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Revan The Dragon

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Posts posted by Revan The Dragon

  1. 4 minutes ago, Chris Lord said:

    that's got nothing to do with why OB dislikes you if you want to find out why ill happily talk you through it

    its not as malicious as you think

    imo both sides are at fault

    Please do PM me. I don't see any issues I've caused in this community to deserve the shit I get.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Chris Lord said:

    revan if you want me give you an unbiased explanation for why people shit on you then feel free to contact me and ill explain why this is happening

    Oh I've already heard the base of it. Apparently some guy who I wasn't told the name of is spreading rumors that I have sex with animals. I can take a wild fucking guess at which sad prick would make that kind of rumor though, hated him since the day I joined OB since all he did was chat shit purely because of my dragon character, which is really fucking sad.

    The fact that OB shits on me just because I like dragons is pathetic.

  3. Rainbow Six: Siege - Had some bad letdowns this year with the devs but the game is still wonderful and the community is great sometimes.

    Rocket League - The devs are still keeping this game alive and listening to feedback with the maps a lot, and the gameplay is still as fun as ever.

    Night in the Woods - Amazing side-scroller I recently picked up after I was forced to. I never expected to love it as much as I did, it has a stunning story which can take up to eight hours to finish.

    Redout: Enhanced Edition - I picked up this game at launch purely because it looked similar to Wipeout. Redout is the successor to Wipeout, just without weapons, and has a much higher skill ceiling. 

    Ghost Recon: Wildlands - This game has a *huge* open world and is great to play with friends, though the missions soon become a bit repetitive. The recent edition of the 4v4 mode is very fun though!

  4. 14 minutes ago, Lewis said:


    Teamspeak - We must pay

    Discord - Does the exact same thing as TS but we don't pay



    Illogical kids scared of change?

    Probably similar to the reason why we haven't had any CS servers for like 6 months now /s

  5. Goddamn why so much hate for Discord

    I'd been using Teamspeak and Mumble for years but instantly switched to Discord back in August 2015, I just feel like it's so much better and looks far more clean. Don't really notice any difference with voice codecs between any of them either, what's wrong with it? People just refusing to change?

  6. I also forgot to add that CS:GO now uses a hidden karma system which will match you with players based on your behavior both on Steam and in-game. I guess this counts in factors such as community bans, forum bans, reports and so on. Valve haven't specified the Steam-side of the karma system yet.

    Though, the in-game system supposedly reads every line of text you post in-game and you supposedly lose karma for using specific words. Hate to tell you (childish and toxic) folks but it was said that saying "ez" at the end of the game supposedly lowers your karma significantly! The karma system also takes in reports to each player. For example, players who get reported often for suspicion of cheating will be more likely to be matched with each other. Players who are reported or griefing, verbal abuse, etc etc are more likely to be matched together. 

    I've wanted the karma system for a long time and I hope it turns out well.

  7. So, in today's update for CS:GO, Valve completely removed and deleted four maps:

    - Vertigo
    - Dust
    - Aztec
    - Militia

    Alongside these maps being removed, a few Operation Hydra ( / Breakout / Bravo) maps have been officially added to the game to stay:

    - Insertion
    - Agency
    - Austria
    - Shipped

    Also, Competitive now only allows very few maps to be chosen and played. This is likely to force players into being closer instead of being split apart and having "Verti-Globals" (players who are Global Elite, but only due to mastering a specific off-duty map). I'm interested in OB's opinions on Valve's choices for removing and adding these maps.

    (I will also add that Flying Scoutsman and Wingman are now official gamemodes in CS:GO. Wingman now uses a new rank system. Rank icons have also been changed to look more modern. Feel free to leave opinions on that as well.)

    Excited to see how CS:GO evolves in 2018!


  8. It's the truth to be honest. I'd probably join the Teamspeak if it weren't for the amount of shit that gets thrown at me.

    I used to love OB back when Jailbreak was around. Some of the funnest times of my life in gaming if I'm totally honest. But ever since the jailbreak servers closed these forums have been kinda dead honestly. I just want the old jailbreak servers back. :/

  9. 4 hours ago, Blyss said:

    Do you think it's normal to call urself a dragon and enjoy animal porn?

    I don't call myself a fucking dragon it is a PERSONA IDENTITY. I NEVER STATED IT WAS PHYSICALLY ME. I know I am human, I'm not fucking stupid.

    On the bright side at least I'm not a homophobe. 

    Also, animal porn? What the fuck? Where did you pull that shit form? You're the one who's fucked in the head

    4 hours ago, Blyss said:

    itseems like the 200h/2 weeks turned you into a delusional moron. Try telling people irl that your name is Revanaska the Magical Blue Dragon and see what happens. Fucking computers are frying ur brains. 

    Yeah let me see you live a life where you're disabled, have no friends and family and have no mental stability whatsoever, bet you'd bury yourself in a computer as well. Who gives a shit if I play 100~ hours of games every week? Why should you fucking care? Am I related to you? Do I affect you? No, I don't. You're just a dumb cunt trying to act hard on the net, I'm sorry my identity offends you so severely you demented prick.



    Also, Weezy, please do tell me how I am "trolling" with my dragon character.

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