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Posts posted by FlaSh

  1. 4 hours ago, Lewis said:


    To me, this doesn't make much sense. CS:GO has always had a cheating problem. I quite often run into people with as much as 1.5k hours who are blatantly cheating (as in spin botting - wall spamming) - not just people I suspect might be. 

    Yes, it is more common in non-prime when I play my smurf, but no way exempt from prime matches or even premium faceit. It wasn't particularly a large barrier to spend £5 on supporter or pay £3 for a SIM-card to get premium if you wanted a better cheating experience, especially when you were already paying $10 for CS:GO itself.

    My point in this is that clearly VAC isn't anywhere near perfect. It should be able to detect if you are using external software to alter the movement of your in game mouse sensor (can this really be that hard to implement) and dish out bans on the spot.

    People have been angry about bumping into cheaters for ages. How does valve respond to this long-term annoyance? Makes CS:GO F2P. No posts reassuring us on the statistics of accounts VAC banned or how the anti-cheating software is at the cutting edge of technology. It's sad when FACEIT AC is literally more advanced than VAC, either that or FACEIT just care more about their players.

    I guarantee you now that at least 50% of non prime matches will have cheaters in them now. It'll actually entice people who have never cheated to just try it out. You might say, who cares? Just get prime. Not really the point, why would we want our game to be like this? Anyway, every single account pre-f2p has now been made prime. What 20iq specimen decided that was a good idea? So now literally every account that has so far evaded VAC and all the sleeping cheater accounts have prime matchmaking, clap clap.

    But the most illogical thing - I presume the rationale behind doing this was to bring a surplus of new players in - those who have never played the game and those who wanted to play the game but didn't want to buy it. Subsequently, valve thinks that those players would invest in the skin market and in the long-term, valve would profit from these players, despite the game being free at the time of purchase...

    So let's get this straight - the hope is that those who didn't want to invest in the game monetarily are now going to spend loads of money on skins and stickers? Yeah that makes total sense. It's a big kick in the gut to the millions of us who bought the game, cool, we got some shitty badge to add to our collection of 20 badges that no one even looks at. Starting a game off as P2P and then moving it to F2P just shows the backwardness of the team at valve.

    At no point when they were implementing this did someone think, hey, maybe this will make a lot of people mad and confused - considering we've ignored pressing matters like 128 tick for a while.

    Oh and those new legit players who are gonna come and try CS:GO, I doubt they will instantly add their phone, the first 10-20 games they play will be against a fair few cheaters, good job.


    My conclusion - Valve are going to develop and sell cutting edge cheats for CS and sell them now. Genius gabe.

    I feel like valve wouldn't have pushed out the new purchase prime to play mm feature if they didn't trust their new VAC anti-cheat that they have been working on for quite some time

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