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Everything posted by Eagle

  1. Eagle

    Outbreak 2v2 Tournament


    Name: Eagle Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AlmightyEagle/ Challengeme.gg Profile Link: https://www.challengeme.gg/profile/Almighty Eagle Matchmaking Rank: GE Player/Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: Available
  2. Fun fact: You can use spoilers to:
  3. What are you doing????????? Copy the contents of the error.log and output_log.txt
  4. 1. The first thing you wash in the shower? Hair 2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? Don't drink much of either, would probably choose coffee though 3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Ye 4. Do you plan outfits? Nope 5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Tired and bored 6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red? Hyper X Cloud II's 7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? Call the police??? 8. Turn ons? Lights 9. Turn offs? Lights 10. What are you listening to right now? Akame 11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Winning OB tournies 12. When was the last time you cried? Why? Teared up a month or so ago, watching TWD 13. Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize? Yes, but I've never really been hurt badly anyway 14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? A combination of sucking and biting, idk it's weird 15. Favorite movie of all time? Don't watch a lot of movies, I think 'The Martian' was pretty good 16. Do you like yourself? Sure, I guess - I definitely don't dislike myself 17. Have you ever met a celebrity? Not any huge celebrities, but a few fairly well known musicians 18. Could you handle being in the military? I could probably handle it but I would hate being there 19. Are your parents strict? Nope 20. Would you go sky diving? With a group of friends, sure 21. Whats on your mind right now? Trying to think of a favourite movie 22. Have you ever been in a castle? Yes, in school trips 23. Give three facts about yourself. 1. I usually eat dinner past 24:00 2. I mostly drink tea but don't mind coffee 3. The last movie I watched was about 4 months ago, it was a re-watch of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 24. Ever had a near death experience? If so what happened? Not that I can think of 25. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? Not at all 26. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend a night in a supposed haunted house would you do it? Implying houses can be haunted 27. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to become more attractive would you do it? Never 28. What was your best and worst experience with alcohol? Best : Watching Youtube / Worst : Watching TV 29. As you're walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? Is it open? How much money is there? Either way I'd probably just leave it, seems pretty shady 30. If you could live forever, would you want to? Only if my friends and family could as well - seeing everybody you love die would fuck you up
  5. Eagle

    New Server Ideas

    I think TTT fits this category perfectly - while it is obviously a GMOD centric gamemode, it can and has been done on CSGO. It promotes communication, allows people to show their personality and creates a fun, casual experience as well as opening space for donation perks such as skins and abilities. I feel like this gamemode has been plagued by 7 year olds (as with all things that start on gmod :/) but it is a genuinely good concept and, if done well, can be extremely fun. I've seen this point quite a bit and while I agree that CS:GO has died in popularity within OB, I don't really see any other game that could be used. The only games I see a decent number of people consistently playing other than CS are LoL and PUBG, neither of which are suitable for a community based server. LoL servers (if actually possible to create them) would just be regular League and PUBG doesn't promote interacting with other people aside from killing them and (depending on the level of customization available) would also just be like a standard PUBG game. Neither of these games have any aspects which would encourage people to join OB servers, let alone repeatedly come back. I've created a straw poll to try and give a better overall idea of what people want: https://strawpoll.com/gprgpw88 I tried to make it as inclusive as possible although obviously I couldn't put in every single possibility - I'm also not saying that everything on here is a viable option to pursue, but I think it will give some insight into the general opinion of the community.
  6. Still 1 shots at close range Has good one shot accuracy now Still accurate while running "terrible"
  7. When you say you made it your main, what did you actually do to it?
  8. Btw, the latest version of puush uses ShareX anyway as far as I'm aware - at least that's what it downloaded when I went onto puush website. Another PSA: Transfer.sh links (e.g. https://transfer.sh/k6jEx/Jump on it.mp4) are not scam websites that destroy your computer - it is an open source video hosting service used by ShareX. @Akame™
  9. +1 Always on ts, a chill and funny guy and played on servers a lot when they weren't dead :/ Akameme xdddddddddddd
  10. It's not so much a bug as it is a stupid mechanic - being able to get big info while completely hidden is pretty dumb. That's not to say that it wins you games or it can't be countered, it's just pretty annoying.
  11. The most retarded shot I hit in the whole tourney
  12. What a final - gg bois Zelka #1 OB confirmed
  13. shadowplay or didn't happen
  14. Just interested to hear the opinions of others Chill
  15. Why are you peeking close quarters when they're force/eco?
  16. Why are you holding close quarters when they're force/eco?
  17. Are they balanced? Why? How could they be changed? Personally, I think that they are slightly overpowered - the high movement speed combined with nutty running accuracy means that people get retarded double dinks with tec 9s while going at 99 mph; obviously you should be able to frag them in most circumstances, but this won't always happen, like in a full site rush. I'm not saying that you should be getting 5 man spraydowns and ending up on sparkles every eco/forcebuy, but having cod style mechanics in a game like cs feels unbalanced and counter intuitive. I think either the movement speed or running accuracy should be decreased as it still rewards good aim, but doesn't allow people to get stupid running headshots, while rifles require you to stand still (or crabwalk) in order to be accurate. I enjoy the fact that forcebuys and ecos aren't insta wins for the opposing team, but you should win from smart plays and good aim instead of +fowarding and spamming left click. inb4 "cs dead game"
  18. ye ye nice scripts can @Twitzoh confirm?
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