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Posts posted by Lewis

  1. Employers should be able to decline applicants based on appearance. 

    This does not entail unchangeable characteristics like skin colour and height. Rather - things such as tattoos, piercings, stretched ears and skin piercings, which the applicant has deliberately put on their body. If the employee is to be cast into a job requiring customer interaction it can have a detrimental effect. The employer shouldn't have to fish around for some BS excuse.

  2. Hi! I'm lewis, i'm England/Spain :D I have bday 14th may (1996) :D England/Spain :D My hobbies are playing games, snowboardig and going out with my friends :D I started playing on the jailbreak server in 2009, so i already know a few ppl :D I hope i get to know more awesome ppl! :D

    Luv Lewis <3

  3. Oddest thing happened to me today.

    Was AFK at bandits, while watching twitch. When I came back, I was logged prematurely. Logged in and there's a level 90ish there, he'd clearly logged me out by attacking them. I told him I'd been here 4 hours, but he wasn't having it. Obviously he couldn't compete with base 90 combat stats, so he logged.

    Few moments later, this maxed lvl 124 comes, with 30M hp xp - obviously his main. He is crashing me for a solid 20 mins, until i eventually move to the other tent. He follows me around crashing each tent, until he gives up. Then a lvl 125 logs into my next tent asking me the same questions the previous guy asked me, and then another lvl 117 logs in, takes the other tent.


    TL;DR - This guy crashed me, and then bought 3 of his other accounts to bandits to completely crash my whole home world


    What a way to spend your saturday evening



  4. Teams are NEVER going to be fair in an OB tournament, this is something that I just can't understand why some people don't understand.

    This isn't professional CS, where a team ranked #15 can easily defeat a team ranked #5 if they have a good day. The skill gap in OB is large, it's a community, there are players who are better than other players every single day of the year.

    We've tried:
    -Grouping everyone by CS rank - and ensuring each team has the same amount of ranks
    -Grouping everyone by CS rank - then adapting some ranks who may be too high or too low, as MM ranks can sometimes be distorting
    -Ranking players from 1-40 on our opinion, then using a sound system to ensure each team has a fair number
    -Ranking players from 1-40 on our opinion, coupled with the opinion of those who know the OB competitive scene very well
    -Even having captains just pick their own team

    Each and every time, people will moan that teams are unfair. I've given the reason for that above - another possibility is that there's an uneven amount of 'very high' skilled players in the community, so often - two or three teams can have 2 very high skilled players while another team only has one.

    I guarantee if people put time into getting to know their team, practising, learning nades together, working out the best maps, instead of moaning that 'I've only got a supreme, while they have a global' - you could easily win.


    This was more about the fundamental teams which get picked, not gonna get into the subs cos I don't really know what happened.

  5. Just now, HeadHunter said:

    Too bad that i already said this but i'll say it again Pain asked me for a game and i said sure i never knew doe :) and i solo'd to GE after winning 15-20 games in a row solo or with sovman or blyss :) and you never tricked me when i was just being honest and i never played with them for a while all i said is that i played with Pain :)

    So you're telling me you're a global elite, with presumably thousands of hours on this game, and u had no idea he was cheating when u played with him multiple times

  6. 53 minutes ago, HeadHunter said:

    you mean me getting boosted ? or me boosting cause i got GE back in my day with 40 frags every game and soloQ'd in Dust2 or duo with my Sov , Because i never boosted anyone on Cs:Go just normal 5 men having fun and winning when i used to play after GE , and i don't see what's the difference in boosting on league but i never boosted for money :) @IrishChamp but thanks for thinking that i boost for money :) i know I'm that good thanks for up my ego

    no, u got boosted

    i solo queued an MM and you were on the opposite team (mirage if it helps u remember) you were premade queued into the game with 2-3 guys who were blatantly cheating - and not even trying to hide it (trigger aim botting, bhop scripting etc) - got several cs vets in OB to review the game and all agreed.

    I made sure to confirm with you it wasn't a one off either - I tricked you into admitting that you've played with them for a while.


    Those are the hard facts, people can forge their own opinions from this. But IMO getting boosted by hacks is almost as bad as actually cheating, because you're the guy who's creating a demand for cheats in the game.


    1 hour ago, IrishChamp said:

    2 VAC Banned Accounts. Scripting on JB. Boosting people on League for money. Overall dodgy character.

    Keep him banned from events and from ever being a member. He'll just imbalance the LoL tourney too much if he ever plays and everybody will acuse him of cheating if he's in a CSGO tourney. 

    u forgot MM boosting

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