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Everything posted by Vemix

  1. Where did the CS Tourney go?
  2. Here is one I tried recently that made me get a girls number "Hi, I noticed how beautiful you were and tried coming up with a pickup line but I know that you and I are human so I am just going to be normal and say Hi my name is (my name obviously) and you are? "
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2hlQkVJZhE
  4. Is this about Soccer?
  5. Vemix


    Here is a young photo!
  6. until

    Name: Vemix Solo Rank: Diamond 3 Second Highest Rank: Champ 3 Dates you are unavailable June 30th, July 4th (INDEPENDENCE DAY BITCHES!)
  7. This isnt you, fucking twat
  8. Squad : $39.99 ---> $23.99 Desolate : $19.99 ---> $13.99 The Wild Eight : $19.99 ---> $12.99 https://store.steampowered.com/app/393380/Squad/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/671510/DESOLATE/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/526160/The_Wild_Eight/
  9. Vemix


    XXXPIRED XXXTINCT But its ashame
  10. Vemix

    R6 Vids

    Scrune if you need a professional thumbnail to get that clickbait HMU. Also when the next gather happening?
  11. It bothers me that people are over $500 and Jak and I are only under $250
  12. Poor Ginger losing by a lot of points in the first game.
  13. Hi, welcome back Toby/BlueEyes hope you catch up with the community and see how the state of the community is. Feel free to join the appropriate rooms for games you want to play and maybe find someone to pair up with.
  14. HB Hope you enjoy your day!
  15. He a kid let him be. You don't get to be young forever, you old man!
  16. Damn, just when I thought Pyke was going to be a big thing they pull this! Finally no more shitty tanks for me to play with.
  17. -1 for kid being a snake when joining team games +1 for finally being able to apply for his membership and receive it (hopefully)
  18. Vemix

    Civilization 5

    When I comeback HMU
  19. This Warhammer game looks interesting after Keiji's video. Still wanna know who still plays though.
  20. Vemix

    Team Outbreak

    Good luck boys and bring in some cash!
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