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Everything posted by ҉NuclearGamer

  1. Hey I'm Ray I'm 16 and from Jordan. I really like this server because of Saban, don't tell him this but my secret is I have a crush on him... Saban has a sexy voice the makes me remember of rainbows and pots of gold. Everything about Saban is perfect, from his amazing letter skills to his funny names he uses from time to time. Saban sounds like he's hot and I hope to bring him to my next formal. PS I hope he doesn't see this ???
  2. the fuck is that video, i mean i thought people would protest stuff like this, but not that far dude, smh
  3. Atleast someone agrees with my hazardous ways
  4. Any games you looking for this year? I'm pretty excited for Prey and dawn of war, What games you wanna play?
  5. until

    Name: NuclearPariiah Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nuclearmonster Matchmaking Rank: Master protector 1 Player/Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: Might have an event come up on Saturday night
  6. Niice name nice name nice name nice name nice name nice name nice name nice name
  7. Happy birthday ! when you can read subs fml
  8. tbh at this rate i wonder if revan browses /r/dragonfuckingcars.. edit: just checked, of course he does
  9. Happy birthday to our german trader and gambling moderator, Have a good 17th! ;)
  10. so basically it random sprays then centers? seemsgood..
  11. and some Arabic shit I don't know what its called in English
  12. Happy birthday threads are +honor farms Happy birthday marsh
  13. until

    Sign me up please
  14. I eat pizza in large amounts, and when I mean large amounts I mean 2 large pizzas on a Thursday night large amount. Also I'm retarded with picking up social cues, the person can outright say they hate me and I'll still think he's joking
  15. If that gets added, honest to god I'm quitting csgo, 1 more quote @Blyss
  16. Got patched today morning, so far we just need CT spawn adjusted, or t spawn moved a little back and map is perfect? maybe remove the scaffolding on b site under bridge, or switch it to other side
  17. Is doing 30 pushups a sitting 3 times a day good? Can't be bothered to get a gym membership here cause its expensive as hell, cheapest is 70$ a month and the place is trashy. With my exams coming up, I usually wake up at 5 am, and take a run, about 10-15 kilos every 2-3 days, my diet is pretty healthy and not carb heavy except for the bread I occasionally eat with the family, Been thinking of upping my game and getting an indoor climb gym membership again, but not sure if I should. My average day consists of 50-80 pushups average, 70-100 situps/crunches I can hold plank for 2:10 minutes, is that good? stretching every once in a while, especially after I wake up and before I sleep. I think I got everything nailed down to home exercise
  18. Got some deep thinking into it yesterday before I slept, and thought about the different bombsites on maps and how they're all geared towards holding it, Canals is promoting a new playstyle, a more utility type instead of the boring smoke then wait for them to rush, its more engaging than most maps in roster right now and quickly becoming my favorite. With the operation update, i bet there is gonna be 1 new utility, Mark my words on this boys,
  19. Personally, I liked canal, currently 7/8 on it. Personally, map could be tweaked, pistol rounds are a joke, you can plant on b site before they're even there, if you control courtyard they lost all sites, I'm just rushing 57 and getting frags here and there, Right now only way I can contest b site is if I go from yard to site. A site is a joke, if you got aim you got easy site right there. Love the fast playstyle on it, makes for a change
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