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Posts posted by Skeff

  1. 5 minutes ago, Chus said:

    tbf atleast 8 of those people come on more than you, Skeff so I don't think you can discredit their vote just because they don't have a member tag next to their name. As if that means anything anyways ?

    Where are you getting that from? Everyone that meets the criteria mintlou outlined in his original post have a right to vote in community decisions like this.


    That is to say, members whom have rightfully earned their entitlement to vote on these important community decisions, thanks to their service of two or more years as once active representatives of Outbreak Community. We would like to take this opportunity to invite those inactive members back into the community to lend their high-standing representation back to Outbreak, in an attempt to attract future individuals to consult our forum and apply for the same positions. 



    @Eagle Thanks for publishing the list. It gives a real perspective to see who is active in these discussions.

    To help me understand who I know I have split the list into the basic membership categories

    Members - 65.5% of the votes

    1. Brake_d0wn
    2. Chus
    3. Danny
    4. Eagle
    5. Eraser
    6. Extinct ツ
    7. FlaSh
    8. Fluxy
    9. Frostie
    10. GingerPopper
    11. Hazed
    12. IrishChamp
    13. Jak
    14. Jamie
    15. Kai
    16. Lucy
    17. MiniColossus
    18. Mintlou
    19. Oldmike
    20. Pasickle
    21. Quinn
    22. Rachel
    23. Scrobbesbyrig
    24. Scrune
    25. Sir_Conor
    26. Skeff
    27. Sovman
    28. Toby.
    29. VENGA BUS
    30. Vemix
    31. Veng3nce
    32. Wist
    33. gaffeR
    34. giant_cheesepuff
    35. keemy
    36. marsh
    37. nick
    38. w33zy
    39. ҉NuclearGamer

    Every member voted which is fantastic!

    Retired members & Long term regulars - 13% of the votes

    1. Biggles
    2. Desig
    3. JME
    4. Jaydog!
    5. Quake
    6. Kartoffel
    7. SonyTwan
    8. mitch

    Glad to see veterans get their say!

    Non members - 21.5% of the votes

    1. CHeeKYiE
    2. Drake
    3. HeadHunter
    4. JamesG
    5. JasperTheHamster
    6. Nuetraluk1
    7. TheCake
    8. TheSwiftWolf
    9. Yoshi
    10. bd0n
    11. |JessE |
    12. ♥ SmokingKitty 
    13. Twitzoh


  3. 21 hours ago, Wist said:

    I'd be a little bit hesitant with backing a dramatic website shift without a clear end goal in mind. If the website is a facilitative vehicle to a particular outcome (e.g. to advertise a server), then we should probably settle on what that should be first. That being said, there are definitely slicker sites out there.

    This is the biggest reason I have to not do anything and really the main reason I have set up this thread. If the community is to stay as a small voice chat/forum group then I won't pursue this any further however with the move to discord and announcements of game servers I think it may just about be the right time to update.


    21 hours ago, Wist said:

    As for what I'd like to see, ho-boy. A bit more colour I think. And can you explain what you mean by full forum integration, and how it's different to what we have now?


    https://www.uwsgaming.com/ - A google search for online community has these guys at the top. Instantly you get the sense they're a slick operation. 

    That website is a great example of what I think OB could have. Something that allows the community to advertise the games they are interested in, advertise upcoming events and display information better, such as the admin list.


    The forum integration idea would transform the website to be a more colourful and interactive version of the forums. For example a server announcement post would have a comments section below and would also be shown on the front page. It would give the announcement a bigger platform and wouldn't take away from our ability to chat about it.

    The forum integration is definitely just a wild idea right now. I want to make it clear that the priority is Home Page->Supporting Pages->Forum Integration. Perhaps the initial compromise will be to have everything provide links straight to corresponding parts of the current forums, similar to how uwsgaming have links to their forums for each game they are playing.

  4. A few years ago Gunstar created a brilliant home page for the Outbreak website however it's not been updated since. It's starting to show it's age with old videos, pictures, broken links and mentions to things that never came to be. With the community moving to discord (most likely at time of writing) I figured it would be time to modernise our website as well as our chat platform.

    I've been learning ASP.Net Core with MVC and would like to make something to help Outbreak. It'd be great to have a website that community members regularly visit and one that peaks new players interest at a glance. Whilst I learn and make a basic prototype I wanted to get the community opinion about the website;

    • Do you think we should have an updated website?
    • What would you like to see from the website?
    • How do you feel about full forum integration?
    • What website/gaming community website do you think is good and we could use in OB?

  5. 5 hours ago, Frostie said:

    One big thing that I had was when I would run Discord it would use 70% of my CPU for whatever reason, it would cause lag in games, crash on start up and cut out voice chats. After launching as Administrator that number has been crushed to a normal amount of CPU usage and the lag is no longer there, I’m not sure if it’s worth a try for you guys that notice frame drop in cs and other games.

    When discord is hitting 70% you've really got the question your PC build.

  6. Some good points raised here. Here are my thoughts


    • Stand alone text channels give the community a better opportunity for integration. This means players in different subgroups can find it easier to interact, inactive players have more opportunities to interact and new players can enter a more central chat. This is my main argument for discord.
    • I think discords UI is much friendlier and more detailed than teamspeak. Joining in with a discord community is much easier and less daunting than teamspeak.
    • Embedded media is great. It removes the extra faff that sharing media comes with on teamspeak.
    • The availability of discord bots can really enhance a server. Whilst you could argue teamspeak can have more functionality, where do we actually make use of it?
    • Most gamers use discord these days. Keeping the community available on discord really improves the likelihood of new players sticking with us.


    • The community is still using discord like teamspeak. I think the number and use of each channel can be groomed to improve how we use the server and text chats be utilised more, for example minor achievements could be posted there.
    • Maybe I have missed a button but it frustates me how discord always marks everything as unread, even when you have a server on mute. It's a quick fix to mark as read but it still grinds my gears. I think I'd rather have some chat history than nothing.
    • The community still needs to get used to discord. There are many differences between the two softwares such as audio notifications. It doesn't take long to get used to these.
    • There have been reports of lagg. There are some settings such as game overlay you can turn off which improves performance. I've been using discord for years and have had little performance issues with the application itself.
    • Standard voice quality in discord is lower than teamspeak, which I understand is a big issue for some people. Perhaps I've spent too long away from teamspeak but I think discords voice is fine, it's really not far behind teamspeak and there are things we can do to improve it. Whilst it takes 50 boosts to get the best quality, it only takes 2 to double the quality and 10 to quadruple it, which is not beyond the realms of possibility for Outbreak.

    I think discord is the most appropriate platform for Outbreak to be on right now. It's improved community integration gives it the edge over teamspeak and whilst the default voice quality isn't as good it is still fit for purpose and doesn't require much to improve. I think going back to teamspeak will keep the community in a stagnant state whilst sticking with discord will open opportunities for an active community.


  7. I've had this game on my radar since this thread was made in 2017. Today I purchased it in the steam summer sale for £8.99 and so far I am very impressed. If anyone in OB has or is interested in this then I highly recommend getting it and playing.

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