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Posts posted by Frostie

  1. 7 minutes ago, w33zy said:

    Hey frostie whats going on with outbreak and the servers?

    uhm nothing is going on and i dont care tho.

    this wasnt out of context my friend, i get you ofcourse you gonna defend yourself thats okay.

    “I don’t care right now” was the words I used. If you want to know why it was out of context you can ask me on teamspeak or through a private message, I just don’t want my personal drama documented on a thread that is just another repeat.

  2. I don’t know how you all can take a single quote out of context and say it’s what I have been saying for a long time. Fact is something was happening in my real life around the time I was ‘ambushed’ with questions about the community. I’m not going to bring my real life drama onto the forums. You’ve all been in our shoes as moderators and admins when the community has struggled and should know it’s not easy to just “do something new”. This post has definitely got the ball rolling again, despite the team working on a FiveM server as previously mentioned, I can openly say I haven’t had anything to do with it. Firstly I don’t enjoy the game, secondly I don’t have the knowledge behind the server set-up and modding, thirdly I do not own the game and don’t plan on changing that as my computer is shit and won’t be able to run it well enough, finally I have a business to run. Yes I can step down and remove myself from the team, but on the other hand Conor is a good real life friend and I want to support him whenever I can possible.

    As said, the ball is rolling again thanks to Akame, his post was inspirational and has gained traction amongst us. Conor and Cheesepuff will be focusing on the FiveM server, Myself and Ginger will be looking at frequent events again and Kai will be drifting between the two as well as other projects.

    We do appreciate your patience in the meantime, thanks.

  3. The title speaks for itself, just in my opinion not for the same reason that you agree with. I personally think it’s yourself that needs to change Mintlou, the community has developed a lot over it’s lifetime it has had it’s ups and it’s downs. We have reached a point where we are not a gaming community anymore and are in fact a community. The teamspeak exists solely as a hub to group everyone together so that they may choose their own games to play and interact with people of their choosing. We don’t have a need for “fresh blood” every week because the community exists from the foundries of friendships. I personally don’t mind new people coming in or not, this is my own opinion as I enjoy playing the games I currently do with the people I have chosen to spend my time with.

    As for yourself you’re holding onto the idea “what we were and should be” and it’s always the same with you every 4-6 months you will start a dramafest that will go in circles as you said yourself until it fizzles out. 

    I’m happy to assist with servers and events when we have a clear desire for them but that desire doesn’t exist. It’s not as simple as it sounds throwing a server together and keeping it populated when the majority of the community and all of the admin team have full time jobs. Don’t get me wrong we all enjoy doing it, but then to set something up that was requested to only let it die after a few weeks because the community no longer wants it causes a lack of motivation and we have to start again.

    If you desperately want to help, try by accepting that ownership isn’t going to change until something major happens in Conors life that requires his full attention and start acting like a supportive member instead of a brat.

    There is nothing stopping you from creating a server of your own whatever that may be, using your own funds and taking in donations to fund it. You don’t require “ownership” to make a server, we have had multiple servers ran by members (mostly minecraft) that were successful and didn’t require ownership status to make that happen.

    As it stands Conor is the Owner, he funds the Teamspeak and pays for pop up servers to be played until their expiration date. You can say you are greatful or argue you don’t want him to do that, either way he does it because he cares. We all care, however real life sometimes has to take priority over the virtual world and slows down projects and causes lack of communication between staff and staff aswell as staff and members.

    This will be the last response on this thread from us as it’s just another one of your rants about “the state of the community” no matter how you paint it and argue it, that’s exactly what this has been. 

    Thanks for your read, Good day.

  4. It’s all down to availability from staff and upload speeds. The mods we have chosen need to be tested for compatibility with each other and to be sure they are balanced. Whereas we don’t have a time frame for when it will be completed as soon as the mods have been uploaded to the server I’m sure Kai will be quick to test them and get the server running ASAP.

  5. 4 hours ago, Jamie said:

    stop jumping around corners


    wp thop

    The jump around is how I entertain myself, however the jump on short onto cat was to get elevation and see if he was hiding on ramp, just soloqueue things ?

  6. specfbanner.png

    Starting things off...

    Firstly I'd like to thank everyone that was able to attend tonight and make the opening a little special. After running the server for a short time we found it would be beneficial to add the autohop plug it, and this will be the same as it evolves. We hope to increase the amount of plug-ins onto the server to make it as enjoyable as it can be. Once again thank you for coming to the opening and helping us to iron out some creases.


    No scores were kept for this "event" as it was just a grand opening for the server which means, EVERYONE is a WINNER!!!


    The server will now remain live until it reaches it's shelf life and we move onto something new, so please feel free to jump onto the server anytime with your friends within Outbreak or not and just have a little fun.

    Alternative server to Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    Following the launch of the Minigames server we have also created a vanilla Minecraft server for all you freaks that want to play that! It shall be available next Saturday (13/10/18) so look forward to that if that's your preferred cup of tea.

    Forums Update

    Additionally a change to the forums has been made to allow Member & VIPS to change their Usernames once every 90 days.

    To do this:

    On the top left click the drop down box with your name and go to "Account Settings" or click HERE

    In the Display Name tab on the left, It'll take you to where you can Change Display Name.

    Name Changes can only be done once every 90 days, Please read your new Display Name before saving it.



    If you have any other ideas or suggestions for things you'd like to see Outbreak do, such as other servers, games, events etc... 
    Either message admin+ via the forums, or create a post under the S&Q Forum Section.

  7. I would personally like to apologize for how long this has taken to get to everyone, I understand the frustration that has been built up around the lack of information from staff to members but I can put your hearts to rest by telling you there have been no new updates. We have had few talks about what can change to improve footfall into the community and during these talks nothing has been suggested to do so. As it stands we are a community of on going friends which create servers by popular demand, there is no dead set game that people can play without getting quickly bored of it which begs the question of why put in a few weeks time and effort into something that will last 1 week?


    During tonight's admin meeting we discussed a few topics of importance and would like to give the information directly to you;


    After the vote we have concluded that the community will remain on the Teamspeak 3 server however we will still have the Discord server for a back up, with this decision being made we will be introducing a "donation cup" onto the Forums to allow us to maintain the upkeep of the server. If there is a lack of funds we will fund the remained for the month but if it is a reoccurring thing then we will have to close the Teamspeak server and move to discord. Teamspeak 5 is soon to be released and we hope to have very similar abilities as Discord has.


    We will be moving the Chatbox onto the front of the forums, however it will be located near the bottom of the page and will require log-in to view it. If anyone is seen breaking the Chatbox rules or just being disrespectful they will have their access removed.


    Over the past few months we have been working on a Minecraft server, constructing building and testing plug-ins. We have now decided that won't be going ahead and we will likely be creating a Vanilla server with a spawn area, the server will be wiped every month to avoid things getting stale and give new teams a chance to take the lead in warfare. This is only a idea at the moment and we are open to any other ideas you guys may have.


    We will try rolling out different servers (not Minecraft) in vanilla states without over modding so they don't take too long to set up to just be put back in the toy box. If you have any games in mind then please feel free to mention it in this post or to any of us (preferably not Cheesepuff as he tends to forget).

    Donation system

    We will have a widget on the front page which will show how much of our monthly goal we have achieved, the goal will be around £20 per month so we are able to keep the Teamspeak server up, if in the future we require any additional funds we will make a post to let you guys know whats happening so not to keep everything behind the scenes.


    We appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope this helps you to understand where we stand.

  8. 21 hours ago, Jamie said:


    Conor, is Discord still happening? If so when can we expect to see the transition? If it's cancelled, then why has it been cancelled?


    Discord is still happening following a thread which will soon be released and EVERYONE can have their input on it.

    17 hours ago, Eraser said:

    When is the next minecraft server coming?

    Hopefully within the next year!

    5 hours ago, Veng3nce said:

    When is the League of Legends tournament?

    Will be looking at doing another one after the Csgo Tournament.

    5 hours ago, Joji said:

    Will JB be revived ? If so, when will it come back ?

    No. Never.

    3 hours ago, Vemix said:

    Where did the CS Tourney go?


    3 hours ago, SonyTwan said:

    Do you see OB ever being able to grow again, and if so with what games?
    I'm not particularly fussed if it doesn't.
    A WoW classic guild could work, but that's eons away.

    A large growth, no. The community is now more of a gaming hub for all game times and we all move with the times which is what we're trying to do with the server ideas (that haven't been updated in a while, sorry). A WoW classic guild could be pretty swiggy tbh.

    1 hour ago, VENGA BUS said:

    If I was a girl what would be the best way to sort out my high ping?

    Try turning it off and on again.

    1 hour ago, Mintlou said:

    Too bad you won't get any answers. PROVE ME WRONG. 


    44 minutes ago, Rory said:

    Is the website slower to load these days? It takes me a good 3-5 seconds to get the page up initially and another similar amount of time to get through the splash page. 

    Not having this problem with any other website and it's the same for both my phone and on PC.

    I've not noticed any slow downs but shall see what others think, try making a thread about it and getting some feedback.

  9. Multiple people have come and said they don’t want to go to Discord because it’s not user friendly, which is why we have spent so much time adding plug-ins that allow you to have private text channels and spent time testing it. 

    I mean if you want to step up to the plate and do something instead of bitching- oh wait this is a repeat of when you were a Moderator. Nevermind.

    Discord is live in Alpha/Beta which means all are welcome to try and use it. We made a new Teamspeak out of curtesy so people aren’t forced into moving directly to it. But I guess an act of kindness is overshadowed by out inability to work faster because we all have full time jobs.

  10. 3 hours ago, Mintlou said:

    This is the most /r/hmm I've ever seen. 


    It's a completely free community platform which has drag and drop config for everything. I'm sure OB has had this live for several months now, when it really shouldn't take more than a few hours. 

    The excuses are bizarre. 

    It's to make it as friendly as possible to people that don't know how to use Discord. 


    But you won't care for that, you have your own Teamspeak. :ok:

  11. 34 minutes ago, Skeff said:

    Why didn't we just take this opportunity to move to discord?

    Because we want Discord to be completely set up for the move. Not everyone likes Discord so we want to make it as similar to Teamspeak as possible.

  12. I suggested googling because I’m in the states and everything is $ for me. I just didn’t want to give you an inaccurate number given your statement saying you’d outright pay for it. 


    We talk about potential problems between ourselves and give it to you when we have the “right way” of telling you guys.

  13. Regardless of the arguing that is undergoing in this thread the reality is we are going to try Discord. Nobody enjoys asking for money which is why we have gone about it this way. If we can avoid others needlessly giving us money when we can use a cheaper voice communication method then we will, if it fails then we shall turn to you guys for help. This is a community of friends and memes and we don’t want you to have to pay to be here. A simple google search will help you work out how much we pay per month for JUST the Teamspeak server, look for the 100 slot server.

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