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Everything posted by ҉NuclearGamer

  1. Please no, Its called the Wall day. I'm from San fran, eh.
  2. I drove over 20 Kilos on a dirt bike on 100 km/h in the country side :d
  3. I've traveled alot for my age. Pattaya, Bangkok and Chonburi in Thailand London,Brighton, UK Berlin, Germany Tokyo, Fukui, Saitiama, In Japan Crimea, Ukraine. I've gone to Thailand about 8 times, Only allowed to travel once a year. Im roughly 16 ^^
  4. Happy birthday Finnley! Hope you don't get wasted drunk :P
  5. Sweet, we got a coding section?, I'll get involved and finally have someone to share my broken bugged codes and try to figure them out with someone.
  6. The Ak looks good, but the knife is basically a Night version with some drawings. What i really liked about these servers is having a Karambit, with the blaze.
  7. Skins?, Sure, make me one that suits my name and i'll pay :D
  8. Ah nice, I would love one, if i can pay via paypal
  9. My games are pretty bad. Sorry for the cancer categorizing, Then again i torrent most of my shit. http://prntscr.com/bmbj3m
  10. Welcome, Hope you enjoy your stay. Saw you a bit on the server, you seem chill
  11. This was my favorite CoD. And video game trailer
  12. Eh, It isnt working for me. No idea honestly, I didnt use teamspeak and mained mumble for WoW, then one day ISPS just blocked it, Whats worse is, its on the way to blocking skype and viber and many more voips.
  13. Heey, Welcome to forums hope you enjoy your time here.
  14. So in my country, Teamspeak, Mumble are banned and only way to use them is a good VPN, however Im a bit lost and would like to know some good vpns :3
  15. Heey, welcome to the forums, you're good at 1 tapping kappa
  16. I've done my fair share of stupid stuff. In 6th grade, me and my friends played catch, with roller blades, on dirt.. i broke my right arm and needed a cast for 4 months. In 8th grade, i also broke the same arm while playing american football, ya sounds casual? We played it on the stairs... And in 9th grade i had a fracture on my left arm, went from rail to ground while skateboarding.
  17. Been swimming since i was 6 years old, had a club membership my uncle used to take me to and only started getting serious last year. Thanks, Should be my new theme song ;3
  18. One of my favorite meals is "Mansaf", Jordanian cuisine
  19. Im a bit of a heavy metal fan and this has my favorite guitar/drum beat
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