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The Untainted One

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Everything posted by The Untainted One

  1. I think you're all missing the point that for two tournaments in a row there have been people flaking and ruining it for everyone who can be bothered to properly commit. You sign up to the event and commit to those dates, so don't expect to be spared just because you give notice. Then you have the nerve to come on the forums and bitch about how its unfair that you get banned. To be honest, the fact that the people who ditched the CS tournament didn't get a ban and you did is total shit, I'll 100% agree with you there. But you still deserve the bans that you got whether you like it or not and regardless of how others were dealt with in the CS tournament. These last two tournaments have been shit because of the community deciding to say they will commit then dropping out after making other plans or not being arsed to turn up. The CS tournament was the worst event I've participated in since I joined OB and this league tournament almost felt like a waste of time. The only reason I turned up to the two events after the shit show of people not turning up is because I didn't want to spoil it for everyone else. I don't understand why you 'commit' to these dates if you know that you're not going to keep to that commitment. I make sure that I keep those dates free so I don't fuck up the tournament for everyone else, it's not even that hard. Sure, shit comes up in real life and that's perfectly fine. You can't be expected to drop everything for a community tournament, but that's only okay if you have a valid reason to do it. Irish seems to understand that but it's somehow gone right over your heads. The only reason you didn't come is because you wanted to participate in another tournament, for the sake of 3 people. What about the 15 people who decided to commit their time to this tournament that you fucked by not showing up to? If the next event is like this then I'm not going to bother signing up anymore, because I know I won't be able to trust the community to stand to their commitments and it'll ruin another tournament for me. On a side note, I personally think that you should both be banned from next month's Faceit gather system instead of these long bans, but you run the thing so that's not going to happen is it. This isn't just a shot at @Danny and @Extinct ツ, this applies to all you who choose not to keep to your commitments to the tournaments. Either keep to the commitment or don't bother signing up at all.
  2. Most overrated player Most underrated player Most likely to post Zeus' balls on the forums @SonyTwan
  3. For those of you who don't like discord and liked the shoutbox, just think about this one point. If we moved over to discord there could be a shoutbox channel where you can shitpost and bully people to your heart's content.
  4. You can advertise on 1v1 servers, retakes, etc. It's not much but better than nothing.
  5. Happy Birthday. At least your party looked cool!
  6. It seems like a joke but in reality this is actually how extinct plays CS
  7. https://www.hltv.org/matches/2318593/virtuspro-vs-quantum-bellator-fire-eleague-major-2018
  8. Can't make the 2nd-4th but can make the 9th-11th, you'll have to put me as reserve if you do those dates.
  9. Another alternative could be allowing teams to choose even/slightly higher skilled replacements but at a massive disadvantage, such as 8 rounds forfeited to the other team. Would you rather play with someone 10% worse or start the game having already lost the first half?
  10. You summed up the tournament really well but there's one thing I would like to see added to future tournaments. There should be a predetermined pool of replacements for each skill rank or set of skill ranks. If you get the 'worst' player in a pool then tough shit, that's the way it goes. If there are no available replacements in the correct pool then the match should be rescheduled. If there hasn't been a notice for absence, a replacement from a lower skilled pool should be taken or result in a forfeit of that match. This way there can be no arguments about what replacement is and isn't fair and players who don't turn up punish their team.
  11. I'm away from the 1st-3rd of Feb personally would prefer it's the 9th-11th out of all 3
  12. 2 out of the 3 hosts can't make the scheduled day and 7 people don't turn up. Just reschedule maybe instead of making a randoms filled tournament. I mean I was asked the day before if I had anyone to play, kind of alarm bells for the tournament in the first place. I would rather have a tournament of 4 teams with only OB people, even if I'm not in a team, than play in a tournament with a bunch of randoms. Might as well go play MM, ESEA, etc. Plus I'm pretty sure the people who didn't turn up and didn't notify anyone should get some form of bans from future tournaments because it's really their fault it turned into a shit tournament.
  13. OB tournaments are like YouTube rewind, we knew everyone in the first few, but now it's filled with randoms who half the community doesn't know.
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