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6 hours ago, GingerPopper said:

Like every hero/champion in any moba ever

Not really. The lack of diversity in picks in the LCS might lead you to believe that there's only a few good champs but that's just because they are conforming to a certain meta where you have a tank jungle, tank support, damage dealers in the other roles.

There is not a single champ in the game that is not currently a viable pick. The champs with the lowest win rate on op.gg? Ryze.

Ryze is obviously not a shit champ atm as there are pros constantly putting in solid performances, his winrate is just low because people who are trash decide to play him.

The lowest pick rate champ? Mordekaiser with a 1% pick rate, which isn't really bad at all considering past lows.

I can't speak for other MOBAs, but I think League has not left a single champion behind in the dirt and that you can succeed on absolutely anyone.

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2 hours ago, IrishChamp said:

Not really. The lack of diversity in picks in the LCS might lead you to believe that there's only a few good champs but that's just because they are conforming to a certain meta where you have a tank jungle, tank support, damage dealers in the other roles.

There is not a single champ in the game that is not currently a viable pick. The champs with the lowest win rate on op.gg? Ryze.

Ryze is obviously not a shit champ atm as there are pros constantly putting in solid performances, his winrate is just low because people who are trash decide to play him.

The lowest pick rate champ? Mordekaiser with a 1% pick rate, which isn't really bad at all considering past lows.

I can't speak for other MOBAs, but I think League has not left a single champion behind in the dirt and that you can succeed on absolutely anyone.

Ryze has a bad win rate because he is such a hard champion to use. Gragas is a 45% winrate jungler and one of the easiest mechanical champions in the game. The only champions he has a positive win rate against is fiddlesticks and trundle.


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Came across this video and i couldnt stop replaying this moment.

Her voice is a bit dead tho tbh but maybe thats me just listening to it for 12 minutes


Edited by Rachel

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