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Everything posted by Lewis

  1. No matter who I pick, my gaming skill is decreasing, my sex life is decreasing, my looks are decreasing, my strength is decreasing and my personality is deteriorating. So I'd honestly not want to pick anybody to be. Least likely = @Fluxy. Job sounds horrendous, girlfriend snorts coke off her own mums belly, has night terrors from lack of fibre and is more familiar with weed than the entirety of a brazilian drug gang.
  2. It doesn't make a difference. https://clips.twitch.tv/ReliableMiniatureShallotBleedPurple
  3. @Kai Why u reppin me? That means you bro
  4. RIP all those who picked faze 3-0 and big 0-3 lol
  5. Link to where you found this theory, no way u analysed that urself
  6. Lewis

    ESL Outbreak Summer 2017


    Name: ur boi Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984161317 Matchmaking Rank: g Player/Reserve: former Commitment Availability: u kno it
  7. so... does blyss like csgo or not???
  8. Lewis


    dont mind me just bringing new ppl into the community every week @Sir_Conor
  9. difference between me jokin with u as we get along, and mikes pure salt
  10. Alright, well, as i said, why don't you ask around and see what other people think? :)
  11. my bm is cheeky chat messages like 'nice eco team' and 'if we get 5 rounds' your bm is 24/7 whenever i'm in a room with you, and it's personal, constantly shit talking me, saying im washed up, saying my aims shit, saying scrune could trash me, saying the tourny teams are bad, saying don't fuck up the tourny this time, calling me a baiter, saying i can't entry, never to anyone else, only to me - i could go on for paragraphs. It's not even a one time thing, it's the same shit every single day and the same comments - constant barrage of attacks non stop, even when i just sit there silently you're still trying to bait me / anger me. Not hypocritical at all when it's completely different context, and it's not lies at all, because it's been noticed by pretty much everyone i speak to. Change your attitude m8
  12. +1 whenever i'm getting stomped i'm playing on and trying to win. But whenever i'm stomping an enemy team they 'aren't trying' or leave after 8 rounds not to mention mike+scrune+extincts fried brains from 100h of games a week has literally descended them to pure BM, which doesn't make gathers enjoyable anymore
  13. Lewis

    Internet Speed

    prob worst in ob https://gyazo.com/beb083a5d4a05a2fb423ee908a4843ad?token=681983be2937391b9126835dde4461ac
  14. Lewis


    Winners train losers complain
  15. Lewis


    @Jamie tfw mike still salty about getting crushed by some kids who don't even play cs anymore xD
  16. Lewis

    Hey Outbreak

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