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Revan The Dragon

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Everything posted by Revan The Dragon

  1. until

    Minigames HO BOY
  2. What the FUCK did I even just read
  3. until

    I don't know what's happening but okay I'm here
  4. I overreact to fucking everything EDIT: I regret saying that. Bad context
  5. Crosshair was clearly on the guy, actually hit him 4 times, also your spelling skill disappoints me
  6. I got banned from a huge server community on Counter-Strike 1.6 run by a bunch of Christians because I knew how to AWP better than them. Not even joking. Ban reason was something along the lines of "Cheating with AWP". I was also given warnings for saying "shit" and "damn" a few times.
  7. Can we get an Outbreak eSports team going or some shit



  8. angels with scaly wings lol
  9. Everyone in the world is gay but me Nah in all seriousness (even though the above statement is totally true am I right) people should be accepting of sexuality... It's 2017 for fuck's sake, why do people care what others do with their life if it doesn't personally affect them? Does anyone care what someone twangs the turkey to behind doors? Not that I know of, so why should people care about sexuality? Love is love, and people need to grow up and stop being so arrogant... My parents raised me to believe homosexuality was wrong, but I found otherwise. The majority of homosexuals I've met are actually incredibly friendly and outgoing, which is quite neat, don't know if it's related to sexuality at all though, could just be coincidence!
  10. You're a bit late buddy, you missed the limited time offer
  11. Pretty much every game in 2016 was a letdown, I expect the same of this year Forever I'll be stuck in the past playing older games.
  12. until

    Name: Revan The Dragon Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040671155/ Matchmaking Rank: Supreme Master First Class Player/Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: Available every day of the week, pretty much always playing CS:GO.
  13. To be fair, the Negev is still relatively loud, but it just doesn't feel that way because they've toned down the "metallic" effect of the sound. And in all honesty (as much as I miss both Negev sounds) I think the new one suits the gun more and makes it sound a lot more like an actual LMG.
  14. Happy birthday to the dude that saved my life on some minecraft jailbreak map
  15. Designed for suppressive fire. It can't tap anymore. It's designed a bit like the revolver, you have to "pre-charge" (pre-spray) to get accurate usage of it, and the accuracy slowly becomes more accurate, which is quite interesting. Means a user has to give away their position to be any good with it.
  16. As a note: The Negev and the R8 Revolver are receiving changes which will make them entirely different. They have been removed from competitive matchmaking so that in the case that they are overpowered, they cannot be abused in competitive mode. Discuss this update!
  17. [GAMEPLAY] – Revolver and Negev have been removed from Competitive Matchmaking as they undergo substantial revision. – Revolver: — Firing delay significantly reduced – Negev: — New attributes to promote suppressive fire. — Reduced price. — New sounds that dynamically indicate weapon accuracy. [MISC] – Added ability to add friends using CS:GO friend codes. – Added recent teammates and invites UI on the main menu. – GOTV connections will now use SDR in most of the regions. – Fixed missing texture on Huntsman Knife | Ultraviolet – Added convar mp_items_prohibited which takes a comma-delimited list of weapon definition indices to prohibit from purchase on the server. – Lowered volume of ambient sound in de_vertigo to match ambient volume of other maps. – Fixed several OSX graphics crashes related to running out of vertex shader constants. – Fixed a game crash related to game stats. [MAPS] Canals: – fixed more pixelwalk spots & places where bomb could get stuck – fixed sticky clip brush at B – fixed Z-fighting railing at bridge – fixed visible nodraw underneath a bridge – improved clipping under T side bridges – fixed Z-fighting below CT arches – adjusted courtyard statues and stairs for better movement – fixed various fade distance issues – widened B site and palace doors – aligned palace windows better – fixed floating clothesline – adjusted pecklesteiner – fixed missing texture at back alley – removed clip from garden lamp post because it’s at jumping height – prevented planting bomb on railing at A – removed lamp posts between A and CT spawn
  18. It's f**ked. It was digging into my head (the left side was hanging off, a piece of the plastic was jagged) and twice caused minor bleeding which was an utter pisstake. Left speaker didn't even work, mic worked fine though, and the right side was fine. Also, a bit of an edit, I've kinda got the new headset to work a bit but the mic refuses to work. :v So I guess things are looking a little better, I'll figure this out eventually then I'll hop on teamspeak
  19. No use to me mate, I work at bad dragon I get all the stuff for free. But I suppose it's the thought that counts! Also it's bad-dragon.com, it has a hyphen in it. ^.=.~
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