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Everything posted by Eraser

  1. Goddamn conspiracy theorist Extinct
  2. Yeah Brandon paid me for a boost in League too but you can't put flowers in an asshole and call it a vase
  3. Merry Christmas Kai guy buy thigh try high get the drone
  4. I think it's time for pappa HeadHunter to return, but only if he posts a picture of him and his body pillow
  5. Despite the whole whodunjoinedmyteamwhataretheseteamsthisisntfairskillisagypsyscrunefreepasicklepalestine fiasco well done to the organisers for taking the time to put on a tourney, need more of there to keep da commoonity aleeve.
  6. How do you turkeys spend so much on league?!!?!?!!?!?! I understand why @nick spends so much. He became a zed main and bought a legendary skin then realised he was bad at zed so switched to Gangplank and bought a Gangplank legendary skin then realised he was bad at Gangplank then became a Kayn main and bought a Kayn legendary skin then realised he was bad at Kayn so he became a Yasuo main and bought a legendary Yasuo skin then realised he was bad at Yasuo then he became a Vayne main and bought a Vayne legendary skin then realised he was bad at Vayne then he became a Twitch main and bought a Twitch legendary skin then realised he was bad at Twitch so he became a Draven main and bought a Draven legendary skin then realised he was bad at Draven so he tried Lee Sin thought he would become a Lee Sin main and bought a legendary skin but realised he couldnt land skill shots so he decided to just run it down mid as Singed. Who will he try next? He needs an easy champ, maybe Katarina? Smash keyboard??????? Pentakill????? Or will he take a leaf out of Brandons book and get banned for being toxic ahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah brandon you little bitch ima fuck you up son how much you spend on that account you got banned xzDxDXDDXDDDDDD nice account oh wait its banned PENTAKILL PAPPA JOHNS PENTAKILL git gud become an Akali main for 2 weeks?
  7. 53 quid since season 2 not too bad famalamadingdong
  8. +1 definite member material
  9. Had pineapple on pizza once was pretty crazy though only a few slices at a time that shit will fuck you up
  10. Pineapple pizza is fucking garbage Also the Earth is flat you cucks WAKE UP TO WHATS HAPPENING BEYOND ANTARTICA!!!!!!!
  11. Makes me want to headbutt some endangered animals
  12. Cheers Gunstar, hope you hang around bro <3
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