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Everything posted by keemy

  1. keemy

    R6 Vids

    Context @Rachel was chatting shit even though i carried her in every game before that and I was tilted at the start of that game
  2. keemy


    One less wife beater on the earth ?
  3. keemy

    R6 Vids

    ded gaym XDDDDDDDD
  4. keemy

    World Cup thread

    no Lahm, no leadership, no party
  5. keemy

    World Cup thread

    Wouldn't be surprised if Portugal took it all tbf
  6. keemy

    E3 2018

    @Kai fell inlove the moment he laid eyes on this
  7. I've spoke briefly to the people who won't be using Discord such as Venga and gaffer, and honestly it's a shame that they don't want to even try Discord although I can't really say they're my friends, in the brief period were we might have played a gather or Siege or something, I enjoyed it, can't really force someone to do what they don't want to. Discord might look alien to people who've never used it before but if people aren't willing to even try it, what can you do really, if people leave OB cause of Discord it'll be a shame really but that's their choice and at the end of the day you might as well respect it.
  8. tbf at the time no one could have predicted this success
  9. People don't like change, even if it maybe for the better (not saying this is for the better). People who won't give Discord a chance are just being kinda irrational, it's literally only a platform to speak to people on.
  10. his exams broke him
  11. Honestly I prefer TS by a mile but Discord isn't even that bad I dunno why people are so butthurt over moving, only thing that's gonna change is the platform we'll be speaking nothing big really.
  12. hb forum freedom for me pls xoxo
  13. Mentions the fact Extinct beats Ginger by 20 kills but not that Flash beat Jamie by 21 :hmm: :hmm:
  14. jokes on you im on perma content moderation lol
  15. reused clip in this video -honor
  16. past my bed time sorry
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