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Posts posted by Absolute

  1. Yeah you're right, mean't to say that I heard about the incident 20 minutes ago, anyways I read it wasn't confirmed to be a terrorist attack but it is confirmed now indeed.

    And don't bother my cohesive point since I was very tired writing this and I really just wanted to prove a point that probably few in Outbreak will see differently and hopefully many can be as understandable as you Irish, I am afraid to say that it is getting scary to call yourself a muslim nowadays especially in countries where these kinda things happen such as Sweden, England, France etc etc.

  2. It's happened again and this time in Manchester, 19 people confirmed to have lost their lives and at least 50 injured...

    Making this post just 20 minutes after the incident and witnesses have apparently heard 2 explosions and yet nobody know who's behind but it's assumed to be another terror attack by isis. I was watching the live broadcast on Facebook and the majority of the chat is just typing about how Islam really isn't a peaceful religion and how they let them in to the country and this how they are thanking the country by killing and bombing,  as a muslim I want to tell you guys isis are not muslims... they might call themselves muslims but in the Quran I know what it says about jihadism and I also know what it says about killing innocent people and that's all isis is doing and I hate them just as much as you guys and this incident really scares me of going to any future concerts or any other big crowded places.

    My thoughts and prayers goes to the victims and their families.

  3. Thanks Lewis and forgivenUnSeen for hosting this was incredibly fun and imo the teams were just as good and people needs to stop thinking "oh shitt they got Nick and Sovman" and start thinking "Oh shitt my team got me easy win for us" if you play the tournament with that attitude then believe me you will play much better and you will get much better results. Also shoutout to myself for most flashbang assists lmao :grin:

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