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Posts posted by Oldmike

  1. Since you've got dyspraxia, I would suggest especially focusing on movements that will help train your stabilizer muscles aka big compound lifts. And if glutes are your priority, you should most definitely include hip thrusts into your lower body split, hands down best glute building exercise. As for the cardio, I can suggest doing circuit training instead of the old boring treadmill and such. Makes cardio slightly less boring ?

  2. 17 hours ago, Jamie said:

    its almost 2019 and u fucking spergs still let extinct drive in games

    come on

    Yeah, we already determined that he would never drive ever again back when we played PUBG

  3. The time delay from Mars to Earth is 20 minutes at light speed. The fastest spacecraft left earth at 58,000 km/h, taking the average distance between Earth and Mars, it would take roughly 160 days to get to Mars. And just to imagine, this all STILL takes place within our own solar system which is a microscopic little dot compared to our interstellar neighbourhood and that again is just a small little dot compared to our own galaxy. You could go on and on like this for quite some time until you get to the Laniakea supercluster and eventually the entire observable universe. The distance from earth to any side of the observable universe is 46.5 BILLION LIGHT YEARS. And it's entirely possible that the rest of the universe outside of the observable universe is immensely larger than we could ever imagine.

    We are not alone.


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