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  1. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Danny in Popcorn time any good?   
    Stop eating meat, cause of animal cruelty.
    Bacon is too good.
    Free Shit is too good.
    Telegraph articles are a load of bollocks too. That quote means next to nothing, where's the link to the actual study made?
  2. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Blyss in ESL Outbreak Summer 2017   
  3. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jaydog! in Show Your Ride!   
  4. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Pasickle in daily frags ep 4391   
    The 5 rules for OB montages
    1. use a filter to make it look like you've done something with the video
    2. add some music that no one has ever heard before
    3. the only edits are just cuts to the next clip
    4. DO NOT include special effects or anything that will make the montage actually look good because that takes too much effort.
    5. post that shit on the forums and expect +honor
  5. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jak in Net Neutrality   
    I'm personally against net neutrality. Especially if it stops illegal downloading. You wouldn't steal a car, you wouldn't steal a handbag. So why steal a film?
  6. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Finnley in 1 yeet 2 yeet 3 yeet 4 yeet   
    Fancy gameplay. Also Blyss is washed up.
  7. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to UnSeen in Operation Fix Gathers - Report any Trolls/Troll Captains/Negevs/Giver Uppers here   
    smh you guys don't even realise it but I was the subliminal soul of cs, w/o me you can't bring the numbers
    also hey blyss is back to being a forum cuck, that took long 
  8. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Oldmike in Operation Fix Gathers - Report any Trolls/Troll Captains/Negevs/Giver Uppers here   
    Lmao, everything in gathers is joking around. Who does actually get salty from gathers? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable mate, don't complain about it on the forums.
  9. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to SonyTwan in Operation Fix Gathers - Report any Trolls/Troll Captains/Negevs/Giver Uppers here   
    i always want to play mixes and gathers but people tell me to get out
  10. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Oldmike in Master piece (WOW)   
    Can we just take a moment to appreciate this master piece? Truly extraordinary editing by DreamHack Masters.
  11. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Lewis in Hey Outbreak   
    I'd advocate putting renewed energy into Jailbreak. Just because a small minority of the older people in the community don't have passion for it anymore, doesn't mean it can't succeed. 
    Two memes which are actually true:
    1) Attempting to make OB thrive via another game is always gonna be problematic. In general several people will buy a game and get hype around the community then it'll disappear after about 50 hours of gameplay. How many games do we have in this community where like 10 people have stuck to it for a considerable amount of time? Everybody in this community HAS csgo - that's the sort of start you want to be looking at. CSGO is dying in THIS small community under a SELECT overtly vocal minority. Just as I look at the player stats at 9am this morning, it's ranked #2 (as always) with a peek of 550k people. Transferring to another game is already a massive hit on a potential influx of people. As far as I'm aware a PUBG server (if that's even possible in the future) wouldn't be ideal - not really a game you can interact with others beyond your squad of 4 people.

    2) You've all talked non stop about how the player base of JB is little kids. School is still in session. Everyone pre year 11 aren't finishing until July 21st. Not to mention people who are only just finishing GCSE/A level Exams/Returning from Uni. It's all happening now. It's like we've forgot that only 60-90 days ago JB was consistently at 30 players. These coming weeks need to be met with strong commitment from those who wanna see OB expand.

    Course of Action
    Purge the mods who clearly don't wanna moderate a game - we don't need teamspeak/forum mods. Open the apps for young potential. 3 big events over 3 weekends, max players we can get. Jailbreak orientated. Squads of prison wardens vs 40 prisoners or some shit - get people interested again, give priority to randoms for once, our members aren't going anywhere, we want new people. Do something risky, take some new decisions. Events are some of the best ways to get people interested, I've had countless randoms/regulars over the years asking if they can get involved, these are the people we don't wanna turn down this time.

    At least these are some of the things I'd do, if you want to try another game for the 10th time then go for it. You just need to remember that in a community founded/evolved from CSGO, another game is never gonna be as popular with the entirety of the member base. If we want to revive JB these few weeks are the time to attack, I'd be willing to help in several ways.

    It's alright just saying 'I'm fine with teamspeak and forums' - but maybe the admin team doesn't want to just run that for us, maybe they want to... expand xD
  12. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from BIBS in 1 YEAR IN OUTBREAK   
    posted this twice you noob
  13. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from Jak in 1 YEAR IN OUTBREAK   
    I really dislike you ngl
  14. Upvote
    Hobbsyy got a reaction from Twiixtor in 1 YEAR IN OUTBREAK   
    I really dislike you ngl
  15. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Finnley in Forum Game // rep me   
    I summon Emperor Gopnik!
  16. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Gunstar in Ask Finnley Anything Thread!   
    Sexiest Admin?
  17. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jamie in Forum Game // rep me   
  18. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Absolute in What are you listening to right now?   
  19. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to SonyTwan in Away Thread   
    yeah I hate when I tear my knee and can't do things like use my computer
  20. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jamie in [Event Suggestion] [FUNERAL] Jailbreak's Sendoff   
    Hi, I have a suggestion.
    As jailbreak is officially dead and buried, we should host a farewell event. We can all bring a short emotional farewell speech and go down the list, saying our final goodbyes. I can provide the sad funeral music. ? 
    Im assuming due to how people are moving on from CS servers in general, the JB gamemode will forever be a no go option for an OB game server. It's been with us all these years and brought us much pain and joy. I cannot see another attempt being made.
    Let's give our old friend the sendoff she deserves.
  21. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Fluxy in General Election 2017   
    Putting my money where my mouth is. 
    Wish me luck kids. 
  22. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Lewis in General Election 2017   
    In all seriousness, labour:
    1) I'm not a proponent of the fact that rich people who have worked to get into that position should have to pay for benefits scroungers, people who don't know what condoms are, the lazy, the idle. Frankly, this isn't the middle ages where you're born into CONSIDERABLE wealth for the duration of your life. Although that still happens on occasion, in a modern, capitalist world the SIGNIFICANT majority of people have worked hard to earn a high income for their family. A large part of Corbyn's manifesto is dedicated to taxation and increasing it. That's just a right wing-left wing fundamental divide, nothing wrong with that, millions believe either way. The rich have always been forced to pay more tax, something we deal with, but he's taking it to an extreme. As someone who hopes to have a high salary job in life, I oppose this.
    2) Immigration - Doesn't want any cap on people coming into the country. Some middle eastern person with 10 kids, no problem, let's pay for them all! Hopefully something you agree on Mint, as a strong supporter of UKIP who's - arguably second - most important principle is restricting migrant imports. As the 3rd? most populous country in Europe, and as someone who worries about world population levels, I don't advocate a policy which could see 80-90 million people in the country in just a few decades.
    3) Oppose tuition fee abolishment for obvious reasons. Think in the grand scheme of things about how this is going to be paid for. Increased tax. Sure, you get university free (even though you don't pay it back anyway most of the time) - now you have to spend 50 years of your life paying for others to go to uni, cool.
    4) Oppose lowering the voting age to 16. Most 18-25 year olds are already clueless on politics, why would I want this? Labour thrives off its youth vote, the ONLY reason it wants 16-17 year olds to vote is for the easy votes, not thinking about political matters at all. As someone who could lean either way, I don't want a bunch of youth robots propelling a labour government in the future when it could possibly be the wrong choice.
    5) Wants 10,000 more police on the streets. Again, something where the sub 100 IQ just instantly think GOOD IDEA. If you've researched into crime / criminal law in recent years you'd know that just shoving more police on the streets is actually a negligible deterrent for crime. Certainly not worth the money. 
    6) Lax on ISIS. Nty.
    It's fairly clear that Labour created this manifesto with no hopes to win, so just shoved in a bunch of awesomeness to try and gain support (how much of this will go through? Not a lot). If you'd studied political history in any detail you'd be aware this is a common tact, furthermore if you spoke to an ambivalent Corbyn in 20 years time he'd tell you this was certainly the case. I think the support he's received and the damaging reputation of May has been fairly unprecedented. Sooner or later he'll realise that implementing this garbage is gonna be difficult.
    There's no money tree for Corbyn Mintlou, vote for him and get disappointed by 2020 lad.
  23. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Jamie in A L I V E F O R U M S   
    I think we should re consider a relaunch of the shoutbox. That shit was great and it brought people closer together.
    any thoughts or suggestions to make this happen?
  24. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Chus in The people from Manchester fighting back....   
    So I live in Manchester, nobody I know or am related too got injured or killed dw :) (Thanks Extinct and Nick, appreciate you looking out for me)
    Anyway, I saw this and if anyone else is from Manchester here you should know that this is so typical of people around here. Just cheered me up and I hope it cheers you up too :)
  25. Upvote
    Hobbsyy reacted to Lewis in D E A D F O R U M S   
    Pls, after a day of not visiting the forums I wanna see more updates than '1 new post' in knightwolf6869's introduction thread
    do something
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