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  1. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Vemix in Outbreak's Secret Santa 2016   
  2. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jamie in Radio Garden   
    tuned in to gaziantep radio in syria, all i heard was gunshots
  3. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to UnSeen in The Worst Event in OB History (Results)   
    As Lew said, the lag was unexpected and kinda out of our control and it sucked that a chunk of the event was shadowed by that and made it drag out for a lot of you.
    I personally am disappointed that the event didn't meet my own expectations, especially coming off the back of two decent previous events. Hopefully we can do a similar style idea but make it work in the future on perhaps a better map without the 'Grinch ruining Christmas' models.
    Thanks for all who turned up and for sticking it through - Merry Christmas to you all and here's to a hopefully better 2017 OB.
  4. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from iZac in TOP 5/10 OB AS OF 12/13/2016   
    Most Boosted Players in OB
    1. Heineken
    2. Heineken
    3. Heineken
    4. Heineken
    5. Heineken
  5. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Skill in 7 Free Games   
    Whats wrong with it?
    Assasins creed isnt the only game there... There are other really good games like The Crew, and they are free so be thankful!
  6. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from Sir_Conor in New years resolutions!   
    I said the same last year... didn't happen.
  7. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to M1nt-l0u in New years resolutions!   
    Get mod and make OB great again.
  8. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Blyss in New years resolutions!   
    -watch more anime
    -organize my hentai folders
    -start cutting myself deeper, i'm a bit of a pussy ngl
    -make myself look like this https://gyazo.com/1496f51623be6d5abd35ac279b2f0c6a
    -finally come clean and admit that i don't have a gf and that i'm just a 21 yo anti social virgin
    -apologize to the vets and admit that i'm nothing compared to their almighty power and influence in this amazing community
    -stop listening to nightcore so people don't think i'm a weirdo when i'm on the bus
    -stop saying that my moms car is mine
    -stop saying that my moms 2nd car is mine
    -find a shop where i can actually buy clothes for obese people like myself
    -no more flirting with underage girls on steam and omegle
    -stop trolling
  9. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Fluxy in Back to 1.6 - Highlights   
    I never played 1.6, so, while I can appreciate what a pure form of CS it is, but I lack that nostalgia factor to really build the emotional connection, whenever I see gameplay of it I always feel it's just on the wrong side of looking too clunky and old for me. 
    Obvouisly I would understand that those who played and loved 1.6 back in the day would probably hotly disagree with me here and argue that it was the best, and I can see why. If I were to show CSS to someone who had only played GO im sure they would react the same way I do to 1.6, thinking it's just old and shit, when for me, going back to CSS last night gave me such a feeling of satisfaction and the joys of remembering all the things about it that made it such a fun game. 
    Although I do find it quite funny how people complain so much about running pistol accuracy in CSGO, but after a few hours of messing around on a deagle map on CCS...well let's just say, THE DEAGLE NEVER FELT SO GOOD BBY. 
    but serouisly, the more you move with that thing the more accurate it seems to get....
  10. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jamie in ★Christmas Giveaway★   
    ye after thinking about it nvm, just do the wheel thing til elimination so everyone has a chance
  11. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Lewis in CSS GADDA?   
    HAHAHAHAHA, I thought it would happen, but I didn't realise it would be this obvious.
    Look at these complete and utter COWARDS fleeing from CS:GO in the hundreds to try and escape me. I had no idea you fucks were this petrified LMFAO.
    'Slow internet' we can get a few more games before lew downloads and stomps us ----- Fucking morons rofl, already got me mum to log into pc, she downloading css as we speak. I'll train throughout the entire of tomorrow night. And I'm better on css than GO idiots. My advice is stay where you are, you've already done the damage in betraying me. Let's make it painless you betas.
    Your choice.
  12. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from Eagle in TOP 5/10 OB AS OF 12/13/2016   
    Most Boosted Players in OB
    1. Heineken
    2. Heineken
    3. Heineken
    4. Heineken
    5. Heineken
  13. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from NotRJayy in ★Christmas Giveaway★   
    give me this now
  14. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from MrGibbyGibson in TOP 5/10 OB AS OF 12/13/2016   
    Most Boosted Players in OB
    1. Heineken
    2. Heineken
    3. Heineken
    4. Heineken
    5. Heineken
  15. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jamie in Happy birthday lelemaikelele!   
    Happy 17th birthday @lelemaikelele ! Hope you have a great day and don't waste it doing nothing! :)

  16. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Fluxy in Media Help.   
    Honestly, would have loved an assignment like that. Theres so much you could do it on! 
    For me some picks would be 
    - The ending of The Mist, holy shit is that dark. So much to be said about endings to films breaking convention. 
    -The conversation between Jules and Vincent about the difference between EU and NA cheeseburgers in Pulp Fiction. Analyising the use of Tarintino's long drawn out dialogue scenes and how the effect the film. This could also be done with the starting scene from Reservoir dogs.  
    - The final battle between the mother queen and Ripley at the end of Aliens. Lots of themes of motherhood and sacrifice since Ripley is defending Newt the girl.  
    - Another Tarantino one but one of the opening scenes of Inglorious Basterds with the german officer in the farm house, talk about tension building devices and stuff. You could also do the bar scene which is incredible.  
    - The scene from American Phyco were Bateman murders Paul Allen "You like Huey Lewis and the news?"  - I actually did a critical analysis of the whole film for a piece of coursework for third year, really interesting.   
    - No country for old men...you can literally choose any 3 minute segment of the film and theres enough to right a paper on...trust me. 
    -Ferris Buelers day off - beginning scene with is cut aways to camera. 
    - Numerous scenes from Blade Runner but Roy's "i've seen starships burning off the shores of Orion" speech is chilling. 
    There is so much more stuff you could do but this is just what came to mind for me. 
  17. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Daffy Duck in Media Help.   
    Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring has an action-filled start. 
  18. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Rory in Media Help.   
    Saving Private Ryan - Omaha beach introduction scene. I know you only have three mins but if there is any leeway then pick this.
    Example of video essay on this - 
    Some other good introductions - 
  19. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to IrishChamp in Media Help.   
  20. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from Rory in Mafia [3/12/2016] - Sign ups   
    Cheers to Rachel for hosting Mafia. Only played one game but was good fun, would definitely be up for playing again sometime.
  21. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to UnSeen in Donation System   
    Outbreak Donation System
    As many of you will know, we swapped to a different donation system a short while back to allow us to more effectively work perks into the mix, keep better track of what's going on and overall have better control of how we want to implement new features. These changes meant the way purchases for perks were made were changed significantly, however there was only a brief explanation and little package choice when this was first introduced.
    We have now added a few more packages, put up a couple of other features and sorted out the appropriate perks and prices. This post will go over the contents of our various packages as well as explain some of the other features available on our donation page.

    ● JB 1 Month Package
    The standard package for the Jailbreak server. You will unlock all of the following features for 1 month; all available items in the Jailbreak store (apart from VIP exclusive ware), reserved slot for the server, donator group on the forums, donator TS icon and OB event priority. You will also get an invitation to and permanent membership of the OB donator steam group to recognise your contribution to our community. The 1 month package costs £5.99.
    ● JB 3 Month Package
    This package is an extension of the previous package but will also give you a bonus free 7 days on top of the paid 3 month time period. You will unlock all of the same features as the 1 month package for 3 months at a price of £15.99.

    ● VIP Package
    This is the biggest package available on our store. As well as unlocking all of the perks mentioned in the 1 month package on a permanent basis, the VIP package will also earn you exclusive items such as pets, name colours and player models. A personal server connect message and custom in-game tag will be available to you. You will be invited to the VIP steam group, be added to the VIP group on the forums and given a custom TS icon of your choice. VIPs will get first access to anything we are testing out and will gain perks on any server we have at one time. VIP costs £50.
    ● JB Reserve Slot
    As we had in the past, we have re-added a popular option to just purchase a reserve slot. Once our server is back in top shape and we hit peak times, it is often in high demand making it very hard to join at times. You can get past this by having a reserve slot which costs £1 per month. Unlike the other packages, reserve slot purchases can be stacked if you wish to buy a reserved slot for an extended period of time in one go.

    ● Outbreak Tip Jar
    Outbreak needs its donations to keep the community running. Sometimes people want to donate and show their appreciation but aren't particularly fussed about the perks and they don't want to be restricted to a price. This is there for anyone who is feeling generous and wants to help out by dropping any amount they want (minimum £1) into the jar.  

    ● Christmas Raffle
    Our new system allows us to set up raffles on the page. Between now and Christmas you can enter for a chance of unlocking the 3 month package at a much cheaper price. It costs £1 per entry and you can enter up to 5 times. We hope to be able to use this feature for special occasions and perhaps more frequently with better prizes eventually if they turn out to be popular. 
    ● OB Advent Calendar
    As of tomorrow for the next 24 days of Christmas advent there will be prizes gifted randomly to individuals through our calendar. The prizes will consist of a chance to win credits, reserved slots or a slim chance of other packages on some days. To have a chance of winning something from this advent calendar all you need to do is head over to our store page and sign up by signing in through steam on it. You need to log in each day to be entered for a chance to win that days advent prize! You don't need to purchase any packages or anything like that, once you sign in you'll be a recognised user and therefore be in a chance of getting a prize over the next 24 days.

    Hopefully this clarifies our package system and starts to open up a few new features to test over the coming month. If you have any questions then make sure to contact an admin+ for any information or use the support ticket system if you have any queries. To access the donation page either use this link or click the donate tab at the top of the forum page.
    The OB Staff 
  22. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Fluxy in Did valve seriously add glove skins? oh god   
    You guys like legit do realise that the people responsible for designing and putting in the gloves have nothing to do with the people that fix actual issues with the game right.... 
    It's not like John at Valve has a to do list with fix hitboxes and servers on it but he's running late for lunch so he could quickly just add some dank glove skins. It's not like that lmafo. 
    Also you mention that you have thought this was coming since the graffiti update...bro it was pretty clear they were going to be adding glove skins at some point when the updated the glove models like last year, which people on Reddit have been asking for glove skins since then as well. 
    Again, this update is met with outrage by the CS community for some reason. Like yeah I get it, glove skins likely to be massive amounts of money, but you can't call them "money grabbing cunts"  or words to that effect for literally just adding cosmetic shit to the game that people who do want to buy will. Yeah you gotta buy cases to get them, so what, you honestly think they would add them for free or what????
    I found the graffiti update a bit iffy because I don't think it has a place in CSGO, like don't get me wrong, I LOVED sprays in CSS, but imo CSS was much more community game mode driven while CSGO is more competitive esports driven, so I don't think "graffiti" fits with that, but the gloves do. I dunno, makes sense to me, can't understand why people are surprised about it. 
    Also, CSGO and valve get such a hard time from the community for not fixing stuff and improving the game but instead just having more skins more wins. It's complete BS. When I look through some old CSGO videos, either my own or other montages, it always amazes me how different cs looks and plays today than it did back then. Weapon balancing, graphical improvements, map streamlining, tighter animations, YES IMPROVED HITBOXES. It's not perfect by any means, running pistols are broken, hitboxes still need a bit of work, nuke needs to get removed from the active duty pool, but by adding optional gloves you can buy if you want certainty does not make the game worse. 
  23. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to gaffeR in Its been a while!   
    I lost love for comp for a long while and i am getting back the feeling!

    Not the best of frags, but im glad to be back!
  24. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from Skill in New Wave - Skill   
    +rep for this mate, enjoyed watching it.
  25. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Stiqqy in Worst/cringiest videos you have seen   
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