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Rumple Forskin

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Everything posted by Rumple Forskin

  1. Thought i would put some of my nicer clips together to be saved if i lost them on my pc . The last clip is stuttered , and i promise you its not silent aim , due to the random 1 tap on the guy im not even looking at
  2. we have all tried to give him tips and he is way too trigger happy , and this happens from round 1 lol , dosent even need to be rounds of rebelling . I dont want him banned (because he isent breaking any rules) , but i think a mod should speak to him about this .
  3. thats not how the server is supposed to be played , yeah he gets succesful rounds , but to do so he hides the other side of the map , kills T's and spams medic . The game mode is not fun with Very strict wardening. This is definatley not a good CT , its one who can clutch and tryhard to win , this is completely the opposite of how jailbreak should be played - As Warden , by the time we get to the first game , so many minuites are wasted forcing T's to get bored and try rebel , or just die to being 1 step out a marker .
  4. Hey , Good to see you on the forum. Have seen you on the server before , not realy spoken to you but i presume your friendly , Enjoy your stay
  5. tbf , i think a mod should have a talk with him as he CT's literally every other map , not giving others a chance to ct and sometimes making the ratios unfair by joining CT late and not swapping , He also needs to be less trigger happy as warning shots should be given , whereas he just kills .
  6. Name - badkid69 Id - STEAM_0:1:77827300 Date - 11-5-16 reason - randomly freekilling proof - sorry for stutter on 2nd freekill , recorder sometimes lags due to high pressure on the graphics card . he freekilled 3 people and then baited and died .
  7. Just wondering as we are on the topic of backgrounds , How do you change the background colour ? , i Get a pink colour by default and i have heard other people get different colours , not sure if there is a way to change this .
  8. when you complete the test and it dosent load the answers for ages , then when it loads, says page not found and that 10 mins you spent filling it out is lost -_-
  9. Hey man , welcome to the forums seen you on the server quite alot , you seem friendly and will get on quite well .
  10. Too big , literally cant take in everything on the screen at one time , also i feel like the reputation thing could be abused to bully people lol , also i dont like how i cant see peoples signatures and things on screen. I would admit maybe the other forum style did need change , and this is not all that bad but could probably be improved, Then again its been 1 day so cant realy complain.
  11. yeah i meen like the good ones you vote on , not shitty overused ones.
  12. so thats why we have never played a gather together ? :( hahah , and yeah i know i dont seem active on ts lol , iv played a few gathers and this usualy happens and puts me of playing more.
  13. Couldent agree with you more, i think its the fact people tilt and try joke around to pass the time instead of getting hammered . I notice this alot when a team gets down by at least 7 rounds or more.
  14. Name : Main (Chicken) - Hacking account (CLU) steam id : STEAM_0:0:170189375 (CLU) Date - 30 april 2016 Reason for ban - obvious hacking all round - only clip i got atm, very obvious in this clip . Proof - Sorry for bad quality - can still see the aimlock -
  15. They just want more money , dont know why they dont just choose some of the skins from the community , much better, a p250 asiimov ?? , what has csgo become
  16. yes , ofc we remeber you , stole my name u whore
  17. Id - STEAM_0:0:137944032 Name - 64 Fnatic Bloodzy Date - 17-4-16 Reason - freekilling proof -
  18. Like - no dislike - girls are not hot in my area of the country , it rains everyday , 20% tax is bs . England is just terrible
  19. Name - Nos Id - STEAM_0:1:53771145 Date - 08-04-16 Reason - mass freekilling proof - sorry for bad quality cba to make higher
  20. Names : Jack The man : STEAM_0:0:126919092 Epixfrenchman: STEAM_0:0:122115500 Dan Fortesque :STEAM_0:0:34266183 Reason : Mass freekilling Date : 05/04/16 Proof --
  21. omg i couldent +1 this more , cancer of csgo , constant freekilling , making us crouch in cells to get somewhere and everywhere , cts 5 maps in row , dosent swap when asked , clearly dosent know the rules , constant mic spam and swearing , Ban him please, also mass freekilling earlier i didnt record .
  22. Steam Id : STEAM_0:1:90333970 In game Name : Elite craft Reason for ban : freekilled constantly in cells for 3 maps in a row , no mic , clearly dosent know the rules Proof: https://youtu.be/WKljv9L5LUY - sorry for bad quality , didnt have time to change this , just need him of the server , ruining it for 10 people Thanks
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