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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. Okay, so through advice, after following the Lyle McDonald Generic Bulking Program for a few months, I've decided to switch again to a PPL 6 day program (push, pull, legs), just because I felt like I wasn't going to the gym often enough and getting the correct volume, as well as not training my back enough. This program should help with that (hopefully). After a bit of searching I found this. The general idea is to have a push day where you're training your chest, triceps and shoulders, a pull day where you train your back and biceps, and a leg day. I adapted it to my abilities but didn't change it too much apart from substituting hammer curls for pull ups, and dumbbell incline for barbell incline bench press (all the barbell benches are always taken at my gym). I have been attempting deadlifts, but my form is really lacking, so I'm going to try and work on them separately on a really low weight <40kg, and hopefully end up incorporating them into Pull day, but for now I'm going to leave them. I also recently hit a 70kg squat and a 55kg bench (looking to get it to 60kg before June), and am going switching to 5 reps per set should increase my strength to build this up a little. I know these are baby weights, but I really feel like I'm getting into the swing of things, and enjoying weight training. I just wanted to post this here for any feedback/help. Thanks for reading.
  2. Cereal

    My Weakness

    This is sooo much better than the old videos you put out, the editing, actual clips and syncing the kills to the music were sooo much better. You even got the slow motion bang on at 2:22. I'm proud of you, these are gonna be really really good soon.
  3. Hey friends. I've been in Crete where it's cold and the only form of entertainment is my phone. It's not great NGL. Because of this, i have started Hearthstone again for the first time since 2015 with the help of my 12 year old little brother. I've realised his help probably isn't the highest quality and you guys probably are better. He quickly made me a 'miracle rouge' deck and i think I'm down to 21 with it after a few hours. I was wondering if you guys had any recourses or help you could give me. https://imgur.com/gallery/5IkKj
  4. Thanks for this event, probably coming from a slightly biased viewpoint, but I thought the teams were well put together and they weren't too imbalanced. Nick and Sovman were really strong but I think you're under-evaluating how well Wurdy and LK turned up, especially for a GN4 and DMG, there wasn't one game where either of them really played badly, and I think blaming our team's success on entirely the pre-made teams, and not how well people actually played and the form they were in is unfair. Thanks for the tourney, really well organised and ran smoothly.
  5. Nice parker pen, have used for about a year now, no faults and is very clicky. Would recommend.
  6. Cereal

    Away Thread

    Going to Crete from the 11th to the 15th. Will still be checking the forums regularlly. If you need me steam message me xx.
  7. I'm the 11th not the 10th of September. Thanks for putting the effort in to make this xx
  8. Cereal


    It's not that 'meat is bad for you'. I don't believe that vegetarianism makes you healthier, what you eat makes you healthier and you can be both unhealthy and healthy on a vegetarian and meat-eating diet. Anyway, my reasons behind becoming a vegetarian are mostly ethical, but also partially environmental. Personally I can't justify eating a 99p McDonald's hamburger, for a sentient being's life, spent caged up, in pain, without any freedom and killed a short period into their lives. It doesn't seem fair, the idea of eating meat isn't bad, but we don't need meat for survival and it's a waste of an animals life and resources. It takes a huge amount of resources and physical space to rear livestock and it's just not a sustainable way of eating in the long term with such a fast growing population. If anyone is interested in the environmental side of it all I'd suggest the documentary 'Cowspiracy' on Netflix.
  9. Cereal


    As pescitarian, which is like a veggie that eats fish (a shit one at that), I thought I'd chime in. I don't eat meat out of ethical reasons, I don't disagree with eating meat altogether, just the way animals are bred and kept in captivity. A sentient being shouldn't be born in awful conditions, kept there for its entire life, and then killed just for a 99p Hamburger, it feels wrong. Eating meat out of survival, growing your own livestock or hunting for meat seems pretty necessary and important. There's also a bunch of environmental issues caused by the livestock and cattle industry. I get frustrated at vegetarians who are annoying or boastful about them eating meat, as if they're better people morally for avoiding meat than anyone else, or if people are obnoxious about being vegetarian and pressure other people into their views. On the other hand people waving meat in front of me purposefully, or trying to persuade me to 'just try a little bit', or 'it's already dead' are equally annoying.
  10. Cereal

    ESL Outbreak Spring 2017


    Name: Cereal Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FuckMeILoveBreakfast/ Matchmaking Rank: MGE Player/Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: Available for entire weekend.
  11. You've managed to be convicted of being a undercover valve agent in the /r/globaloffensive community @Revan The Dragon (Read the bottom bit ye) I guess it's always nice to see them trying to make as many guns viable as possible, and a change to the R8 is a step in the right direction, although I'm not sure if the changes are particularly good. New Friends, Requests, Lobbies and Teammates thing seems pretty funky and useful.
  12. 1. 2. 3. I really struggle eating any form of chocolate Cereal in the morning, but Krave is definately a good shout for any snack later in the day.
  13. Cereal


    Had a bowl of this every morning for 3 years.
  14. until

    yes pls
  15. I̶ ̶w̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶h̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶f̶l̶a̶g̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶r̶y̶,̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶.̶ nvm then I'd give myself good chances against anyone 1v1 on Age Of Empires 3 if anyone wants a challenge. I had like 1500 wins to 100 loses on Fifa 12 or something crazy like that back in 2012, so I guess that as well. I'd hope to think I'm an all rounder so idk.
  16. When I joined my gym they gave me a full program on all the basic equipment, and asked me what I wanted and created a basic program like that. It might be the same if you join yours. I'm not sure you'll want to start out straight away with the heavy compound lifts (deadlift etc). I then started substituting the machines for free weights (shoulder press machine for OHP) which is how I did it, but idk about your gym so... not trying to undermine Liutvi's advice, he'll know a world more than me, just that I didn't feel very confident to begin with.
  17. @SonyTwan Cheers for the help, will definately look into that series. Any idea what weight you'd suggest me starting off at looking at my other weights? 40? 50? 60?
  18. Probably get roasted for posting in this thread but whatever. Joined my gym in mid December of last year because I wasn't really happy with the shape of my body or my level of fitness. I started out by doing mostly cardio, but realized it wasn't helping me grow in the way I wanted to, so I slowly reduced the amount of cardio I was doing until I completely cut it out, I still play rugby in my free time which is hopefully enough cardio. I've looked at a couple of different programs, starting out with the one the gym recommended me, then doing a full body beginners one I found online, and then I started doing a 4 day upper lower split (https://forums.lylemcdonald.com/showthread.php?t=1696), and adapted it to add more shoulders and removing deadlifts because I'm a bit of a pussy. (I know this might not make sense but it's not really for you lol) As time has gone by I realized that I wasn't really into the bodybuilder's physique, and have been looking at body weight exercises because I prefer the physique, so I'm going to slowly start substituting weight exercises for body weight ones, starting by completely swapping curls for chin ups, and tricep dips for extensions. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. xxx Don't judge me I'm weak and small.
  19. happy birthday... i guess :P
  20. Heyyy Kobe, it's nice to see you on the forums, you're always really pleasant on Jailbreak. Don't worry about people saying stuff when you're on CT, they do that to everyone. Enjoy your stay.
  21. until

    I'll try, KZ isn't my specialty
  22. Hey dude, saw you on the server earlier and you seem'd to have grasp the concept of warden-ing quicker than most. I'm assuming you're not new to Jailbreak. Enjoy your stay.
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