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Everything posted by Vemix

  1. I mean, Rachel was always with you but now it's like somebody that you used to know.
  2. Hi welcome! Hope you find some friends to play with!
  3. Vemix

    Away Thread

    Starting on Tuesday 1/8/2019 I will be homeless. I already have a house deal negotiated but since the Direct Deposit is $1000 (which I can't afford now) I will be currently offline and away somewhere. I have no idea where or what I will do other than work but please don't take my Member away if I am gone for too long.
  4. It doesn't matter, noone likes me anyways.
  5. Arma 3 is a new game that has so much potential. You should check it out!
  6. Hey all! Just wanted to say have a good New Year and hope you have a good time!
  7. "EZ" "EZ" "EZ" Chat has been disabled for 4 seconds "User has left the match"
  8. GG Champ 1 Weezy hitting double touches more than the Grand Champs that are my teammates. Weezy already close to GC
  9. Just cuz I live in Germany doesn't mean I am german. It also doesn't really matter if I am a day off or not.
  10. Merry Christmas! Slept in all day and woke up at 9 PM!
  11. Vemix


    Bumping this thread because of DayZ but when did OB get a DayZ server?
  12. I miss the days where you could fuck around with new people who joined the server and force them to freekill or do some dumb shit.
  13. I don't remember reading this but it was said that we possibly have been found out when a signal replied back to us. Also in 2017, there was an unknown probe that got past us and went through the milky way but had no signal and was said to have been a probe just sent out to find other galaxies. Been subbed for a long ass time and man I have yet to see this video, thanks for the link!
  14. I've watched this video and it really makes me think... Are we alone? Are there more life out somewhere in space? What happens when we receive a message from another race? I would like to get your honest opinions on what you think about this. Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying’ – Arthur C. Clarke
  15. Thing is, if we do get it back it will only be popular for like a week then die after just like the Minecraft and Minigames server. If we do get the server back people gonna have to devote their life to the server to bring in new members and be active. This community isn't even CSGO related anymore.
  16. Thanos was portrayed by Thanos. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.
  17. There is a new game called "World War 3" that I've seen which basically looks like Battlefield 3 reskined. The reviews say its like battlefield but can have more improvements with the mechanics. The only downside I have read is that the gameplay isn't smooth and optimizations is bad. https://store.steampowered.com/app/674020/World_War_3/
  18. Vemix

    Servers down?

    On the homepage of outbreak community under the banner is the servers. As of right now the servers are orange meaning they are down.
  19. Been listening to this artist which I really like the beats.
  20. I have an 80-year-old Grandma who is Asian. (Stereotypical) and like a 70ish Mexican Grandma.
  21. GMOD Event only had 3 people. Gmod Server had at least 8 people on everyday tho. We should get a GMOD Server end of convo.
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