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Posts posted by Jak

  1. 18 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Love theads like these really shows how ignorant & pathetic some people are, along with the casual shit baits from @SonyTwan then the classic bitta @Danny popping up with some hitler meme really nothing knew here, oh can’t forget @Jak who would give you the death penalty for stealing a slice of bread.

    might aswell lock this shit show 

    Where did I say anyone deserved to die? You need to work on your comprehension you fucking scally.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Joji said:

    No argument to that huh? 

    To which bit? The part where 0.002% of the world like some flavour of the month trash, or where a judge made a decision where someone is able to continue their livelihood? I know someone on house arrest in California who was able to leave her house to work. I see no difference in the theory there.

    Try again?

  3. 2 hours ago, Joji said:

    No one deserves death, the most stupid shit i've heard. We can't put aside his past and we definitely can't just 'forget' about it, the guy fucking attacked his ex with a 'pitchfork' (no joke btw) as well as assaulting her when she was pregnant. 

     However, he tried his upmost to change for the better, and that's why I'm upset over his death, I can't see him thrive within the environment he built. I truly believe he did have good intentions, better than good. He tried to avidly stream on Instagram, speaking about sensitive topics that no one else would speak about, he motivated and I guarantee changed so many peoples lives through the use of social media, that is fucking crazy. Music wise, he had enormous talent, he spoke to a lot of people through different levels and its inspiring.

     Stop focusing on his past, and focus on what infrastructure he built for a variety of different people. The man revolutionised sound and will be missed deeply by a lot of people.

    Yeah guys stop focusing on this rapist and pregnant woman abuser's past, even though he was never actually brought to justice for the crimes he committed. Instead, focus on his drivelling, colour-by-numbers music that definitely revolutionised sound and wasn't a hatchet job at all. Guys please, make sure to focus on this part of this waster's life, not on the bad shit he kept on doing, and make sure to watch his rambling, sometimes incoherent preachers posted on his social media accounts. GUYS PLEASE.

  4. The guy was a complete fucking scum bag so he’s not getting respect from me, living or dead. Just because someone’s been killed doesn’t make them a saint or a martyr, he’s just cunt that pissed off another cunt.

    Not advocating vigilante justice or whatever. Just saying XXX getting shot and killed does not surprise me one bit.

  5. @Sir_Conor awesome, thanks. Good reply and much appreciated. Why don’t you be more open about your intentions from the start? I’d love to help test those kind of things. And I’m happy to tie over the spends for TS. At least, if you’re dead set on discord for god knows what reason, until the channel is absolutely ready and functioning.

  6. 1 minute ago, Finnley said:

    @Jak Ye I have them, because I have a red name on the forums.

    Just ask Conor for his paypal, and start putting aside 50 pound a month

    Oh so you’re not going to help!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ???


    I’ve asked @Sir_Conor to get in touch more than once here. He just seems to have read the thread and ignored the help I’m offering. Nothing changes here because no help is accepted from people who want to offer it...

  7. 3 minutes ago, Finnley said:

    You were gonna pay for everything right? So we can keep Teamspeak, because Discord is apperently so close to shit that you don't want to touch it..

    I use discord for other communities, it’s not that I don’t want to touch it. It’s just a stupid tool for OB for reasons I’ve previously stated. Give me the details for the TS payments and I’ll go right ahead. You do have those, right, Finnley? Just waiting on you to give me the information I need.

  8. @Kai I can only offer to help with things I know about, but there’s only so much I can offer if no cunt says anything to the community. I don’t care that you’re mod, you’re certainly not the worst of the bunch, and I’ve never said that OB is dead. If @Sir_Conor wants to come out of hiding and talk then he can. I’m not interested in talking to his whipping boy.

  9. @Kai dropping the dead weight? What the fuck? OB would have been dead years ago if it wasn’t for the “dead weight” sticking together before you’d even heard of this place. What have you done around here apart from give me some warning points on the forum and try to seduce underage girls on TS?

    @Finnley who isn’t doing anything? I offered to pay for the TS server. Only thing I got back so far is some bullshit nonresponse from @Frostie.

    @Sir_Conor why don’t you step up to the plate and take some responsibility? If you don’t want to be responsible and just want to half arse everything you do round here, no worries. Let someone else do it.


    To those who have been part of whatever team chose the Discord decision, what reasons, apart from finances, are you forcing this upon us?

  10. Sound quality is a big factor. One of the reasons I dont like the idea of discord for OB is that voice and text channels are separate, and that there is a permanent stream. I don’t want WhatsApp with voice, I want to log in and log out in sessions.

  11. Ah that's the spirit. When someone offers to resolve the apparently primary concern of the community, bitterly fob them off by telling them to Google something. Great job.


    Maybe if you "higher ups" didn't act like children, spoke up about potential problems and treated the people here like members of a community, Conor wouldn't have some shitty sob story about how much money he's apparently wasting on something he clearly doesn't give a shit about anymore.

  12. @Chus I don’t personally want to listen to anyone else’s music, and there is a music bot in TS that hasn’t been used for a really long time because it seems like other people don’t want to listen to other people’s music either...

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