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Everything posted by IrishChamp

  1. That Rory should have won Member of the Month
  2. Am I correct in thinking that @keemy can no longer win this as he's a mod?
  3. Yes. I'm in the middle of exams and you obviously have time on your hands from that Akame post so feel free and I'll comment on it
  4. Is this what you mean when you say you're stopping playing showdown "to do other things"
  5. Here's my post wisdom teeth removal pic EDIT: Here's a bonus pic a few hours afterwards
  6. Welcome. Nice to see an intro post for once lol I forgot this section even existed. Feel free to invite friends if you decide you like the community as we are in need of some fresh memes
  7. I get this dumb grin whenever I'm drunk
  8. I listened to this so much when it came out and I hadn't really gotten into Cole at that point. Now whenever I hear that first beat I think of this version instead of the real song and I always expect to hear Kendrick. Seen Cole live twice and it's still this way lol
  9. I spent quite a while watching these videos in the run-up to a recent set of exams and can recommend 10/10 for procrastination
  10. Going away for the weekend sorry can't make it
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