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Posts posted by Lewis

  1. Both ways are bad for deciding it IMO. People have already highlighted the average kills problem, I'd add that it doesn't take into account rounds played. So if one guy is playing loads of overtime games, and the other is winning games 16-3, then obviously the former will have a lot more average kills.

    This is a tournament/HUB for playing 5v5 team CS. The winner, while possibly reflecting an underrated pick, has clearly displayed good comms, teamwork etc etc.

    '1v1 aim' is just a very small part of cs. It ignores so many fundamentals. Sure, byali and tarik would probably beat flusha and krimz in a 1v1 aim map, but are they better players? No. When you play a 5v5, gamesense, positioning and calls all come into play.

    The best way IMO is the player who's played more games should get it. As they show they deserve that position more. 

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