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Posts posted by Joji

  1. 11 minutes ago, Jak said:

    Deluded about what?

    I'm not going to continue this debate after my post, I'm just chatting shit at this point, but I just dislike the fact that you are too stubborn to look at X's good side.

  2. 12 hours ago, IrishChamp said:

    Guys stop making fun of the dead guy. He had depression and made raps about it so it obviously wasn't his fault that he did this to his girlfriend. It was clearly her fault guys.



  3. 1 minute ago, Jak said:

    To which bit? The part where 0.002% of the world like some flavour of the month trash, or where a judge made a decision where someone is able to continue their livelihood? I know someone on house arrest in California who was able to leave her house to work. I see no difference in the theory there.

    Try again?

    He was let off to go on tour because the judge realised how much of an influence him and his music was to the world. I feel like you've only focused on his past and nothing else, you haven't actually done any research on how his actions have impacted the world in a good way. The day he got shot, he was actually planning a charity event, It's definitely not enough to help you turn a blind eye to his wrong doings, but it's little things like that which should make you realise he is 'trying' to change.

    The charity planning is only a small portion of how much he has helped his community.


  4. 51 minutes ago, Jak said:

    Yeah guys stop focusing on this rapist and pregnant woman abuser's past, even though he was never actually brought to justice for the crimes he committed. Instead, focus on his drivelling, colour-by-numbers music that definitely revolutionised sound and wasn't a hatchet job at all. Guys please, make sure to focus on this part of this waster's life, not on the bad shit he kept on doing, and make sure to watch his rambling, sometimes incoherent preachers posted on his social media accounts. GUYS PLEASE.

    The judge took him off house arrest so he can go on tour, don't you think there's reasoning behind that? He wouldn't randomly come to that conclusion would he, there's thought put in behind that and I'm sure the judge and a lot of other people believed that he could change for the good and in the future, compensate for all of his wrong actions. Innit weird how 17 milion people listen to his 'hatchet job' music. 17 mil

  5. No one deserves death, the most stupid shit i've heard. We can't put aside his past and we definitely can't just 'forget' about it, the guy fucking attacked his ex with a 'pitchfork' (no joke btw) as well as assaulting her when she was pregnant. 

    However, he tried his upmost to change for the better, and that's why I'm upset over his death, I can't see him thrive within the environment he built. I truly believe he did have good intentions, better than good. He tried to avidly stream on Instagram, speaking about sensitive topics that no one else would speak about, he motivated and I guarantee changed so many peoples lives through the use of social media, that is fucking crazy. Music wise, he had enormous talent, he spoke to a lot of people through different levels and its inspiring.

    Stop focusing on his past, and focus on what infrastructure he built for a variety of different people. The man revolutionised sound and will be missed deeply by a lot of people.

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