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Everything posted by SonyTwan

  1. always knew you'd stop being a drug addict well done
  2. take a recording with the replay feature
  3. i have no idea what his current production and djing is like but didn't he go really commercial and start making trash? used to be great
  4. Just apologise and take your spanking. If it's not serious to you why are a few event bans making you so mad?
  5. claim community is dying contribute to community dying
  6. nice honor farm faggot not rly thx
  7. hello gaz hope you're well
  8. bring back jb but donations for spiderman guns
  9. probs posted this here a few times already but timeless track love everything about it, especially the drum patterns
  10. Most AFK/muted Suppose it wouldn't hurt to throw best/worst and some other categories related to PUBG in considering its popularity also best at Brutes tbh
  11. "*Note: This feature requires Spotify Premium for the listeners"
  12. To be fair I'm sure we've all wanted to say that at some point in our lives if we already haven't Brand0n more alpha than us all.
  13. I'm actually an investor now and I'm going to buy some more BlackCoins
  14. guess nintendo switch is dead on launch??
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