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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. I believe BIG FUCKING ROCKET's (BFR's) are better than ships as they can carry up to 150,000 kg of weight to anywhere in the world in no time Plus they can go to mars.
  2. Breaking News: Nick has already been kicked
  3. Today is the birthday of the person that I know holds a special place in the hearts of all of the members in this community. Happy Birthday and I hope you have a fantastic day, Brooklyn Beckham. oh yeah, i got a facebook notification that its also dannys birthday today, so hb as well i guess...
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-43154477 Ten thousand tickets for the London Major will go on sale on 1 April. Dates are 20th-23rd of September
  5. I guess blyss and danny are allowed to play with bad internet...
  6. most likely to become a millionaire
  7. yeah the elo based gather system was a really good idea @Chris Lord
  8. thats a very short and narrow view on cryptos, they might raise pc hardware prices in the short term but cryptos can do so much good for the gaming community Technology behind cryptos can make sure that no government can interfere with our internet (eg getting rid of net neutrality) through a decentralized internet, it can give us a decentralized version of steam that will decrease game prices and increase the money earned by game developers by getting rid of the middle man, it can help get rid of ISP's, decreasing internet prices by once again getting rid of the middle man. There are so many use cases of blockchain technology and cryptos out there that will benefit the gaming community greatly, I'll happily pay a bit more for gpu's in the short term...
  9. happy birthday big boi
  10. Could you rename my team to "The Droopy Cocks" please
  11. Thunder

    ESL Outbreak Winter 2017


    Name: Andon Steam Profile Link : http://steamcommunity.com/id/thundercs/ Matchmaking Rank: Supreme Master Second Class Player/Reserve: Player Commitment Availability: Yassir
  12. Yes weed isn't good for you but saying it's as harmful as you made it out to be just goes a bit too far imo. If you use it in moderation (i.e. in the evening when you just want to chill and watch a movie) and don't become a wake and bake person, there's no real "harm" that it causes. This is especially true when you compare it to other legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, which have a much worse impact on your physical health. Your personal opinion of weed has clearly been influenced by some bad experiences, which as you stated consisted of heavy use. I have personally been through stages where I smoked quite a lot, and yes I did feel it had a harmful impact on my life. Since then I smoke only in the evening when I got all of my tasks for the day done and I don't need to be productive anymore. You have to look at the problem of legalisation objectively. Do the harms of legalisation outweigh the benefits? I don't want to make this post too long so I won't list all my arguments, but I want to leave you with this: I believe all drugs no mater how harmful to ones person should be legalised. If someone in the UK wants to buy heroine, cocaine, fentanyl, etc. they can. Drugs are now more accessible and cheaper than they have ever been. The war on drug has failed and any money and time spent towards has been and will continue to be a huge waste of resources. If there's demand for something there will be supply, that is just simple economics. Governments around the world continue to tackle the problem by restricting supply, but that strategy has failed and instead I think we should focus on tackling the demand side instead. Therefore, I believe we should legalise and regulate all drugs. This would ensure that all drugs are not laced with something else as most drug deaths are caused by the drug dealers lacing drugs with harmful substance or users not knowing how to be safe while taking these subsatnces. The tax money can also be used to inform and help those addicted to the substances. This has been shown to drive down drug use significantly (i.e. anti-tobacco campaign in the U.S.) . I know what your argument will be 'legalisation will increase the use of drugs', but evidence actually suggests otherwise. Not only will children have a harder time obtaining drugs, cannabis legalisation in Colorado has actually lead to a decrease in cannabis smokers (Source). Tl;dr - prohibition doesn't work, only solution is legalisation of all drugs with a strong information and support campaign
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