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Posts posted by Finnley

  1. 2 minutes ago, SonyTwan said:

    Multiplayer does provide a whole lot of replayability due to every game being different and the unpredictability/predictability of human players, knowing that you're better than other people is a fun feeling. It'll likely be something that's good for content creators as we've saw with PUBG/Fortnite. If a game is fun to watch, people are going to want to pick it up.


  2. 1 minute ago, SonyTwan said:

    That doesn't mean it's not a "game changer" though. While it may not have reached such a large audience in the days of its release is irrespective of its impact of game development and the games of today. I'm sure at the time of its release among the PC community it saw large sales relative to the size of said community, as well as the slew of mods (and future game developers) it helped create. 

    Again, fully agree. But I am looking for those lightning in a bottle titles in the future and I am almost 100% convinced that it's not going to be singleplayer.

  3. 1 hour ago, VENGA BUS said:

    the shorter length of time you spend with a game doesn't mean it can't be revolutionary.

    "Singleplayer games up 'til now just never stayed relevant for longer amounts of time."

    Half-Life ?????????????

    I am not denying anything you say... We're talking about two different things. In terms of players, Half-Life is completely irrelevant, because there is probably no players left (apart from some speedrunners) and it became that way in probably less than a year maybe? (don't quote me on that). But yes, back in the day it was revolutionary, but mainly technologically. Half-Life never changed the lives of it's players nor did it leave an impact on the non-geeks.

  4. 1 hour ago, VENGA BUS said:

    Though I don't see why single player couldn't be groundbreaking. 

    It can be technologically, but in order to change people's lives like Minecraft and Fortnite did it has to be something that can last. Like I said most singleplayer games last 5-20 hours. There is a bunch that take you on a longer journey with an open world, like The elder scrolls and GTA. But even those titles didn't reach as many people. Minecraft and Fortnite just hit the perfect balance of being interesting enough for gamers and being accessible for the general public. Singleplayer games up 'til now just never stayed relevant for longer amounts of time.

  5. 5 hours ago, VENGA BUS said:

    Whatever next step it is, it will be done by indie devs.

    Pic related 


    All true, but these are singleplayer games which get a good metascore... These games are not played by an absurd amount of people (not even back in the day) and you will last 5-20 hours in most of these games. No singleplayer game will be what I described.

  6. So by now everyone and their mums play Fortnite, right? And like Irish said it's completely changed the view on gaming amongst a lot of non-gamers. With that it changed the lives of a lot of people. There is a shit-ton of new streamers and Youtubers and channels that have been around for a while increased in size massively. Kind of the same thing Minecraft did back in the day, which was a revolutionary game to say the least. Though it feels like both did it in a different way, it doesn't have much to do with the building. However it could be the freedom that it gives you which draws people in.

    My question to you is:
    What kind of game is going to be revolutionairy next? We have seen two games do it, there must be some patterns we can deduce from these two. Perhaps you could be the one that cracks the code and one day be a billionaire because of it. Or you can tell when a game is going to do be like that this and cash-in on that in some way or the other. Brainstorm!

  7. 3 minutes ago, Rory said:

    Aren't you a jpauler?


    (Tbf he references alot of cultural things someone outside the UK wouldn't really get)

    jp is a moron, no.

    I was just wondering, because I was watching the first minute or two and all he did is what all starting stand-up comedians do when "roasting" people in their audience. In my eyes he made a fool out of himself. He probably already made some good ones or he got lucky with his audience, because they were already at the stage of laugh at everything, but still he didn't actually say anything too clever yet...

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