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Everything posted by VENGA BUS

  1. Amazed Quinn took the time to reply to that obvious bait but good post (Y)
  2. Good thing austerity is over!
  3. I dislike this thread because I hate taking in new information about anything apart from video games.
  4. Itt op tries to dick on the one guy who gave support
  5. First off, I'd like to point out that Sony is an irredeemable shit cunt. Secondly, largely agree with Wist's points, but I think SOME of the problem is age related. Big gaps in ages mean a lot of us fogies won't get on playing something like Jailbreak, which is actually an amazing game mode for community building. I'd suggest either: 1) we try find some silver bullet that fogies enjoy, young LADS enjoy, but is also conducive to community building. 2) we let the young LADS take the lead. I'm sure there are good characters among them who would help populate servers. That I don't know more definitively on this says more about me and my TS habits than it does them. This I think is the more obvious way forward, but less ideal in that it won't use ALL of what OB presently had to offer wrt characters in the community. ps I'm gay
  6. Toussaint, probably. But really I like so many different places in this incredible narrative driven game. Skellige is gritty and awesome too. It's like being on an island full of Rories. Wbu?
  7. This is a deeply troubling situation, which I hope is rectified so the community based around its servers can come back to life. Being serious, when are we gonna become a Witcher 3 fanbase community?
  8. Have a day bro, have a day. ?


    Have a day everyone!
  10. BRANDON, KING OF ALL GOBLINS (which is now nick as well)
  11. General Shin Fai with his 1.1bn minigunners was an absolute UNIT
  12. We rate our own farts and relay them to the rest of the community. Today mine are 4/5 stars. Relatively moist, with a rich bouquet which carries through strong flavours of garlic and chilli nicely. Pleasurable to deliver too, but not quite pungent enough for a 5/5 star. Yours? @Mintlou
  13. You better watch it before you need your jaw wired shut after I punch your teeth down the toilet along with the wetwipes you foolishly put down there
  14. Possibly but doubtful NGL. Sorry just got too much on. Enjoy lads and maybe see you xo
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