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Posts posted by UnSeen

  1. I wonder how you did that...






    hehe xd

    Seriously though you have got better, though you play significantly better in comps than in gathers...#RhyseConspiracyContinues?

    Now you can play in OB tournaments without begging to be a reserve :spooky:

  2. Hey all

    Coming in with your monthly post (just) to keep you all updated on what's happened and a couple of upcoming tidbits.

    - Staff: Welcome
    So since the last update we've had quite a few staff changes and we are happy to welcome the following individuals to the moderator team:

    - GingerPopper
    - Designated Retard
    - Skill

    Congratulations to those individuals on their new roles.

    - Staff: Goodbye
    With fresh blood coming in also lead to some old blood stepping away. I would like to say a massive thank you to both JayDog and CQCOD for the time they put into this community. Regardless of your role in staff, you are giving up your time to volunteer to help run a community of individuals who will definitely give you more flak than appreciation for your efforts. Thanks once again to you both.

    - Forum: Awards
    As some of you might have noticed, myself and Conor have weird award badges underneath our names and on our profile pages. The ones we currently have are just for testing and we're still setting it up. However the hope is to have a variety of badges to value both achievements of individuals in this community as well as provide interesting things for people to work towards. More info on this will be given in due course but for now it's something to come.

    - Events: Sign Up & Review
    The current event is a prime example of this, and most of you have grabbed the simplicity of it already which is great. Essentially we are utilising the perks we have available to us and converting our sign ups onto the calendar. The post will still be made in the event section, at least for the time being, to link to the calendar page and results will still be posted in the event section too. After an event has taken place, the calendar review system will become available so that individuals can rate the event and give proper feedback. We'll continue looking into ways to make it better but for now this is what we are doing as a transition phase.

    - YouTube: Content & Subscribe
    With the conclusion of the Hearthstone tournament, a few more videos were added to Outbreak's YouTube channel alongside a couple of CS:GO Summer tournament clips. We hope to start involving more content on the channel and evolve the different media outlets for our community with time. However one of the things we would ideally like is a custom URL, something which is only achievable through earning 100 subscribers. We don't want to beg our way up, but it would be a great help if our memberbase could get the count going by subscribing to our channel.


    That's about it for now, though we're sure there'll be more bits and bobs to post about as February heads our way. :devil:

    The OB Staff

  3. Honestly, if I ever need to round up a list of the real skids draining the life fuel of Outbreak - I'll just get Skill to post a video and I'll get evidence from the responses as well. And people doubted me when I said Cereal was part of it :^)

    Aside from the fact that half of you were just being troll and spamming anyway, the other half of you really need to learn some tact. I don't think Skill's been against constructive criticism at all but most of you who were actually trying to 'help' just come across as reproachful.

    I would agree with some of the comments, it ended up a bit choppy and afforded the fps due to some of the editing you added. I think you took it a tad too far in comparison to the simplicity of your previous video, but nonetheless you are trying new things and you'll learn with time.

    Also fuck you to all the people who keep saying 'stop making new threads', to every one of you who says this there are 10 people who say 'dead forums xd'. It might not interest everyone, but by making a new thread he creates discussion for his content and it expands off that. I know in Skill's case his other video was recent, but other people would be bumping ancient threads to 'keep it in one place' for you. If you don't want to see it, just mark as read and leave.

    Cleaning up this thread and allowing people to actually give constructive criticism (constructive being the key word, google what it means people). There's a key difference between someone being overly sensitive and the majority of you just being twats.

  4. Hey Atzul,

    After some discussion we have decided to decline you for now. Despite some improvements on integration and how clearly keen you are to get involved with the community, a few issues were brought up with the way you present yourself at times. As well as the majority of your activity coming from the last week or so, the way you act around people a lot of the time causes you to be a hassle to others. You often don't think before you speak and this can sometimes come across as reproachful or toxic as well - it implies that you don't know how to act around others. You also need to be able to take on board constructive criticism, acknowledge it and actually work from it.

    I would advise you work on tempering what you are saying when in a channel to try be less irritating and also try not to be so forceful in the way you act, but actually try get involved naturally with people rather than just coming across as if gaining member is the sole purpose you have in mind. Continue integrating with the wider community while improving on these personality traits and then apply again once you have improved, having a bit of patience could go a long way for you. The earliest you can apply again is in 2 weeks time.

    Sorry to disappoint,
    The OB Staff

  5. I completely get that @Oldmike, and I do agree with what you are saying for people who are trying to get something out of their videos. For the viewer we want to see different stuff, improvement etc - but at the same time people shouldn't feel a need to improve x amount for us lot if they are just sharing something they've done for the heck of it.

    Sniffles saying (and you +rep what he said) that he'd rather wait longer for a good montage than see an 'okay' one every few weeks, although I get what you mean it's not like people in OB are trying to provide for us as an audience. They haven't got some fan base to prove themselves to and they aren't getting anything particular out of it - if they just want to chuck all their clips together both for their own memory and to share them then they shouldn't have to fulfill an editing expectation, you don't have to watch the content they provide.

    In regard to your comment on improving in what you enjoy, in some cases I completely get you - but I'd honestly say that's a person to person basis. Is every single montage creator enjoying editing because of the final outcome or just because they enjoy recording some clips and chucking them together? Different people do what they do for their own entertainment in their own way. A large majority of people play CS in this community for enjoyment but I can guarantee a large bunch don't care about improving, I for one do not give a single flying fuck about my CS skill but I still enjoy playing games with people on it (another example is those who troll mix, do you think they care about being good at any aspect of it?).

    This is just a discussion, so don't get me wrong I'm not trying to put down your points. I just feel a lot of what you're saying and perceive is based upon what you would apply to yourself, when a lot of other people just want to provide content on their own terms regardless of improving quality or not. If someone put a lot of time into one montage and it was insane then they would receive more praise from me for the amazing content they've provided, but that doesn't mean I would hold anything against those who might put less time in (or be less capable) and just upload their clips with less appealing content but at their own merit.

    In reply to people saying they don't want as many videos or that people should stuff all their videos into one thread (which if they were uploaded all at once, ofc I agree) are being grumpycats in most cases imo. More videos (within reason) being shared with a post each means more forum content and more discussion, heck if this video had just been linked at the end of his last thread people might've rep'd it or just said 'o cool' but not discussed as much off it. Everyone's entitled to an opinion on the content itself of course, I just think some people need to be more open to how someone else might see their own work that they share and some people need to be less grumpy with how much content people share.

    tl;dr - oldmike u have a small penis xd

    Edit: Just realised how much I typed for this, wtf am I doing with myself

  6. One of the 4 most recent songs uploaded to Blackmill's main channel (he doesn't upload often, but xmas day he went wild). Linked the other 3 below in spoiler for anyone interested. Hard for me to find a work of Blackmill's that I don't like tbh, always just chill.






  7. Although I had to leave before the end of both nights, from what I did watch was some good Hearthstone - and tbh it was closer than expected, people pulling out some nice plays with not too much cheese (apart from Rhyse, who tried and failed to cheese lel).

    Thanks Fluxy for organising this - I love these community tournaments and being able to spread it across a variety of games is great.

    Congratz @Fxden xo

  8. 1 hour ago, Oldmike said:

    Everyone in OB in terms of "montage" and "fragmovies" are the same. All just put a bunch of clips together with no editing whatsoever, not even trying to improve. Is it just me or do normal people aspire to become better at whatever they like to do? Am i being unreasonable?

    Depends if they are aiming to show off the clips or show off their editing ability. A lot of people in OB will find it challenging enough to time music + put the gun sounds back into clips at times (if they want to remove other sounds), yet alone any aesthetic editing or improved viewer entertainment.

    It would be nice to see some more complex/different styled edits, but at the same time that can take a lot of time and if people aren't interested in doing it then it's their own choice if they want to take the editing further. For a lot of the people making these videos the quality of the clips themselves would probably be something to work on before exploring more advanced editing anyway. Just my chip on it though, would be interesting to see some of the more capable video editors produce a real sweet montage at some point.

    All the same, liking your clips Skill and imo there were clear improvements in the clips themselves since your last video. Looking forward to seeing your next one xo

  9. Would be interesting to check out Aussie JB sometime to see how things are different, each server has their own style after all. Glad you enjoy our content, even if at times a lot of what is posted is in-the-know jokes lel - as long as you tread carefully in regard to League of Legends or anime though, you should survive.

    Cool to see someone who finds our community purely through the forum and will mostly interact through it, though it would be sweet if you could pop onto either our JB or TS sometime and chill in our cosy corner of the internet. We have a couple of resident partial Aussies among us as it is @VENGA BUS @Jak :devil:

    All the same, welcome to the forums!

  10. Congratulizations iZac, you've passed your trial.

    You are now an official member of the community and can enjoy all the benefits of membership. Message an admin to be invited to the member's steam group. The only thing we would like you to take note is to not give in to the peer pressure of a large group who are misbehaving, as a member we expect you to know the difference between having a laugh and just being a hassle. Otherwise, congratz once again.

    All the best,
    The OB Staff

  11. 2 hours ago, VENGA BUS said:

    Are you legit asking me, a 26 year old Russell Group graduate, to guarantee that my topics of conversation are appropriate and comprehensible to an eleven year old?

    Comprehensible? Not particularly, though if you are genuinely saying that you use the peak of your capabilities as a 'Russel Group graduate' to converse with the majority of Outbreak then I'm surprised anyone, apart from maybe Wist, would be able to follow most of what you say.

    Appropriate in terms of certain words/phrases that are being used, that arguably wouldn't be suitable regardless of age but have recently been used out of hand to the point where certain individuals genuinely believe some people hold the views that they incite with their choice of words (even though said views would be very dated and hold no place in this community).

    A kid on the internet over the age of 10 will have been exposed to a fair amount, perhaps there would still be some conversations that might push the boundaries but it's very easy to pick certain times and company for that. The kind of thing I was more referring to is the kind of stuff that isn't really acceptable at all in Outbreak but for a time it has been let off loose when regarded in certain company/context as just pure humour - but when those companies/contexts seem to become irrelevant to the people spouting said 'humour' it stops making our TS a place to welcome people of any background, age, intelligence etc.

    There were plenty of people aged above 18 to mid 20s back in a time where our content was open to people of all ages and yet still was able to maintain a mature conversation, I see no reason why there can't be mature and playful discussion/vibes which don't take it to the excess that someone should blanket avoid TS due to 'innocence'.

    Just my chip on it, I don't disagree with what you are saying. I wouldn't want to censor or stop people saying their own thing for laughs - but when I read Mintlou's 'for your own safety' and actually kind of agreed when thinking about some contexts, it made me sad that it should even be a thing. The thing I loved about OB is that it didn't matter about all that other shamble, you had something in common so you could converse and get on with people who would be polar opposites IRL. I know this is just one case but I wouldn't want it to continue to a state where we start losing that.

  12. Not sure if people should be warning him against coming on TS due to their content or get a reality check and mold their content based on who's around so that we welcome more people :hmm:

    Either way, welcome to the forums Charlie. Skip out on the every word caps and the random boldness and then make yourself at home in our corner of the internet xo

  13. So the first day of Outbreak Winter CS:GO Competitive is tonight, couple of updates and reminders.

    First match starts at 8PM...starts..which means you should be on, in your team's TS channel and ready by very latest 7.45PM. Also to anyone who doesn't realise (because some people are pretty dense), the second match will begin as soon as all of the first matches have finished. I will come speak to you tonight about results and what you should do during setup (to which you will all be expected to listen and do as told without pissing about xoxo).

    Also due to unforeseen personal circumstances, @Echo has had to drop out at last moment so will be replaced by @Pasickle

    Good luck to all teams, let's make this a good weekend of OB CS.

  14. Hey James,

    Despite some minor improvements in some areas, the staff team as a whole agreed that there is a long way to go before you are member material again. A lot of the time your positives often appear forced and people often find that you lie about things you have done to try make yourself look better, which just makes us less likely to see any genuine improvements. It has also been noted that you can often come across as toxic and been involved in a few incidents where your reproachful behaviour is linked to OB. Due to this, alongside your often immature, lack of sense nature, it makes it so we cannot give you a trial at this time.

    Sorry to disappoint,
    The OB Staff

  15. Hey iZac,

    Congratulations, we've decided to put you on trial. There are a few things we would like to see you improve on both during your trial and continuing after your trial should you pass. We would like to see further integration on TS through means of conversation, rather than just the gathers and your own groups that you sit in so people can get to know you (you've had enough integration to get trial, we'd just like to see a bit more). It has also been noted at times that you can be provocative at times and this often leads to causing issues and hassle for staff to deal with (sometimes it's meant in joking nature but it is needless baiting/shit stirring nonetheless). 

    If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to ask.

    Good luck,
    The OB Staff

  16. Hey Jakob,

    You've had similar improvements mentioned to you over a couple of applications and conversations and there hasn't been any real improvements in the regards of integration and attempts to cut down on behaviour such as mic spamming etc. You also asked us to decline you as you realised this wasn't the right time, so we will be declining you.

    Sorry to disappoint,
    The OB Staff

  17. Just an update, due to their individual circumstances making them unavailable the following players have been replaced:

    @Simi #juandeag replaced by @Sovman

    @JamesG replaced by @Echo

    Although each of these individuals were only unavailable on the Saturday, that would be 2/5 games and ideally we'd like people to be able to play all of the games (at most missing out on 1). If anyone else suddenly finds out they aren't available then let us know as soon as possible - realistically you should be committed already by now but we really won't like it if we are pissed about.

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