | Minicolossus (45 Kills) | Extinct (37 Kills)
    ● Least Deaths - Top 3
    - Group Stage: Danny (1 Death) | Holo (9 Deaths) | Eagle (9 Deaths)
    - Final Stage: Sovman (3 Deaths) | Michiel (4 Deaths) | Substick (6 Deaths)
    ● Most Assists - Top 3
    - Group Stage: Kartoffel (69 Assists) | Minicolossus (60 Assists) | Substick (57 Assists)
    - Final Stage: Kartoffel (64 Assists) | Jesse (62 Assists) | Minicolossus (50 Assists)
    ● Most Wards Placed - Top 3
    - Group Stage: MazerFaker (136 Wards) | Kartoffel (121 Wards) | Jesse (90 Wards)
    - Final Stage: Jesse (175 Wards) | Kartoffel (164 Wards) | Extinct (130 Wards)
    ● Highest Gold Per Minute - Top 3
    - Group Stage: Minicolossus (403 Gold) | Extinct (386 Gold) | Vodo (380 Gold)
    - Final Stage: Holo (395 Gold) | IrishChamp (381 Gold) | Nicad (378 Gold)
    ● Highest CS Per Minute - Top 
    - Holo & IrishChamp had an average of 7 CS Per Minute throughout the entire tournament
    *Other people equaled this in individual parts, but they were in top 3 with 7 CS for both group and finals.
    ● Top Team KDA
    - Group Stage: Dicks Out For Holombe (5.4 KDA) | The Whores (3.3 KDA) | Drunken Buffoons (3.2 KDA)
    - Final Stage: Dicks Out For Holombe (5.0 KDA) | The Whores (2.3 KDA) | Better Nerf Weebs (2.0 KDA)
    ● Top Picked Champions
    - Group Stage: Alistar (4 Games) | Malphite (4 Games) | Ezreal (4 Games)
    - Final Stage: Ezreal (6 Games) | Malphite (4 Games) | Poppy (4 Games)
    ● Top Banned Champions
    - Group Stage: Graves (5 Games) | Elise (4 Games) | Corki/Riven/Kha'Zix/Syndra/Zac (3 Games)
    - Final Stage: Graves (5 Games) | Lux (4 Games) | Darius (4 Games)
    All the stats and the match recordings can be also found on the battlefy page here by navigating through the brackets/stats at the top.
    ● MVP of Final Game: Jesse - for that prediction hook on the Ezreal and his creation of opportunities.
    ● Tournament MVP: Holo - most damage dealt to champions in every single game he played in but 2, having the most damage dealt to champions in total. Also recognised for working well with new people and helping his team synergise well.
    ● Stream MVP: Ekitai Hebi / Brad - for putting so much effort into setting up the stream and running it amazingly, putting extra time into creating overlays and whatnot for us.
    Thanks to all who turned up and competed in this tournament, I hope you enjoyed competing and/or watching (even if some of you are LoL clueless and just meme'd twitch)! Despite a few delays due to individuals who were late/didn't show up/memes (check event cooldowns ahem) and a couple of stressy moments - the general feedback was that it ran fairly well and was actually closer than expected as a competitive tournament (although I'm sure some captains have a better idea of who was a better pick than others now lel). A massive thank you also to everyone who casted at some point during the tournament. I look forward to future tournaments on any game and respect anyone who contributes to running them.
    Ty once again - from Gunstar et moi xoxo
  8. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Blyss in What are you listening to right now?   
  9. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to gaffeR in Non-native English speakers of OB   
    Living in Oldham it was really difficult learning English, in my language of yonner we tend to miss words out and sometimes complete sentences.
    Learning English has opened many doors and I would like to thank outbreak for that.
    Cheers guys
  10. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to VENGA BUS in Lastest CSGO update thoughts?   
    Economists and psychologists are what you need to create compelling gamer experiences, not hugely lucrative and exploitative online markets trading in skins purchased by kids using their parents' money!
  11. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to UnSeen in October Update 2016   
    Hey all,
    Just a brief update on a few things that have been happening recently as we move on from the 'JB refresh' and into other bits along the way.
    - Donation System: Up and running!
    As several of you will be aware, along side the JB update, our donation system was revamped and re-released recently. With the release of different stores on our gameservers merged with other updates the donation page kinda went under the radar and a lot of people didn't even realise that the donation system was back up. If you are interested in donating then you can find the page here. If you have any further questions then please ask an admin+.
    - Surf: Mini Refresh!
    Surf had quite a few plugins and various tidbits outdated, so while it has appeared to have been untouched this last couple of weeks this is due to a test version of surf with updated plugins, a store and a couple of new additions (contracts?!?!) being worked on behind the scenes. We'll make sure to post to let you know once we've released the new server (should be very soon so this month's ranking doesn't go to waste). If you have any further suggestions, maps or anything you want to see for our combat surf then feel free to share it.
    - Membership: Application system and possible new benefits?
    There's been a slight change to the requirements of applying for membership. Previously you had to be present in this community (all platforms; game, forum and ts) for at least a month before you could apply - this has now been lowered to 2 weeks. All other integration requirements and standards have remained the same, this will hopefully just allow for more people to be encouraged to get involved and apply sooner if they do integrate well. If an individual is declined, the wait time until they can apply again has also been reduced to 2 weeks from the decline date (clarification as many people used to apply a month after the application creation date, which wasn't what was intended).
    On to benefits: we want to set up more benefits for members. Currently there are a few minor benefits to membership as well as being recognised as an official part of our community, but we feel as if there should be a little something extra for those who have attained membership to give further point in actually wanting to apply. We had a few brief ideas but the truth is we want suggestions from the community, so feel free to create suggestion threads in the SnQ section or message a staff member with any thing you think could be appropriate.
    - Forum: Section controversy.
    Although it was addressed briefly in a thread, to comment on the tech section: despite the title and some of its contents not being to many users ideal, the section works as it is. When we use the word tech we don't mean it literally as 'technology' (which would encompass only the current PC thread trend) but as a general 'PC hobbies' section I guess you could say ('mapping/coding/graphics'). Rather than clunk the general section with these PC threads (which despite being repetitive, are somewhat relevant to OB considering we are a PC gaming community) or have a dead section solely for mapping etc it works to have the two combined. It's turned a lifeless section into something with content while still leaving a place for people to share the other things that people wish to post. As mentioned in the thread, if there was more activity for this 'other content' then we could perhaps look into a sub-section to be more definitive but for now this is not necessary. I hope this has cleared a few things up.
    - Weekend Tournament: Check it out?
    So the League of Legends tournament is this weekend and much of it will be streamed onto the Outbreak twitch. Although we are aware that many of you might not be interested in LoL or the tournament much at all, we would appreciate if as many of you as possible could check out the stream and give it some love - every Kappa counts after all. We've got a few people from OB giving casting a go so hopefully we can have a good tournament and create a somewhat enjoyable stream.
    - Tchau: Yung Ricardo
    Many of you will have noticed that Blyss is now blue on the forums rather than the senior moderator dark green. It has come to pass that the young Portuguese Bacardi lover must step away from staff duties and become a part of the common rabble. To finish out this post we just want to make it known that we appreciate all the time and effort Blyss has put into this community, both as a mod and senior mod for such an extended period of time. Regardless of people's varied views on him, he was one of the best moderators we've had when in his prime and was a pleasure to have as part of the team. Thanks Yung Ricardo for your service xo
    Thanks once again to all who help OB steadily progress, once we get through all of these changes we hope to strive for the best for this community
    The OB Staff
  12. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Jamie in [Short Clip] Getting sick of bhoppers not listening to commands   
    so i decided to put my foot down
  13. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Raw in The big computer build guide!   
    Hey all,
    To start off, there were created a lot of help me build my pc topics recently, so I decided to make one big topic to help you all out. This guide is meant to be for people that don't know much about computers. I will cover what to buy and what not to buy and what to watch out for, and what you should consider. I will try to keep shit simple, and understandable for everyone. After reading this thread you should be knowing what you should be going for, and where you need to look for.  Also you could ask here for advice on your build, or feedback! If you don't know where to start, i'm willing to help you out with several others! This guide will only cover gaming pc's and edit/stream/mapping/heavy workload pc's. Some parts could be used in other builds tho.
    Remember that if you build a pc yourself, you will have more upgradeability, it saves you money and it is way more fun! If you are scared to build one yourself, search on youtube for guides on how to build a pc. There are plenty of videos that will go trough step to step! 
    Some things you need to know:
    HTPC: Home theather PC
    DDR3/4: Diffrent types of memory, DDR4 is the newest and also faster.
    APU: Accelerated Processing Unit, a CPU from AMD that is known for a very good internal GPU but is not as fast for CPU tasks.
    The beating heart of your computer. Intel is the best choice in the most situations, but AMD has some APU's that are really interesting for HTPC's. Important choices here to be made depends on what you gonna do with it. If you will be editing video's, or you gonna use programs like autoCAD or hammer alot, you will need more power than if you only game. Also you need to decide if you overclock or not. Do not stare blind on the gHz its clocked on!
    For gaming, an Intel core i5-7500 is your best bet at the moment. Considering the performance for value, this little beast will run all of your games smooth without any bottlenecks. And really, that i7 is not worth at all for gaming, since you don't use hyperthreading! If you want to keep the overclocking option open, go for the i5-7600k. Remember that overclocking gives you little to none extra peformance in games, and that it brings risks if not done properly!
    If you are looking to edit video's, mapping or other intensive workload, you should be looking into a i7-7700k. With hyperthreading you will have 4 virtual cores extra to spread the workload. Compared to the i7-7700 non-k version, the -k version is more powerful, allows overclocking and is only a bit more. If you really wanna take a step up, go for a socket 2011-3 enthousiast grade processor. These offer more cores, but are also alot more expensive!
    If you are low on budget, you should consider an i3-7100. Great CPU with lots of power, but only has 2 physical cores. Some AAA titles like farcry 4 need 4 cores to work on, so take that in consideration.
    IMPORTANT: AMD is almost releasing a new series of CPU's which look very promising. I would suggest to wait on those since prices may drop and they could be more bang for the buck.

    A lots of choices here! Various motherboards have various options and diffrent chipsets. Let's talk about those chipsets first considering you buy an Intel processor.
    H210 - The most budget choice, offers all you need, but has almost zero extra's and stuff and usually not much USB ports.
    B250 - Bang for the buck! Motherboards with enough options and extra's, but have some limitations. Great for a gaming PC with a non-k CPU.
    H270 - More luxurous than a B150, but has the option to make RAID setups. Often a bit more expensive, and not worth in your case since i won't recommend using RAID if you dont really need it.
    Z270 - Like the H170, but even better and has the option to overclock on unlike the others. ONLY TAKE THESE IF YOU ARE GOING TO OVERCLOCK WITH A -k PROCESSOR, OR YOU THROW AWAY MONEY.
    X99 - Top tier that only fit 2011-3 socketed CPU, so you plebs will never get those probably.
    IMPORTANT: AMD is almost releasing a new series of CPU's which look very promising. I would suggest to wait on those since prices may drop and they could be more bang for the buck.
    My advice in here is to look what chipset you need, consider what options you need, if it looks fancy enough for you, and if you plan to overclock or not. Read ALOT of reviews if the motherboard is decent or not. Common good brands are ASUS, MSI, AsRock and Gigabyte. Make sure the socket matches the CPU socket!

    Is about what your motherboard supports. Some low-tier H110 and B150 have DDR3 slots only, most of them have DDR4. I recommend looking for a DDR4 supporting motherboard. Considering the amount of ram you need, depends on what you gonna do. For gaming, the minimum is 8gb these days (on budget), and 16gb recommended. If you planning on heavy workload stuff, take 32gb or more. Any kind of stick will do from any brand, and mostly have diffrences in looks. Higher clocked memory offers you a very small performance boost is some titles. 2133mHz memory will probably do the job for you, but if you got some cash left, spend it on higher clocked memory. Remember the FPS gained by this is MINOR, so always go for more important parts, like your GPU or CPU. Try to take low profile ram, explained in te next bit.
    CPU Cooler
    To keep your CPU cool, you need a cooler for it. Intel gives coolers with the non-K processors, but they can be loud under load. You are recommended to but an aftermarket one. Coolers have cooling capacity, so you should pick the right one for you. For non-k processors, i can recommend:
    Cooler master hyper 212
    Cryorig H7
    Noctua NH-14s
    Scythe mugen 4
    Arctic freezer i32
    For overclocking, you need more capacity. You can choose between water and air cooling. Air cooling can be more efficient than watercooling in some cases, and have way lower chances of failure!
    Noctua NH-D 14 / 15
    Be Quiet! Dark Rock Pro 3
    Corsair H100i/H110i
    NZXT Kraken X41/61
    When buying a CPU cooler, keep in mind that it can overlap your RAM slots and maybe interfere with your RAM and don't fit! That's why you should take low profile RAM!

    This is what a PC makes a gaming PC. You have 2 choices of brand, AMD and Nvidia. They both have their pros. AMD has better directx12 support, but they are not as efficient as Nvidia cards. Nvidia also has quicker driver updates. You also have the choice between running a single card and SLI/CF. I would not recommend any of those, since buying a better card is more efficient. Only do it when you need. Also don't stare blind on how much memory it has! Does not say anything about performance! This will also be your most expensive part you need.
    If you pay more, you get better FPS. From low to high costs, this is what i advice:
    GTX 1050
    AMD RX 470
    GTX 1050ti
    Nvidia GTX 1060 3gb
    Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb > AMD RX 480
    Nvidia GTX 1070
    Nvidia GTX 1080
    Nvidia GTX TITAN X (Pascal)
    Now it comes down on choice of brand, i would suggest you to read reviews and benchmarks! MSI and Asus have good cards in general.

    In terms of storage, you have the HDD and SSD. The HDD slow, but is good for bulk storage like games, photo's, video's and is very cheap. If you pick those up, try to go for a Western Digital Blue since they are the most reliable. There is also a SSD. This is extremely fast storage, but costs more and is getting cheaper over time. This kind of storage is good for your OS and commonly used apps and games. The SSD has way faster loading times in games, but won't affect your FPS. Windows will start up in 5 seconds on an SSD!
    It is common to have both in your system. I use a 256g SSD + 1tb HDD and is fine for me. If you have less to spend, go for a 128g SSD + HDD, or only an SSD, but never give up an SSD, because it makes your system run alot more smoother! If you got enough to spend, go all SSD!

    But hey, you need power! Usually, with a single graphics card and no overclocking your system will use up to 300-350 watts maximum. If you overclock, this number will be around 400 max. If you run multiple videocards, it will even be more! What you have to do here now, is to calculate the TDP of your system. You do this to search the specs of your parts, and look for TDP. This will be around 90 for the CPU, and around 120-200 for your GPU. Add 20 for your hard drives and shit, and you have you maximum power draw (not completely correct, just a guideline). 
    In most cases, I would advice to take your total number and add 150. If yours is 300 watt, go for a 450 watt PSU, it is plenty in most cases! If you plan to overclock tho, you would like some extra space. If you overclock, take your total +250. You now have the wattage for your PSU. Never take too much for example a 300w system on a 850 PSU because its waste of money and not as efficient.
    There are diffrent kinds of PSUs, and you can sort them on 80PLUS certification. You never want to save on your PSU, because you can blow your whole system up! For the low-end gaming only user, look for a 80PLUS bronze PSU or higher. Bronze is good enough in much cases. If you plan to overclock, you should at least want 80PLUS gold or more. Also look to the warranty. Most good PSU's have a warranty of at least 5 years. Lower warranties have a more likely chance to blow up. You should also be taking major brands like Corsair, EVGA, Supernova, Seasonic, Cooler master etc.. When you look for a PSU, always read reviews if they are decent or not. Never take the cheapest option to save you some burning pc parts!
    You might also want to look if your PSU is modular or not, or if it has sleeved cables or not. Also cool options are a silent mode under low load etc. Make sure to check if you have enough cables for everything!

    This is where you gonna fit everything in. There are diffrent varieties based on looks, sound dampening, airflow, cable management, and accessoires. You should look for what fits you and what you like. Read reviews here, they could help alot! Also take major brands, since cheaper brands are known of shit build quality etc. Also make sure the case fits you chosen CPU cooler!
    Some i really like:
    Fractal design R5
    NZXT H440
    NZXT S340
    I hope this guide helped some of you! If you got tips for me, want to fill up some information, got some errors or discuss shit let me see it down below! Thank you for reading!
    Updating this topic monthly, or whenever there are some huge changes in the market.
  14. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Jamie in Conor has surpassed McLovin as the longest serving Owner of Outbreak   
    Congratulations Sir_Conor for being the longest serving Owner of our community! Conor has been the Owner for 1 year 7 months after stepping up to the position after the 3-way leadership system fell apart. McLovin served as Owner for 1 year, 6 months. Well done to him for surviving thus far!
    A little bit of cool info, here is the list of previous Outbreak Owners and how long they have served for:
    Sir_Conor: 1 year, 7 months
    McLovin: 1 year, 6 months
    Kriss: (roughly) 1 year, 1 month
    Gaz: Exactly 10 months to the day.
    Biggles: Exactly 6 months to the day
    Wist (co owner): 2 months
    Mintlou: 13 seconds
    (i wanna see UnSeen on this list here eventually)
    Well done to all of these guys and thanks for helping build this community to what it is today.

  15. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Eraser in Saying my final goodbye!   
    Fuck sake what has Pepe done now?
  16. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Eraser in Paladins (not a shit post surprisingly)   
  17. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Daffy Duck in For you sports enthusiasts   
    Completed it in 5H 45 minutes :) 
  18. Upvote
    Aaron got a reaction from UnSeen in Happy Birthday Unseen!   
    Even though you worship Poppy which is worse than being a weeb...
    !wehttaM/neeSnU yadhtrib yppaH
  19. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to w33zy in Inferno PIN Giveaway [ GIVEAWAY OVER ]   
    LOL you really did -rep, nice jamie,blyss,brandon expected from you guys xd .
    than i just wont enter you for next giveaway whatever floats your boat :D 
  20. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to w33zy in Inferno PIN Giveaway [ GIVEAWAY OVER ]   
    Giving away Inferno PIN.

    i will select winner 16-september-2016 or when there are 40 UPVOTES.
    p.s jaydog isnt allowed to enter this giveaway 
    So i used a randomizer to pick out the winner, it seems who comes first gets served first.
    and the WINNER is 
    Congratz ..... with the inferno pin.
    p.s here screenshot so im not faking it.
  21. Upvote
    Aaron got a reaction from Sovman in Outbreak, 1 year from now....   
    Well here's my version.
    Chris is still the only person to have failed mod trial and has got his perm ban time to 25 seconds remaining.
    Lewis has once again returned from uni for the 2017 summer surf point harvest.
    Sonytwan is still managing to convince people he's gay even though he's gay.
    UnSeen is still recruiting juicy memes to the admin team and xD'ing away.
    Substick proposes to his best friend Kriss.
    I finally hit a great milestone in slimming down weighing only 27.9 stone meaning I only need 1 Wheelchair to ferry me around not two welded together.
    People are still getting +reps from this thread.
  22. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Fluxy in Outbreak, 1 year from now....   
    Don't mind me guys, just checking on my crops 
  23. Upvote
    Aaron reacted to Lewis in Outbreak, 1 year from now....   
    for anyone who wondered what kriss edited...
    'me and hades have our first baby' was removed by him
  24. Upvote
    Aaron got a reaction from Substick in Outbreak, 1 year from now....   
    Well here's my version.
    Chris is still the only person to have failed mod trial and has got his perm ban time to 25 seconds remaining.
    Lewis has once again returned from uni for the 2017 summer surf point harvest.
    Sonytwan is still managing to convince people he's gay even though he's gay.
    UnSeen is still recruiting juicy memes to the admin team and xD'ing away.
    Substick proposes to his best friend Kriss.
    I finally hit a great milestone in slimming down weighing only 27.9 stone meaning I only need 1 Wheelchair to ferry me around not two welded together.
    People are still getting +reps from this thread.
  25. Upvote
    Aaron got a reaction from IrishChamp in Outbreak, 1 year from now....   
    Well here's my version.
    Chris is still the only person to have failed mod trial and has got his perm ban time to 25 seconds remaining.
    Lewis has once again returned from uni for the 2017 summer surf point harvest.
    Sonytwan is still managing to convince people he's gay even though he's gay.
    UnSeen is still recruiting juicy memes to the admin team and xD'ing away.
    Substick proposes to his best friend Kriss.
    I finally hit a great milestone in slimming down weighing only 27.9 stone meaning I only need 1 Wheelchair to ferry me around not two welded together.
    People are still getting +reps from this thread.
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