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Posts posted by Joji

  1. 16 hours ago, IrishChamp said:

    I'm fairly sure it's intended that if you didn't have it when you didn't have it when died, you aren't meant to be able to use it.

    Still pretty funny tho

    its not that, i wasnt checking my respawn timer and coincidentally it was the same timer for my redemption, meaning that as soon as i respawn and i use it, (i have locked camera btw) it will move the screen towards the spawn instead of where jhin was. 

  2. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to monitor our cancer channels, thanks for being a good lad. I feel like you did a lot more 'behind the scenes' shit with Conor and Outbreak and that's why some wouldn't respect or appreciate your title, none the less you were a good Admin in my eyes. Welcome back to being a Member.

  3. 40 minutes ago, SlayerX said:

    Is the Battle Royale server up or what ?

    whatbis the ip ?

    did see it was a post about opening but never seen it open or anythibg yet since dont know the ip



    It was up for a day or two a while ago just for fun, a day where everyone joined and tested how it ran.

    I think because jailbreak is back up now we're more focused on that, considering a lot more people would prefer to play it instead of battle royale. The ratio of players who want to play jb and br is not even close to equal so putting more time into making the jb server better than it was before is what @Kai and the lot have got planned.

  4. R&B, Blues and Rap are my favourite genres. 

    Daniel Caesar, Joji and Tyler the creator are at the top. 

    Music is a thing I can't live without (not physically of course you for all you fucks) The fact that I crave music whilst at college shows how much it actually impacts you. I sit there and just tap my fingers to the beat as I keep it on replay in my head. It's incredible how attached you get to a certain genre or artist, you begin to almost need it as a regular pill or some shit. It's also very therapeutic and that's a great thing, after a bad day you can come back, relax and begin listening to that one voice that causes you too get goosebumps all over your body.


  5. 2 hours ago, IrishChamp said:

    I don't believe that's you. Leave the summoner name unobscured. 

    Also @ everyone that posted screenshots without editing them, anyone can try use that information to access your account so I recommend blurring your user name, summoner ID and email

    Edit: @Joji @nick fix yo shit

    what did i do wrong wtf

    edit: don't worry about it

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