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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. I think this is probably a good idea at this point and this should go ahead, there is clearly no interest in Jailbreak in its current state.
  2. @SonyTwan @Oldmike @Liutvi Mestan Think I've finally nailed the form, bar path is shit on rep 3 though, any pointers? Reason I'm so sweaty and look strained here is because I did Deadlifts the day before and squats before this, as well as this being my 3rd set. I don't struggle with the weight normally.
  3. Some nice shots but I do agree it seems completely redundant to post 'smfc' in the title and yet be playing at LE in the video.
  4. Really enjoyed watching these, they are getting better every time.
  5. Cereal

    ESL Outbreak Summer 2017


    Name: Cereal Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FuckMeILoveBreakfast/ MM Rank: MGE Player or Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: I think I have nothing on, will update when guaranteed UPDATE: YEE IM FREE
  6. Cereal

    Internet Speed

    Is the OnePlus5 any good? I'm using a OnePlus2 currently but I fucked up the screen really badly and probably will upgrade in the next few months but have heard bad things about the OnePlus5s camera and value compared to the 3t.
  7. Have really bad flu atm so nothing at this point, but I'm going around Belgium with my family mid August, and am probably gonna venture down south with friends at some point cuz I have 9 weeks of holiday.
  8. nah some people still have a week mate
  9. I do agree with the fact that Jailbreak is made up by the players, and that's what originally got me into Outbreak; the stark contrast in personalities of the players. Despite this there are some things that I believe a modern Jailbreak server needs to keep up with popular competition and some of the plugins were clearly outdated or broken making the game unplayable for some people.
  10. Probably agree with this, unless, as Skeff said it's decided it's not what we want as a community then maybe this is a good idea, but Jailbreak brought a lot of people here and life is busy for a lot of people at the moment, there is a possibility if the work is done by people then the it might have a resurgence in the summer.
  11. I've actually been having a lot of fun playing this, the games are quick but I feel like I'm actually playing to win rather than if I played casual or something.
  12. No but exam season is in full force and I'm sure Jailbreak will get a boost in players post exams.
  13. I'm doing 5x5 for my compound lifts as I'd like to improve strength overall. I'll make sure to follow the steps you say, I've tried it with my shoes off, but personally I find it easier with them on as I don't struggle getting low enough to get the bar. Are the things you suggested general or based on the video?
  14. @SonyTwan @Liutvi Mestan Yo I know my bar path isn't good and I keep pushing the bar too far from my lower legs. I only used 40kg because my form goes wonky if I go higher than 60kg. Please critique.
  15. until

    me pls
  16. Crafted 2 Highmanes, replaced 1 multishot and my starving buzzard for them. Should I replace the Snipe or the last multishot for another hyena? For Hunter Added 2 Savanna Highmanes, unfortunately I can't afford the Rat Pack or the Crabs, but I don't come up against loads of pirate warrior or murloc paladin at rank 16 lol. For Murloc I was in the process of trying to remove my novices and my mana tide totem but idk what for. I've looked around and most of the Shaman Murlock run 2 Hexes, it seems to work well for me. Should I possibly invest in Bilefin Tidehunters? or Blowgill Snipers? They're common so I could probably quite easily get them. I have a Sated Threshadon but idk if it's any good. Crafted the Savannah Highmanes, and am going to save some dust for the rat packs, seen them on streams and they look really fun. I crafted 2 Highmanes, replaced 1 multishot and my starving buzzard for them. I could probably get rid of my other multishot and my Gastropod for a 2nd Alleycat and a 2nd Hyena? I'm pretty poor as I'm a relatively newer player so the crabs and the Grandmother might take some time to get a hold of, but I really appreciate the help, I'll keep that deck saved for newer reference.
  17. Got back into Hearthstone after playing in 2015, built 2 really basic decks, they seem to work, idk what's good and what isn't so I could do with some feedback. ty
  18. Cereal

    Been Gone

    Welcome back, not seen you in a while.
  19. yo people are giving you a hard time in here Moz, but I rarely see this kind of behavior from you on the Jailbreak server normally. You're generally pretty invested in making the server as fun as possible and I think you're a good guy. You can be a tad bit trolly at times, but who isn't. I'm not entirely sure you're deserving of a +1 at this point as your TS and forum activity is a little lacking, but I don't see why you wouldn't get it if you toned down the trolliness on JB and improved your activity on our other platforms for next time you apply.
  20. Cereal


    Hey Impazzio (pronounced i-m-paz-ee-oh?), saw you on Jailbreak and Teamspeak and you seem like a nice guy. I hope to see you around more! Welcome.
  21. I struggle keeping my back neutral throughout the exercise, am I also told I'm lifting too much with the curve of my back to begin with (Making my spine not neutral) then lifting with my legs after. I'll try and get you video of my weedy self trying this next time I'm with a friend at the gym. I'm going to start swimming after my exams as well as hopefully joining the Rugby team in 6th form college.
  22. https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=149807833 Would you use 5x5 for my compound lifts?
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