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If you have any skins on betting websites, it's time to take them out.

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For anyone who's been living under a rock the past week or so, Valve have decided to crack down on gambling websites. They're forcing them all to shut down by saying that their use of Steam accounts for bots is breaking the ToS.


This is a letter received by CSGOBig, stating that they, along with all the big gambling sites under the sun, must cease operations. (I'll imbed the image later, iPad is a bitch)



There's going to be (and probably already is) a stampede of people attempting to withdraw, and rightfully so.

While some of these sites have promised they'll buy more items until everybody can cash out, others are more shady and may just cease operations, leaving thousands of dollars worth of skins unpaid to people.


TL;DR - Withdraw from any betting side immediately. List of all effected sites in image above ^^^^^

Edited by IrishChamp

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I have been a mod on a betting website and I have seen some cheeky ways of the websites that will not listen and continue to have the websites up

Edited by Vemix

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2 hours ago, Vemix said:


I have been a mod on a betting website and I have seen some cheeky ways of the websites that will not listen and continue to have the websites up

Yes, some sites will go around the new policy from valve and will still be up and running!!! #KeepTheSkinsGoing

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Good fucking riddance. The viewership will plummet but honestly who gives a fuck. Would rather see figures that show whos genuinely interested in CS and loves the game for what it is. Yes betting would still make games more exciting to watch but this unregulated bullshit needed to come to a close. The amount of idiotic kids betting and losing their skins online with 0 regulation was too damn high.


These shady back alley gambling websites is another thing entirely, even worse. The fact that a 15 year old kid literally just posted that he moderated one infuriates me.

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If there was a way to not let underage kids bet then I would be fine with it but since it's impossible then I'm pretty happy with Valves decision. This generation is already filled with morons that spend most of their time on social media or video games, the underage betting was way beyond the limits.

About the thread itself I do have some skins on some websites but nothing too expensive so I cba to withdraw them.

Oh and I'll finally be able to play a fucking game without some skid with CSGOLOTTO or some shit on their name and profile picture. Some will still use it but I won't find them so often.

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If they are so worried about kids gambling why can they not just cover themselves with a "CLICK HERE TO CONFIRM YOUR AGE"  when you are making your account.  Surely they cant be held liable if someone says they are over 18 when they are still in the womb looking for skins.  None of these fucking 6 year olds should be playing CS:GO in the first place since the game is rated 18+, i should sue gaben for making my young son Herbert play such a violent video game :hmph:.  


The gambling aspect doesn't affect me at all, but in the future i might want to trade out my skins for something else or some dolla.  Instead of getting middle-manned and me weeping is it not possible for Gaben to set up a trading system that verifies age and is legit with the use of steam.  Would be a huge WIN-WIN for him, he makes 5% of the billion dolla industry and keeps his clients happy.

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Gambling in CS:GO bought A LOT of attention to the scene and did allow it to grow into what it is today. When a businessman sees this kinda money in an industry being made they're interesting and subsequently invest in some way or another. Since gambling there has been quite an influx of new orgs appearing in CS:GO. Notably: EnvyUS, FaZe, Optic, echo fox. All notably being famous for their COD teams. There's also a few more small american orgs. You get the point. With some shady stuff going on with one or two of these orgs. Tmartn has a share in EnvyUs, even though he contributes nothing and still does even after the CS:GO Lotto scandal. Hastr0 even came out and defended Tmartn. There was also suggestions that NBK was also sponsored by CS:GO Lotto. Which EnvyUs stated that individuals get sponsored individually irrelevant from the org. Seems funny that NBK was 'Out of complete free will' sponsored by CS:GO Lotto and gambled on their website while tmartn also had a stake in EnvyUs. I can't see any conflicts of interests here... 
Also the Faze COD guys look to be in heavy shit, with Joris' logs all but confirming that they indeed own CSGO Wild. EVEN after they utterly denied having any stake in the business at all.

Some gambling sites are so obvious that they're rigged to fuck. THIS GUY HAS A 99.73% win rate on CSGOLIKE.COM they even did fake giveaways. 125k scammed. Not even a big website. Imagine how much they're making, must be in the millions for the bigger websites.bC4SdQl.png PhantomL0rd's Gf even has a fucking patron account. The cheeky cunt. 

Imo betting on matches SHOULD be allowed. If we're going to argue it's a sport, like any other sport, we should at least be able to bet on it. CSGO lounge shouldn't be in the firing line at all. They've co-operated with valve in revealing match fixes. Never have they done something that indicates there's some sort of corruptness. 

Gambling corrupted CSGO. A lot of scumbags just scamming their own subs, real sad stuff. Even a story about Phant0mlord scamming one of his mods for 5,000 dollars.

Shit like this will continue to destroy the game for people who actually have been here for a long time, since they'll be the ones left picking up the pieces after these greedy fucks have finally fucked off. 

Shit like this makes me lose hope in humanity. 


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8 hours ago, Eraser said:

The gambling aspect doesn't affect me at all, but in the future i might want to trade out my skins for something else or some dolla.  Instead of getting middle-manned and me weeping is it not possible for Gaben to set up a trading system that verifies age and is legit with the use of steam.  Would be a huge WIN-WIN for him, he makes 5% of the billion dolla industry and keeps his clients happy.

You should still be able to cash out via OPSkins. They released a statement yesterday saying they're not effected by all this shit for the moment.

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Its a shame really as i am sure a lot of people enjoyed gambling as such to a limit, except the times you lost... but when you won, oh boy was it a good feeling, wooooohooooo

I kind of feel for the people that make their living from streaming gambling e.g. PhamtomLord, OGjosh etc. Makes you think what they will do. Hopefully this isnt the end of the Gambling world for csgo, in my opinion valve will reinstate gambling for csgo but with more inforced harsh rules that will help it out, but like i said my opinion. :)

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15 minutes ago, Toby. said:

I kind of feel for the people that make their living from streaming gambling e.g. PhamtomLord

PhantomLord made fuck tons from just regular game streaming LONG before he turned to the easy giveaways/gambling streams and turned into a complete and utter rat purely for money whoring. None of the people who cheat money out of their viewers or use gambling for their streams needed it to make a living, and the fuck tons of underage kids who would be betting away Daddy's wallet's worth of skins because streamers encouraged them to are far worse off than those who are now banned from twitch.

I will miss the betting side of things for those who are older and in more control. I only ever had one run of betting and, by playing it smart, I made £50 from 20p and then sold all the skins to buy games in a steam summer sale. However, even with a possible drop in CS:GO interest, these changes are for the fucking good (though some of the steam rulings in all different aspects are so unclear and poor that it's bad it went on this long) - the lack of regulation on all parts was retarded. I also completely agree with Jamie that it's kinda unnerving that skiddy sites will still try find a way around this lmao.

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Give it a couple months to blow, and you gonna start finding 18+ age verification with 2k dollars lowest bets..

I call it, The Dubai Paradise 

(I might or not get this shit tm and start a business) 

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Weren't skins always for personal use, not to invent a digital currency for people without actual funds to gamble? 

I was sickened from the very start in 2013 when they introduced skins and cosmetic stuff as something you have to pay. If somebody wants a colorful neon gun, just use the damm workshop, there is always the system of donations.

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Guarantee if people didn't know some of these sites were rigged and it didn't become such a big thing then valve would have done nothing about it. Do you really think they care if some idiot 14 year old follows a big Youtuber and gambles their skins on a website? Of course they don't.

Csgo skins is valve's cash calf with Dota2 being their cash cow. Gambling not only increases the sales of skins in general, it also raises the price of those skins being bet as they are high demand. I remember when the AWP Asimov was considered the main betting skin and its value skyrocketed. The only reason they put a stop to it is because it was uncovered that most of the sites are shady (which everyone knew anyway if you had half a brain).

In my personal opinion websites like CSGOLounge are doing nothing wrong. They only use skins which have been bet and take a tiny cut from it. It's these casino, jackpot and coin flip style websites that are the problem. You can lose thousands of dollars worth I'm skins in minutes, just like in a real casino. That is just stupid and wrong to be promoted at all.

The core problem is that valve is a company that won't intervene in anything unless they are forced too. They really don't give a fuck about anything unless it benefits them directly. 

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