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General Election 2015

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Their anti-nuclear stance completely frustrates me

they dont seem to understand that the collaboration of nuclear and sustainable energies would be the most efficient for the UK which really fucks me off. I would personally rather not have no nuclear power but what choice do we have? We wouldn't be able to produce as much energy as efficiently without it - it's pointless being against Nuclear.

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Some dumbass liberal fuck-tard shit

I know you're sort of taking the pish, but it's worth noting that liberalism and left wing are not the same thing. I mean, I am both, but plenty of right wing people also hold liberal social views too. using liberal as an insult is pretty silly when you actually favour economic liberalism (ie freer more deregulated markets). ;)

Their anti-nuclear stance completely frustrates me

they dont seem to understand that the collaboration of nuclear and sustainable energies would be the most efficient for the UK which really fucks me off. I would personally rather not have no nuclear power but what choice do we have? We wouldn't be able to produce as much energy as efficiently without it - it's pointless being against Nuclear.


Without drifting into ad hom, it seems a lot of the Tory arguments here are founded in absolute economic illiteracy. The irony is that the Tories use this illiteracy to gain votes, and by perpetuating false narratives e.g treating the government budget like a household one

As has been said, a top heavy economy is -awful-. It results in cronyism, as oligarchs wield greater power over government, which results in less competition and a poorer end result for the consumer. I'm in Australia at the mo, and whilst it's not booming as it was, the high minimum wage - like $16 p/h, or about £9-£10, ignoring purchasing parity (brought in to address wealth inequality) - has been great. Demand is high as consumers have money to spend, and growth has been strong, as people actually have money to spend.

To put this in perspective, analysts are worried that Australia is no longer as great an investment, as some China issues linger over Australia (which require addressing). Australia's growth has stagnated under a Liberal (read: Tory, in Australia) government to 2.5% p/a. To put this in perspective, the British Tories are banging on about how amazing they've been, by achieving a growth rate of 2.6%. Previously growth was around 6%. 2.6% is shit. If my dick grew by 2.6%, the difference would be marginal - only about half an inch xDDDDDDddDD1!!!! :glad2:

Yeah, this too.

I'm sure your dick is ~20 inches too, venga ;)

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Just voted UKIP on mintlous poll, because why not.

Not sure who I will vote for on the actual election. When is the 7 way debate? Thats going to be insane. I will hold judgement until then.

Not that it matters. Politicians are lying stealing blood sucking snakes.

Remember no increase to student fees lib dems(?)

Thanks Lib Dem, way to bend over and take it in the ass you spineless fucks.

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Yeah, the TV debates are just stupid. They should be in place so that David Cameron can defend this governments current record, but he's avoiding any form of confrontation with Miliband, simply because Miliband can't lose out from the debates - there's no way he could become any less popular than he is now! I'm interested to see how the 7 way debate will go - it's a good thing that it's happening, but it's likely to be a mess!

For those who are interested, there is one tonight between Cameron and Miliband, but it is just a Q&A session, with no actual engagement between them, because David Cameron wouldn't agree to a format in which he would have a proper one-on-one debate.

Interesting how he isn't willing to defend his failing austerity measures, failing to cut the deficit by more than half of what they said they would, a much slower recovery than expected, horrifying reforms to the welfare system which have resulted in people losing their lives, raising VAT after promising not to, reorganising the NHS top down and selling off new contracts to companies which tories MPs have shares in, the list goes on. Hell, they've lied more than the lib dems.

And Gaz, you're right, fuck the lib dems. They're as good as dead now - they fucked over their core demographic. They should have agreed to support a minority conservative government on a per issue basis, and then block every piece of vile legislation the tories tried to push through, and defend tuition fees to the death. That would have made students love them, and they wouldn't have lost their "third party" status to UKIP. They proved they are fundamentally establishment, and forced those who wanted an anti-establishment vote to look elsewhere - I don't think it's unreasonable to credit them at least partly for the rise of the Greens and UKIP. The only thing I really like them for is for their socially liberal policies, such as drug decriminalisation. I wish more parties held more liberal drug views!


Not only is their economic plan fucking awful (and bordlerline illiterate), it's also longterm! Why, if that isn't a reason to vote for them, I don't know what is!

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Friends who want to stay friends don't discuss politics or religion.

i'm not ur m8 u spotty nerd.

What was the Q&A sesh like? Did Miliband fail to score really easy points, and did Cameron talk about his long-term economic plan (which, as Tweep said, is garbage and awful).

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Paxman did a fair job of grilling Cameron, and forced him to tackle some issues such as food banks and zero hour contracts, and this seemed to make him feel uncomfortable. The audience questions weren't too bad though, and they treated him fairly nicely. Cameron continued to use his same bullshit lines of "long term economic plan".

Miliband started with audience questions, and got off to a bad start - through little fault of his own. The questions were bullshit, and were often particularly personal (especially when asking him about his brother), and the audience at times were simply attacking him for being socialist. Paxman was also particularly unfair, and spent a lot of time focusing on whether he'd be "tough" enough to be a leader rather than attacking his policy. Not sure Paxman was best placed to chair that debate either, seeing as how he is a self confessed one nation tory who was recently approached by the labour party and asked to run for mayor of london for them. However, Kay Burley really took the piss - she "moderated" the questions with the audience, and was just downright rude to Miliband, interrupting him a hell of a lot more than she did with Cameron. She hid her biases worse than Paxman.

That said, Miliband did well, and got in a few punches on Paxman before the end - which is a massive achievement in its own right for any politician. A personal favourite was "you're important Jeremy, but not that important, it's the British public who decide the election result, not you" (or something to that effect). The debate got particularly personal against Miliband, and he really stood up for himself well. Not that Paxman didn't grill Cameron, but it was a lot less personal.

Whilst he didn't win the polls after the debate, they were close. Considering he went from an incredibly low popularity rating to 40 something % after that debate, he definitely won it in at least some aspects.

also venga your avatar :lol:

Friends who want to stay friends don't discuss politics or religion.

Yeah, this is true. I don't discuss politics with some of my closest friends who are tory, because I know I'd end up being frustrated as hell with them! I'll happy talk politics with my left leaning friends, and debate the best way to implement legislation, but I do avoid arguing politics with my close right wing friend because (apart from him holding silly political views) he's a genuinely nice guy. Thankfully none of my close friends are UKIP, because that's one debate I genuinely wouldn't put down, what with the whole opposing bigotry, racism, and homophobia being a good thing and all that.

That said, a platform like this is a good place to debate politics, as an online platform provides a situation in which you can fully present an argument with a fair level of analysis without someone interrupting you shouting "filthy socialist!".

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Honestly I don't know. Even though I go to a private school and 90% of people would vote Conservative, my main attraction for voting for labour is the reduction of University fees from £9000 to £6000. Now I'm definitely not the biggest fan of Ed Miliband , but he does make some good point. His plans for the economy is one that I do not agree with. The reduction of the deficit and the eventual gain of a surplus is important for the UK to repay the massive debt which is what the Conservatives are aiming for. In general I would say that I have Liberal view on society, meaning that everybody should be able to do what they want as long as it harms nobody else (including 420), but the Lib Dems aren't really Liberal and there is no way they will be re-elected (if they are I'm selling all my items and giving all of my credits away). There is no party I really want to vote for in the UK. The Lib Dems are a joke, SNP is SNP, and don't even get me started on UKIP (i'm not even going to mention BNP). So I might just take a Russell Brand's approach of voting, and don't vote.

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Look how well it worked the last time the young population voted for a party promising reduction of university fees. They were tripled.

Russell Brand's approach to voting is also fucking stupid, as is his entire mantra. A non-vote is apathy, if you truly do not feel a party represents you you should still attend and spoil your vote in order to express you wish to have a say but there are no voices to speak for you.

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