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Substick's Member Application (PASSED)

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Player Name: Substick

Date of Birth: 09/06/1995

Age: 20

Country/Location: United Kingdom (Scotland)

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:16139774

Games Played: CS:GO, DOTA 2, WoW, Hearthstone, SC2, Warframe and several others :).

Roughly how long have you been playing our server(s)? I have been playing on your server for almost 3 weeks; more specifically I have spent a total of 66 hours on the server.

What qualities can you bring to Outbreak?: Well I am a kind person who always tries to make as many people as he can happy, I also have a lot of patience when it comes to people no matter who they are or what they have done. I suppose I would regard myself as a fiercely loyal member to whatever community I join, especially a community such as OB. On the jailbreak server, I try and make rounds fun and enjoyable as I’m sure all of the other CT’s do, though I tend to try and be very lenient about most things, of course that kills me a lot, but it isn’t very fun laying on the floor dead for 20 minutes, so I like to give everyone a few chances so they can take part in the games etc. I’m not really sure what other qualities I can bring but I hope there are more, if anything I am just friendly, I’m always happy to chat to anybody :). I am rather shy to begin with, especially on things like TeamSpeak, though eventually I will break out of my shell hehe, I just don’t want to intrude on people’s privacy if they are in a room with their friends. I have spoken to a few people when I can thus far, but I know my activity on TeamSpeak isn’t brilliant, and thus I shall try to improve this!!!

Tell us a little something about yourself: Well, my name is Alex Green; I currently live in Scotland as stated above, though I am formerly from Leeds in England. I’m currently at University in Edinburgh studying Computing, I started third year on Monday so I have just finished my first week of it today. Of course I spend most of my time in front of a screen, gaming, programming or just simply browsing the web, basically living life to the fullest. The main games I play are those I listed above, though on occasion I will be seen playing others, basically it really depends what my friends are playing, since for the most part I don’t really enjoy playing alone, I much prefer playing with a group of friends.

As for other hobbies, I don’t have many, I absolutely love skiing and will be going to France at the start of next year with a friend :D; I also spend a lot of time walking, mainly because I have two Labradoodles, both of which are insane and never run out of energy, and since I’m only at university for a few hours each day, I normally walk them when I return home. I suppose this acts as a way to keep myself fit and also to get some much needed fresh air.

I know I wrote most of this in my introduction post, but I hope that this will at least give people a shorter version that they can read, since my introduction did go on and on and on :D. If you want to read the introduction then here it is.


I’m kind of out of things to say, so I hope my application is okay and I thank you all for your time :).

Edited by Guest

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