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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. Good idea if possible to implement. Dark blue is hard to see.
  2. Creating an intro at 7am on a Sunday yeeee. Welcome R1sk, nice to see you back! :D
  3. crunchy peanut butter sandwich. pretty good.
  4. I feel like you definately have member potential, but whether you're at the level of integration necessary is another story. I see you a lot on Jailbreak, and you seem pretty cool and chatty on there, everyone knows you, as you said in your application, but on TS and the forums I'd like to see you get involved in gathers, events, games within the community and general discussion. I feel like the wider community doesn't really have a grasp on who you are, but that just might be from my perspective. Good luck with your application.
  5. yo yo duck, hope to see you around!
  6. oooooh been looking for an excuse to buy it, I'll definately pick this up! Cheers :D <3 <3 <3 Here's a steam key for a game: MJGW8-03FEP-4KJIN
  7. Hey Charlie, welcome to the frooms, have a fun time here, I used to see you on the server quite often. I hope to see you around have a good time here.
  8. Cereal


    Ooooh, I've never actually tried Airsoft, but over the last week or so I've been watching some airsoft videos that are popping up in my YouTube suggested box, I'd definately check this guy out as he seems pretty informative, and I really enjoy watching him, despite never actually playing airsoft. https://www.youtube.com/user/novritsch Also this video is pretty cool
  9. yes Vegan for life or virgin for life?
  10. Cereal


    You seem pretty chill from what I've seen of you on the server, enjoy your stay! :D
  11. Yo dude, had a chat and played a gather with you, you seem really chilled out and cool. hope to see you around more!!
  12. I think I'm going to spend less time on my computer and more time doing school work and socializing.
  13. Very generous of you. I want it.
  14. Thanks for the event, was clear a lot of effort went into it, and it was really enjoyable!
  15. I used to play Hearthstone a little bit, and my brother is probably an addict, is this a good time to get back into the game with very little knowledge or cards?
  16. yeeeeeee boi, I've got a feeling this is gonna be great. Sign me up!
  17. @Rory Not actually convinced how much I can play, I'm sure I'll manage 1 game but I've got an exam the following day so probably won't be up all night.
  18. Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SamuelEdmondson/ *Matchmaking Rank: DMG (Probably more likely to play at an MG2ish level, but am DMG) Player or reserve: Player **Can you honestly commit to this event: I'm away from the 26th to the 29th, but apart from that no. Like this
  19. If there's room I'd love to join in.
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