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Posts posted by Lewis

  1. I mean, I'm just gonna say it. This situation is blindly obvious, and I'm shocked that it gets discussed so frequently considering we actually have quite a lot of smart people in this community. Hopefully this will clear up the situation from how I see it. And TBH, this is mostly aimed towards the hardcore OG guys.

    Many members and regulars (no, not solely the usual suspects) love to complain about one or several of the following things:

    1) OB isn't growing.

    2) OB isn't finding the right game so won't progress.

    3) If OB is attempting to progress in a certain area/way - they will complain that it's wrong way of doing it.

    4) The leadership is inadequate.

    5) OB SHOULD NOT progress, because it's perfect the way it is with the old school member base and a teamspeak (???)


    Many love to complain, but do nothing about it. And no, writing a 1,000 word post on the forums on this topic does not mean you are attempting to do something good for OB. As far as I can see (no offence to past and current mods) there are only about 5 people who have put a good amount of work into this community in the last 2-3 years - Wist, Unseen and Sir_Conor being 3 of those. I am not attempting to take the moral high ground, I've been guilty of this in the past - right now I don't really put any effort in, but I don't complain either. Watching from afar I've come to see it's such a dickish thing to do, these people (for free - and even out of their own pockets) put in mad hours into trying to spearhead new servers, set up new landing pages, transition to a free discord which represents teamspeak as closely as possible for you guys, and all you do is haul hate, lol.


    The split in this community seems to me to be:

    1) Those who will only ever go into the OG channel and no where else, and will - quite literally - refuse to play with other people in this community because they don't feel comfortable doing so - at an extreme end, some of you even have about 15+ members in this community blocked/muted. The former is a fairly low number, because there are a few guys who spend a lot of time in the OG channel but are regularly open to playing things like cs mixes, league gathers, pubg games etc with other people in the lower down channels. If you don't have to think twice, you know you're one of these.

    2) Literally everybody else.


    Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with this - you're free to talk to who you want. But it confuses me, there is no effort made with the extensive community at all. If this is the case, which it is, because there are some people who live in the OG channel that I haven't had a conversation with in like 2 years - why not just go to your own teamspeak? You aren't a fan of the new member base, you no longer like the games that OB attempts to try. Maybe you don't have to, but quite frankly, some of the stuff you guys say is pretty annoying. When I was quite high up in about a 1-2 years ago (in member terms) as in I was having long chats with Unseen/Conor about OB every day and hosting every other event - it was quite frankly pathetic seeing some of you post negative comments on here about things you were completely clueless about, about the effort that these people put in and the reasoning behind decisions that were made. I remember I actually used to laugh that some of you would post on member apps 'not sure who you are, would like to see you a bit more around before i give my +1' LMFAO. Of course you don't have a fucking clue who they are, the rest of us did because we actually played the servers with them, other games with them, or talked to them. Are they not integrated unless they go into that one channel? I remember that was actually a statement made by someone once.

    But that moves on to communication - and here I will partially agree with you. The high council should and could be more communicative in decisions/plans/the state of OB. But TBH - what does Conor owe to you? It's like you think you're all part of some exclusive group, and you get annoyed if new, young people come along. Maybe that's changed - I don't really know how you welcome people in there anymore. If I do visit the OG channel I usually just mute myself within about 20 minutes, because it's just the same people making the same noises and jokes over and over again.


    By all means continue doing what you're doing, complaining etc - but summarising this, thought I'd let you know that there's literally like 15-16 year olds who have messaged me in the past finding it bewildering with how some of you guys, 10 years their senior, act on teamspeak and comment on the forums. Discord hasn't gone ahead because of how much some of you raged and begged for it not to happen. Maybe you don't want OB to progress - and that's fine, but you need to see the other POV that some people do, we want more members, more servers. Maybe it's time to buy that teamspeak?

    Anyway, feel free to bitch about me now amongst yourselves and this will probably seclude myself further from that channel. A new whatsapp group because you're scared of 'eyes'? Is this a year 6 playground or are we 20+ year old men? To quote Unseen 'no one gives a shit what is typed in there'

    3 year rant build up over

  2. TL;DR of situation from what conor told me

    Some of the older members (both age and tenure) in OB were borderline suicidal at the prospect of moving our voices to a different platform, to the extent that some were threatening to permanently quit the community. It was saddening with all the work that had gone into it, trying to make it as adaptable to OB as possible, but some weren't even going to give it a try. As such, discord fell through - admins didn't want to go through all the hassle and fragmentation and constant anger. RIP, I wouldn't have minded either way.

  3. 3 hours ago, Jamie said:

    It's not lost... it's just not winnable

    - Brandon 2018

    We've no control of anything... they're just making fun of us...

    - Brandon 2017


    These two are HILARIOUS, my ribs hurt. How to summarise playing CS with brandon in a few words hahaha

  4. 1 hour ago, VENGA BUS said:

    Did he fuck hahahah


    Tbh Jak and I are both same height 5'7 so it's anyone's game really.


    Biggles versus Sony?

    He actually did. Got a scholarship to a college for wrestling, was undefeated or some shit. I know it's different to boxing, but not WORLDS apart. With his height, weight and previous fighting experience, think it might give him an edge.

    Sony comes across as a bit of a fairy but if he wanted to fight he'd beat biggles ez, all that gym and exercise he's a secret unit.

  5. Voice of reason and pizza connoisseur has arrived.

    So my stance on pineapple pizza is that it's nice. If mum buys one from the supermarket for me and sticks it in the freezer I won't discard it, if I go to someone's house and they have pineapple pizza I will happily eat it and enjoy it. 

    BUT - I will not go out of my way to purchase or choose it in a shop or at a restaurant. There are far better pizzas out there (Diavola, Meaty, Chicken Feast, Sofia) which the average person would surely pick.

    I would add at this point that the best Pineapple pizza is Ham and Pineapple AND that includes when the Pineapple pieces are fairly small. AKA not like this:


    But like this:



    I want to clear up some points I find troubling on this matter:

    1) Ham and Pineapple is not some sort of 'rarity' which is exclusive to pizza, I've had it cooked for me before at dinner parties (Roast Gammon).
    2) Olives are a fruit, and they are enjoyed on pizza.
    3) You then may say that Pineapple is far too sweet. Perhaps. But if you enjoy tomato ketchup with your pizza it's odd that you'd find small bits of pineapple too sweet for you.
    4) I don't get the ridiculously intense hatred towards it, it seems pretty unique to pineapple pizza as a food. Surely it can't taste as bad as things like nuts or marmite, to those people who hate those things? Like, I remember recently when the founder of this pizza died, comments were all like 'good riddance, disgusting man'.

  6. UK Nemesis, about 2009. I was CT without mic being a helper warden. Ts had lined up on a wall, about 15-20 of them. I got into the side positioning where I could aim at all of them, and sprayed them all down in massacre fashion.

    I received a record 15 bans on UK nemesis before I was permed.


    Edit: Can't remember the name of the map. But it was that one with the really really long corridor to the disco. And it has below available in the disco. Probably not around anymore



  7. Post score in comments, 1 for each statement


    1. Visit forums at least 3x per day

    2. Have met someone from OB IRL

    3. A day where I'm not on teamspeak would certainly be "abnormal"

    4. Have donated some of my own hard earned money to OB

    5. Would call people in OB "friends"

    6. Have moderated this community at some point

    7. Never been banned from OB

    8. Have over 500 hours on OB servers

    9. IRL friends / family know about OB from you

    10. Have stuck around in OB for 3+ years

    11. Have gone out of your way to make a ban request for another player

    12. Helped run an OB event

    13. Posted at least 15 times in the 'what am I listening to thread'

    14. Will definitely still be here in 2 years time unless OB dies

    15. Have 500+ posts on the forums


    0-1 = UNKNOWN

    2-3 = NEW KID


    7-9 = AVERAGE JOE

    10-12 = BIG NERD

    13-14 = GET A LIFE

    15 = ???

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