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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Hopefully, I as a Dota player, won't be made to captain after Irish decides he wants to go pick potatoes in his grandads backyard.
  2. Danny

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    ???? The 0-2's can still alter the outcome of the group. I mean, I wouldn't want to go against kai who's deffo cheating either.
  3. Danny

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    I actually don't blame Jgreg for leaving now. Sov and Jgreg is 'OP' but Sov and Nick is fine. RAWR XD
  4. Danny

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    Also, what is with half of my team being people I've never met. Not really an OB tournament is it.
  5. Danny

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    So Nick and Sovman in the same team again? *thonking* No one complained last time about that..
  6. Danny

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    tfw 2/3 hosts aren't on and Kai who has barely any perms trying to do everything...
  7. Danny

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017

    The rock, a Special Child and three pensioners who still think they can awp.
  8. Danny

    Happy new year

    It's still 2010 still right? right? Happy news years you sexy fucks.
  9. Danny

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017


    Name: Danel Steam Profile Link : http://steamcommunity.com/id/dejay/ Matchmaking Rank: Legendery Eggle Mster Player/Reserve: Player. Commitment Availability: Yepe
  10. Try to stop putting dildos in mah bum
  11. Gotta be @Extinct ツ Kid wants to start a CSGO team and then plays Fortnite.
  12. Danny


    @Kai Upvotes someone calling kids edgy Tries to be edgy by using confused reaction on every god damn post I make. This is why we have no team and your dad died.
  13. @nick Lmao. to my surprise I've actually spent 5 quid on it, can't remember what I bought tho.
  14. Also, where's the Lewis & Jamie vs Danny & Thunder 2v2??? Been asking for 2 years now. Pussies.
  15. Have Unseen and Lewis make teams again.
  16. Yea I also hate it when my ex-employees don't come to work overtime at my shop too.
  17. How did you lose member again? (Insert edgy gif)
  18. wtf PAsicallkE??? How COulD U DO this toM EMEMEEEE WHYYY ::-::
  19. Can u at least make a top 5 list instead of just being a fag. 1 - CSGO as always 2 - Dota. Better than LoL. 3 - AoE 2 4 - Hand simulator 5 - PubGa
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