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Everything posted by Absolute

  1. Absolute

    Away Thread

    My activity on the server and ts is going to disappear totaly in the weekdays, idk how long but i will be on forums as usual and i will play as usual in the weekends due to national tests which i gotta focus on. Dear staff if this is going to affect my member at all please let me know and i'll figure something out, thanks!
  2. That moment when you're actually having an orgasm after the third kill....
  3. Happy 4th birthday Outbreak and many, many more to come! even though we've had our ups and downs and you've been there for me when i needed you the most but no matter what were still together and i will love you till gaming tear us apart! I want to thank Conor and the admin team for doing such a great job keeping the server/community up! Also want to thank the veterans for keeping the community alive without you we wouldn't be here today!
  4. Used to love Runescape private servers and then i stopped because all the good servers went down in 1 way or another so i got myself a ps3 and started my Fifa career, i instantly fell in love with the game and became very good (played it since 2006-2015) the game started getting bored when you play too much so i stopped and eventually my ps3 got broken and my little brother was playing a lot of csgo so i played a few days on his account and i didnt really like the game BUT the skins really made me love this game just because you can trade/gamble with em so i got my own account and started playing lots of comps, one day in a normal comp i met this amazing guy and decided to add him, his name is Makeurmove you guys probably know him and he introduced me to this wonderful Jailbreak server that i just couldnt stop playing.... Games i hate: Dota 2, WoW, Minecraft/unturned etc etc :)
  5. Desperate people tryna get da post count up lmao, anyways welcome to the forums and hope you have a good time here!
  6. Thanks for this amazing event really hope everyone had as much fun as me, Yeah winning the event is a bonus but i would of had just as much fun if we lost.
  7. Gunstar i know this is a little off topic but i've been really 50/50 to get A.R.K but some people tells me its good if u have the time to play it like a few hours a day (which i don't) so what do you think? and something i've been wondering is like is it possible that somehow you can raid other clans and stuff like that? :)
  8. Absolute


    Congratulations to the Channing tanning w/e they're called xD and Thank you very much Fluxy for hosting such a nice event even tho we had our troubles but im sure everyone had a great time (maybe team suspicious plays had a little less fun) Also thank you to the people casting/streaming you did a great job!
  9. Obviously Major Chaos is the worst of them all....... Anyways welcome to the forums chaos!
  10. Happy Birthday skidddo! Hope you have a great day!
  11. Welcome Brake down, seen you lots on the server/ts and so far u seem like a cool guy!
  12. I would say H1z1 but idk anymore it seems to have gone shite :S
  13. I havent met you yet but welcome to the forums!
  14. It's decent i guess, nothin i will bother buying untill it goes down like the shadow daggers did! :)
  15. KQLY VAC BAN? seriously? naaa.............. seriously? naaaaaaaaaaaaa Gj Eraser!
  16. Yeah Bard that's exactly what i mean! and yeah it's a bit harsh to the other Regular's take the blame as well and with this post i am definitely not referring to all of the regulars! And by that letting the members+ only comment is just fair in my opinion!
  17. Welcome to the forums Rhyse! you seem like a cool guy!
  18. Great opinions by everyone and i don't hate the regulars? :D
  19. So i've heard many members talking about Regulars commenting on other people's member application's and in my opinion i think we should make a rule saying that ONLY members+ can comment on member application's? It is sometimes really annoying when they comment +1 and don't even know anything about the person and only comment positive things because they have been talking to the person on TS once. But hey it's just my opinion and no hard feelings to the regulars i still love you all. Comment what you guys think :)
  20. The idea of deathmatch... not so much but Tetris/Snake sounds pretty fun but if it's too much hassle getting the plugin and stuff then i wouldn't say it's worth it.
  21. Hahaha that voice tho!, look at this bro like WTF!
  22. Welcome Rjayy! remember what i told you :) welcome to the forums!
  23. Seen this guy LOTS on the server and recently i've been seeing him on TS :) Awesome guy! make sure to say hi to him, need more people like this guy!
  24. Well there is always space for improvement! JK hahaha really nice bro!
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