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Everything posted by rhyse1317

  1. Thank you @Absolute for The Long Dark :)
  2. I've noticed that barely anything has been posted in this topic for a while, and I would like people to share clips, from any game like CS or League etc. As alot of the time there are threads just spread across the forums full of clips, not necessarily montages though. Here is a clip from league i got quite recently (Ignore the background noise)
  3. Lmao thats not happening anytime soon.
  4. 1. Eraser- Fastest rising star in OB. Can nearly pop a one deag if his deagle is inside the enemies asshole. 2. Eraser- Fastest rising star in OB. Can nearly pop a one deag if his deagle is inside the enemies asshole. 3. Eraser- Fastest rising star in OB. Can nearly pop a one deag if his deagle is inside the enemies asshole. 4. Eraser- Fastest rising star in OB. Can nearly pop a one deag if his deagle is inside the enemies asshole. 5. Eraser- Fastest rising star in OB. Can nearly pop a one deag if his deagle is inside the enemies asshole.
  5. this some kind of elaborate troll?
  6. Delusional, nuisance, troll, sad, confused.
  7. I would prefer it not to wild, not to sure about showing decks before hand either.
  8. GG ez ty for creds and champ xoxo
  9. Was a fun event, ty for ez win
  11. How so its the only actual input i've seen apart from "best players should pick" If you decide the highest ranked players and get them together to organize the event, i don't want to participate in the event personally before you dig about how i'm silver etc. and how invalid my opinion is, i'm just trying to help.
  12. But the game already put you at a disadvantage was the main reason for it in the LoL tourney not the skill level, my point is that rank wasn't the main concern in the LoL tourney.
  13. Not saying it isn't but I was just stating what you said was invalid
  14. The LoL tourney had a minimum level sign up so that it was fair as runes and masteries are pretty much a necessity on it, not a minimum rank sign up.
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