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Everything posted by Danny

  1. LOL GET WARNED NERD. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Only if we had Forum Moderators smh
  2. With the conclusion of the 2nd season, here's how the leaderboard lined up. I will be rolling on my prize from Season 2 to this Season's Prize pool. @FlaSh Has bagged himself an M4A4 | Hellfire 3rd Place is currently a tie, with a nail-biting Coin Flip where Sovman successdully choose heads and has now won himself an AK-47 | Frontside Misty In Season 3, we have changed the ELO system to a +4 and -3. The prizes are TBA at this stage. We would also like to congratulate Flash on his Tier 1 Captaincy! If there is an interest in having a tournament, we are considering doing one during one of the weekends during season 3. Please respond in the form linked if you're interested. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4C9N7EAkrPtJWm1HqNdJDK0YJUgMGNlWrq4XJJKc9bvFXsg/viewform?usp=sf_link
  3. Thunder crying at me to make him a Birthday Thread, Not even his Birthday yet. Nice try Hitler, not this time. Love you.
  4. His points are unusually high wtf..
  5. Erm IDK how I Feel about creating a Thread for this. There should really be some pinned thread for games on sales. Anyway, for any strategy game enthusiasts who haven't played HoI IV cause of the initial steep price. It's only 16 quid now (Until Monday), would recommend, good game. The best feature of the game, you get to play as Thunder!
  6. ... Not even a contest where my prize
  7. Btw what I linked was a LEAGUE OF LEGENDS FaceIT Hub if you didn't know..
  8. I miss Mike timing out every game. and surviving the onslaught of Conor as he hard targets me in my first game of AoE... Had no idea why we did such a thing.. ;)
  9. Last day of the Hub today before finishing at 11:55pm Tonight! These are the top 10 going into it... Some unexpected names, *cough* Vemix *cough* and Sovman's win rate being like damn. Also on another note, I would really appreciate if everyone could follow me on FaceIT. This could be a big help for the future plans of the hub! Plans which could include such things as - Weekly/Bi-Weekly FaceIT Tournaments -
  10. https://www.faceit.com/en/inv/K1C75t2 Don't know if there's any real interest in this, guess we'll see. :>
  11. Lmao Factions worked out so well last time. - Popey just blatantly abusing his powers as the owner of the server. - Salt factor over 9000 - 50% of people quit and only two actual factions remained after we raided lmao #Freekillers Also event ideas (lmao see u in half a year) - Quizzes i.e OB Pub Quiz Night - Chess - Me and Chris have been wanting to host AoE event for like a year :< - CS Source/1.6 throwback - Left 4 Dead - Team Fortress?
  12. Nice Idea Kai, don't know how you made this post a year before making a forum account. Told you I and Thunder have had this Idea for legit YEARS. :/ - Unshameful bump to prove a petty point.
  13. Now youre promoting other threads smh ur fired
  14. Dw boys you can be guilty free of not buying me any presents. I accept upvotes as a form of cash.
  15. Danny


    Theres a cs hub huehuehue
  16. Updated the rules section - Mainly concerning the cancellation of games https://beta.faceit.com/en/hub/ebc85d77-6531-4bb3-ae08-668eab3d1dfc/Outbreak CSGO League/rules
  17. 4V5 Keji 500 ping ??? FORUM WORTHY???
  18. So was looking for common Mexican names.. Awkward...
  19. I made u an honourary tier 3 captain anticipating your return Be happy :/
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