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Everything posted by GingerPopper

  1. Happy Hanukkah, oh, wait.... I ain't leaving my boy Jesus behind https://imgur.com/a/jMQdS
  2. Thank you @Twiixtor I was actually thinking I wouldn't get cuphead to play while I'm away, but now I can rage at 60's cartoons like never before.
  3. Ok guys before we start giving presents tommorow let's have a quick strawpoll about which game you think will be the most gifted by the end of it: Strawpoll: http://www.strawpoll.me/14669916
  4. Next burglary you should go for a 1080 ti strix OC i7-8700k with a 1440p 144hz monitor Jokes aside FeelsBadMan, happy that you atleast got something out of it though.
  5. Clicked on this thread expecting old men riding a young kid, but then I saw the thread, and then I saw the actual post, FeelsBadMan
  6. FASTEST CONSOLE - Xbox one X ESPORTS READY - PUBG Both are full of shit, FeelsBadMan
  7. https://gyazo.com/1672ab98072e3c45da863b96aa7a5d0d All that money gone for a few pixels, I could've atleast used them for a HOT karambit knife GRITTING TEETH EMOJI
  8. Resident evil 7 The evil within 2 Cuphead PUBG (kind of, idk) Dark souls 3 Ringed city DLC, not really a game, but it was a damn good dlc if I've ever played one.
  9. Drugs r bad and if u do dem u r bad. But on a more serious note most of my friends smoke weed and a fair amount of them have done other drugs, but overall they are perfectly fine, except my friend who smokes alot of weed has actually become as slow as a snail, but besides that smoke if you want.
  10. https://gyazo.com/9aedc06fd99e1e9b19f41686bef41730 Yes.
  11. Just because this thread got revived, what do you guys think of the 1.0. patch? Will it be good, will it be bad, will it be gay? I was pleasantly surprised when I played the test server patch so my hope for this game is atleast regained, if anything.
  12. I kind of remember you on JB, hi and welcome back.
  13. "Press start button to procede, *presses*, to continue you need to purchase the start button for 4.99$ included with a ragtag batman costume of Ben Afleck." I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if a game 5 years from now does something as retarded as this. Edit: Also new COD was meh, as in just ok.
  14. If gay gets banned I get banned
  15. until

    Name: GingerPopper Player/Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: Si senor
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