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Posts posted by SonyTwan

  1. 1 minute ago, Finnley said:

    I didn't like him for his music, I liked him cus of the wife-beating

    yeah you have to look past his music, everyone makes mistakes
    he really turned his life around once he started beating women

  2. yeah absolute good point talking to people does deserve constant severe beatings 



    remember guys it's okay to beat women as long as you give to charity or something





    • The first incident of domestic violence occurred about two weeks later. He slapped her and broke her iPhone 6S, because she had complimented a male friend on his new jewelry. (XXXTentacion later repaired the phone.) Later that day, XXXTentacion left the room and returned with two grilling implements—a “barbecue pitchfork” and a “barbecue cleaner,” she said—and told her to pick between them, because he was going to put one of them in her vagina. She chose the fork. He told her to undress. He was lightly dragging the tool against her inner thigh when she passed out. He did not penetrate her with it.

    Then, XXXTentacion head-butted her, punched her, stomped on her, and put her in the bathtub, where he continued hitting and kicking her. “He also wanted to cut out my tongue because I was singing the song,” she said. She tried to run away down the street. He tackled her, causing her head to hit the pavement. She suffered black eyes, a lump on the back of her head, scratch marks, and bruises, including a large bruise on her ankle where he stomped her.

    • Also while living in Orlando, he hit her with white plastic clothes hangers. “He broke a good 30 hangers on my legs,” she said. Around this time, he tried cutting her hair, and he held her head under running water in the bathtub.

    • In August, XXXTentacion was arrested in a separate case. (As previously reported, he was charged with armed home invasion, robbery, and aggravated battery with a firearm, stemming from an alleged incident in November 2015. He pleaded no contest to those charges in March 2017 and was ordered to serve six years of probation.) The woman called her mother to pick her up and then went to stay with a friend in Texas. But she soon had to return to South Florida, where her planned accommodations fell through and she ended up living with XXXTentacion’s friends. Around this time, she had sex with another man.

    He put a knife to her neck, strangled her “a little bit,” and called her a “ho,” she said. That night, he woke her up and told her to go outside, where he picked up an empty glass beer bottle and demanded that she tell him the truth or, “I’m going to fuck you up.” She replied that she already was telling him the truth, that she had cheated and was sorry. He dropped the bottle, slapped her, and let her go back to bed.

    XXXTentacion grabbed her by the neck, strangled her, and forced her down on the bed before another person who lived there came to the rescue. “I’m like scared,” she said, recalling how she felt. “It’s like he’s going to like end up killing me or something.”

    He then started elbowing, head-butting, and punching her. He strangled her until she almost passed out. He took her to the bathroom and demanded one last time that she tell him everything or he would kill her in the bathtub. She couldn’t even recognize her face in the mirror—it looked “distorted”—and her left eye was completely shut and “leaking blood.” She was losing vision. She vomited.

  4. if you wanna ignore your legs that's your prerogative i guess, though many are great for your core and certain upper body muscles like your traps.
    just eat less calories, eat some more protein, track your weight to make sure it's working, and do some upper body and core exercises while progressively increasing weight/difficulty each session. on my upper body days I typically do a bench variation, a rowing movement, a shoulder movement, pull ups, and some accessory exercises for whatever else i wanna work.

    i'd recommend this as a program, though it does include legs



  5. looks pretty good @nick, remember to squeeze your glutes and tuck your pelvis at the top and ofc more breaths into your belly

    @IrishChamp have you messed around with curl variations? hammer curls, ez bar, straight bar.
    try a lower weight and just really focus on form and lowering slowly.
    if you can't do curls its not the end of the world, chin ups and rows will grow your biceps

  6. 1 hour ago, Fxden said:

    Maybe I'm a noob but how tf do you counter these warriors just +forward at you with an axe, I die in like 2 seconds to them

    Get away from them if possible, but they do have really good movement abilities.
    I've been playing Warrior most of the day and have got about 6-7 wins lol.
    Try and wait for them to use their movement cooldowns before you use yours.

    Sit somewhere at a distance behind cover where they have to come to you.
    Otherwise hope he misses and you land your shots.
    Play hunter and out dps with your OP bow. :^)

  7. Glad they're nerfing hunters bow.
    I'm in the last 4 as a mage, land my fireball, land all shots with my legendary weapon (which is getting buffed), yet still get two shot before I can shoot again.

  8. I played For Honor a lot until the first DLC came out, shit was a mess.
    I'm sure it's improved however, especially now they have dedicated servers.
    Not gonna miss constant disconnects.

    I'm not sure how much the combat has changed, used to be a lot of turtling and gimmick spam.

  9. Only game I can say I'll be getting 100% is the new Ori, and probs not on release if it's expensive.
    First one was short, but good, pick it up if it's on sale.

  10. It does seem some weapons are worse in terms of hit reg, warrior axe being the worst.
    I tried engineer, sentry and totem are quite useful in close quarters, but still not as useful as being able to move.
    The weapon needs a wider splash range at least imo, its 800 damage on a direct hit but its more difficult to do so.

  11. The abilities are definitely useful, however it seems the more mobile you are the more powerful you are.
    Warrior has 2 abilities to travel a good distance, makes it really easy to reposition, run, or go in to finish a kill.
    Warrior and Hunter class weapons need a nerf or the other class weapons need bringing up.

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