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Everything posted by BIBS

  1. Man, reps aren't that important, I think you may have a problem. Just let people enjoy themselves and watch. If you just wanna be salty don't say anything.
  2. Were going to build a wall! Believe me, I'ts going to be huge
  3. hey there! Welcome back
  4. until

    Im in but i'd just like to know whats it about
  5. Awesome guy, active and layed back. You are very friendly. I see no reason for you not to get member. Gl +1 from me
  6. Hello Moz Eventhough i rarely come to the jb server I have to say I dont really see any of you on TS. You only have 8 posts and that is extremely lacking. I hope you get it but I just cant guarantee it. I wish you good luck.
  7. GG no RE thx for everything UnSeen
  8. BIBS

    Underrated Games

    I play insurgency. Wanna do a meet?
  9. BIBS

    Underrated Games

    Chivalry Medieval Warfare
  10. I've had this pen for so long I dont even remember
  11. I actually know how to use my money and don't complain... if you want to know how to aswell click the hidden contents tab
  12. Altough ME: Andromeda was an enormous letdown, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has enormous potential eventhough it was released as an early acces... Let's just hope it doesnt stay Early acces like Rust. Furthermore we cannot see into the future so all we can do is follow these rules: -Never pre-order -DO NOT OVERHYPE! (No man's sky) -Hope for the best -pray for half life 3
  13. Well Mass effect: Andromeda was a good start I think.......
  14. BIBS


    Don't care aslong as other people dont shove sexualities down my throat and twist my words to mark me as a phobe of some sorts
  15. I feel like I'd get Newbie Of The Month every month
  16. You are active, funny and friendly! I see no reason for you not to be member. Good luck!
  17. BIBS


    I had something called a don krof. Basically a donut without a hole with a vanilla cream inside
  18. Happy birthday man! I sLOVEnia you despite the past arguments. Hope you have fun on your b-day
  19. aww, well its a shame you didnt take any pictures but I'm glad you had fun :D
  20. Did you see any wild animals? except bugs and birds
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