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Posts posted by Jak

  1. 22 hours ago, IrishChamp said:

    I'm intrigued. What about this scares you? Any specific machinery relying on magnets or just all of it?

    When the world's magnetic poles switch I'll be ready, pal. I keep 3 years worth of canned and dried goods stocked at any one time and I have 4 go bags hidden strategically within a 5 mile radius from my home base, as well as an AM radio and generator hidden in a secret, secluded woodland area. And no I won't share with you because you haven't prepared.

  2. 21 hours ago, VENGA BUS said:

    I agree. Lemon and lime also work in no food ever made. Acid is bad.

    Lemon is okay in food because it's not sweet and acidic. Pineapple is bad in food because it's excessively sweet and far too acidic. Might as well just skip the step of trying to pair it with anything and drink straight HFCS and throw sulphuric acid in my own face, as is the trend nowadays.

  3. 2 hours ago, Veng3nce said:

    The stocks falling wasn't anything to do with Elon being an asshole. Tesla stocks are very volatile and just came off an upswing. It's merely a coincidence that the stocks fell at the same time Elon decided to insult a diver on twitter. 

    That’s far more stupid a conclusion than thinking the drop was due to this incident. Really, man.

  4. I actually appreciate the effort of making a temp TS until the discord platform is where people want it.


    I still don’t think discord is the right voip application for OB, especially after testing it as it stands, but at least effort is being made to test out modifications to see if it can work rather than just booting everyone onto it.

  5. 3 hours ago, Rory said:

    I'm on call for another 3 weeks because of NI Water implementing a hosepipe ban.

    Changed my mind about the sun - fuck that shit bring back the rain.

    Just to let you know, I try to flush at least 1 wet wipe down the toilet a day. Most days it’s 4 or 5, but at least 1 a day.

  6. 1 minute ago, Joji said:

    I'm not going to continue this debate after my post, I'm just chatting shit at this point, but I just dislike the fact that you are too stubborn to look at X's good side.

    I see his good side, just like I see Bill Cosby's, Jimmy Saville's, R Kelly's, Harvey Weinstein's and Kevin Spacey's good sides. I love people who publicly raise money for charity to try and hide their nefarious activities! Yay!

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