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Everything posted by Scrobbesbyrig

  1. are names our too similar switch urs. Nice to meet you fam
  2. So its that time again for another CoD game. Except this time its WW2 again, you would think that they would be going back to their routes of what CoD gaming was, but, I actually find it boring now, if it wasn't for the slow gameplay (which is a shocker for me, because I see it people talking about how "fast-paced" it is on the CoD forums), the too-large-for-16-players maps only adds to the march you make to your inevitable death. You still have janky spawns (spawning you too FAR from the action and making it nigh impossible for you to quickly get back into the pace, OR it spawns you right as the enemy has thrown a grenade on your feet)) its the terrible way they've loaded out the new "class" division. So I'm going to make this as short as I can, you have specific weapon attachments and unique attachments for "divisions", such as one division gives you access to Suppressors and another gives access to shotgun incendiary rounds etc) and you have to select a division for each custom class slot. It essentially forces another layer of customisation that is and was unwanted in the first place. However, I didn't get much time to play the Beta, as it crashed more than 4 times in under a hour, something I hope they fix before its release. Overall, I feel disappointed by what was once a pretty "average" game series, where fun was just around the corner in each round I played, and where I actually felt challenged by the players, not the game itself as it continued to fight me at every turn by stamping my graphics card from 40 fps to 3. Anyways, here's some gameplay from my "first" match, as I spent almost 20 minutes just sorting out the graphics to the point it didn't crash me when I decided to walk 3 steps through Gibraltar. PS. I'm not mentioning the BS "muh historical accuracy" thing, as much as it annoys every autistic bone in my body, It was more to do with customisation of character and a pathetic attempt at saving money (and probably some whiny bitch on the development team idk), as they would of had to create 2 copies of the game for the Censored nations (germany,israel etc) and for the sane nations (un-cucked everywhere else) and god help activision for wanting to save a little dollar aye?
  3. Shotguns are way too laughable in this game
  4. this game was definitely a fun one to play. Speaking of anime betrayals, jamie takes number one Little snip of last night
  5. I legit just saw this from a streamer I watched and holy crap this could be so fun http://store.steampowered.com/app/674940/Stick_Fight_The_Game/ For a game thats only £4, thats some good quality right there
  6. is it literally autists just touching each other up and being awkward as fuck
  7. "You show me yours and I'll show you mine" was my fav
  8. ok lol, doesn't show my first game playing this and that was 63K/21A/26D
  9. Played this yesterday, was actually quite fun, the combat is quick & merciless and Im enjoying it so far, for a free-to-play its fucking decent. A obligatory "keiji is a god at every game he picks up" screenshot
  10. Scrobbesbyrig


    I;ll download it again, devs are obviously doing okay because they are making another game on same engine based on the Eastern Front, so they have been making improvments. So yeah, i'll download it again, fun as shit, but just gotta be cool with the idea you get shot once by a rifle your dead
  11. To be the armchair politician that leads to this
  12. Spent about 5 minutes trying to look for a boss baby scene but I just couldn't do it anymore.... Happy birthday buddy 'ol pal, think you should bring back the 2014 Venga for the day so we can hear that lovely charismatic guy again. x
  13. I wonder what game Keiji likes that only he plays in OB. Verdun? Insurgency? Crysis 2? The Division? Or Democracy 3? Running with rifles? Imperial Glory, the old Strategy game? Age of Empires 2? hmmmm.... 2 games that I always play are a game called Survarium right now, some gay free-to-play FPS, real ez to kill russian noobs & Stellaris, a space-empire strat.game.
  14. happy birthday Sam.M, I would give you a knife for a birthday present, but as I was driving past London I saw this:
  15. When are you going to inform harrison of his white & ableist privilege? he's old enough to know the truth that he's everything thats wrong with the world happy birthday for da little guy
  16. This is why i fucking blocked you
  17. Mfw Cercei little incest kid is gonna be a dwarf or some horrible monster and she gon'feel bad 'bout tyrion and shieet
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